6/1 OPEN HOUSE — Come and See

NWCS will host an Open House on Saturday, June 1, from 10AM-12PM at the Briarcliff Middle School (located at 444 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510). We offer language classes PK thru Grade12 and a variety of Chinese cultural electives – painting, calligraphy, origami, dance, chess, martial arts, SAT Prep and more.  All are welcomed. Visit our website at www.nwcsny.org or email chairperson@nwcsny.org  for more information.

The following is a flier for the event:

  • http://nwcsny.org/docs/Open_House_Flier-2013-1.pdf


OPEN HOUSE – 北威中文學校

北威中文學校將於6月1日,星期六上午10時至中午12時在 BRIARCLIFF中學舉辦開放日。BRIARCLIFF中學位於444 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor,NY10510。我們學校提供的語言班從PK到12年级和各種中國文化選修課 – 繪畫,書法,摺紙,舞蹈,象棋,武術,SAT準備等等。當日將可目睹各個年级所展现的作品。歡迎大家來参觀。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站在www.nwcsny.org或電子郵件chairperson@nwcsny.org