Happy 4th of July and ….

Happy 4th of July everyone,

I hope that everyone is enjoying the hot summer weather and celebrating Independence Day safely. Please also remember to register as the deadline is fast approaching. 

The real purpose of this email was to share some news with you. I wish I was bringing you good news, but instead we will be saying good bye to one of our teachers, Ms. Jennifer Huang.

Jennifer is moving to California this summer, following her husband who has accepted a job offer on the West coast.

Jennifer and her family have been with the NWCS for many years. Her daughter was in the 7B class and her son in 2B. Jennifer herself was our Treasurer one year and later taught 6B, and mostly recently the 1B class. She also tutors many students, including several of the Adult Chinese Conversation students. Jennifer is known for her creativity and organization skills which were evident in last year’s Family Fun Cultural Day that she coordinated (see pictures on our Facebook). Jennifer also introduced the Chinese curriculum to Kennedy High School, where she just completed teaching her first year.

I know many of you have gotten to know her over the years. I have personally become good friends with Jennifer. We attended many teacher training classes together; the ACS Conferences … and she was there for me during some of my not too pleasant times. She was also the only one who ever bought me 99 roses!!!!!! I asked why not 100? She said “I have to leave one for your husband to buy for you otherwise he would have nothing to do” (The truth was that the store owner was selling them super cheap like buy 1 get 98 free during the hurricane!). Anyway, my husband said he will buy me one, while he has been tracking the radar for the next hurricane. :-)

Needless to say I am feeling very sad, but also happy for Jennifer in her new venture. I know she will always be there for me and with the time difference, I can continue to call her at 12 midnight and it will only be 9 her time. Hmmmm , sweet! I didn’t think about that. :-)

So I am collecting to purchase a gift for her. If you are interested in participating, please send me an email and let me know how much and send me the check to 194 Riverview Drive, Fishkill, NY 12524, payable to Eileen Lee with the memo indicating gift for Jennifer Huang. I will add your name to the card and gift.

I will see her on Saturday, 7/13, so I need to know by Thursday, 7/11!

Please join me in wishing Jennifer and her family a wonderful journey and to remind her that once an NWCSer, always an NWCSer.

Jennifer, we will miss you! (I already do). As you know, in Chinese, we don’t say good bye, we say “See You Again”! So see you Again, Jennifer!

——————————————————- 李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee 北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013 ——————————————————- GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org