NWCS Spring 2013 – Week 11 – 05/11/2013

No, no, I did not forget and yes we do have Chinese school tomorrow!  Just got home later than expected and therefore delayed this weekly email.  Hi everyone, I hope that everyone had a wonderful week and enjoyed some of the nice weather.  My kids have been suffering from allergies, but with the long awaited rain, it has provided some relief. 

A reminder to the teachers, please continue to work on your class posters. They are due back next Saturday, 5/18. 

Guess what, this Sunday is Mother’s Day!  No worries, if you have not purchase a gift, our board member, Ms. Cindy Huang, will have a Mother’s Day Gift shop tomorrow at our cafeteria.  So come and buy something special!  My kids asked me, what do I want for Mother’s Day?  I looked at them and thought to myself, I want to be a mother that they can be proud of, a mother that can teach them right from wrong, teach them honesty and integrity and protect them from harm …. But looking at their expectant eyes and seeing the candy bars they were hiding behind their backs, I said “I want lots of candy bars”.  They pretended to be disappointed and said “Oh no, I guess we got her the wrong gift”  then high five each other when they thought I was not looking.  (Sigh) What Mothers do … I just hope they know that once they can work and start earning money, their mom is not going to want just some stinking candy bars …. J   Just kidding (I think).

Our academic dean has reviewed and concluded the results of our contests. We will be announcing the results next week.  Also we have 3 students participated in the ACS Speech Contest and they did wonderfully.  I will be sharing their pictures next week as well.  Congratulations to all the participants for a job well done.

There were many students who participated in all the contest events and we would like to hear feedback from the parents so that we can continue to make improvement to these events.  I personally had a great time observing our students’ progress.  When our 4B teacher, Ms. Ruey-Ching Chen, learned that one of her students was one of the winners, she said “… it is so rewarding to see the students show what they have learned … it makes all the hard work (and headache) worth while”.

Don’t forget to order your lunch here.

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org