NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 04 – 10/05/2013

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>

Date: 10/4/2013 10:02 PM

I apologize that this weekly message is so late! I originally was going to work from home then decided to go in to attend two meetings in person … and before you know it, I was the last person to leave the office … in any case, I hope that everyone had a great week. The Indian summer was a pleasant surprise … last chance to put on those shorts before putting them away for the year …

We have school next Saturday, 10/12. Originally we had the day off, however, if you recall, we had to delay our first day of school by one week due to the hosting school being under construction. Therefore in order for us to make up the lost week, we decided to use the October 12th date to make up for the day instead of extending our Fall semester by one week.

Thanks to our parent’s input, we are changing our Thanksgiving weekend off to 11/30. So we have school on 11/23. We will update the calendar to reflect this change.

Last week, we had a very productive board meeting. Thanks to those parents who came and joined us. We discussed the financial status, curriculum and student enrollment. Other topics discussed were what equipment we need to support our teachers. Our teachers are not allowed to use the smartboards in the classroom and not allowed to erase whatever is left on the white boards by the regular school teachers. Many times the teachers have a limited area to write upon while teaching … with the technology advancing by the second (it does feel like that, doesn’t it), we thought providing projectors for our teachers will allow them to utilize their laptops, making it easier to share material with the students.

Speaking of projectors, I am sure that many of you remember that one of our teachers, Ms. Jennifer Huang, who taught 6B and 1B in our school moved to California over the summer. We collected money as a farewell gift for her. Ms. Huang decided to use that money for our school! She purchased 3 projectors and donated them to our school. Here is a BIG THANK YOU to Ms. Huang! We miss you! I am still trying to talk to her about doing an online course for our students … J

Ok, I have lots of stories to tell but it is getting late so I will save them for next week!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be one time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org