NWCS Spring 2013 – Week 14 – 06/08/2013

Hallelujah! It is the final week of the school year! Bravo everyone, you made it … and your kids too! J

Well, tomorrow is the final, and I hope that everyone has been studying hard. If not, no worries, you still have more than 12 hours until school starts tomorrow at 9am. We are expecting a lot of rain tonight so what better way to pass the time then by studying Chinese. Good luck to everyone!

I will also be visiting each class to deliver the long awaited trophies and certificates for all the winners and participants of the language contests held in April. Congratulations to everyone! (Don’t tell the kids yet so they can concentrate on their studying and be surprised tomorrow in class).

At 10:15am, our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes will be having their MOVING UP DAY ceremony in the theatre. Pre-K and Kindergarten parents: please wait for your kids in the theatre and the teachers will bring them there to meet you! Other parents, you are certainly welcome to join us in the theatre, and join me in remembering the good old days when our kids were at that cute and adorable age and forget how they are today for a few moments. J

After the 3rd hour class, yes, we still have the 3rd hour class, I hope everyone is heading to the picnic where we are going to have lots of good food and fun games with good friends … the storm looks like it will pass by then so, but if not, we will be under a large pavilion so it will just be fun and cozy! There will be games to keep the kids occupied and hopefully ready for bed when they leave! So be a good sport and come join us!

Registration continues. Remember the late fees policy will be enforced this year. If you have any questions about the registration, please email the registrar@nwcsny.org .

We will be updating our website over the summer so check it out once in a while and I hope to see everyone back in September!

If you are not going to the picnic, don’t forget to order your lunch here

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org