NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 08 – 11/2/2013

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>

Date: 11/1/2013 8:39 PM

Happy November! I actually was a little sad to see October coming to an end … it was a very colorful and fun month. You can see the changes in the trees practically every day … love all the different phases. Then there is the apple picking, pumpkin carving, hot cider drinking … and we have our friends over at our house every weekend and we have the hot pot and the Korean BBQ. Although I don’t like to cook, I have many friends that are good cooks and they know my kitchen better than me. LOL This is the beginning of perfect weather for all the fun cooking … we cook the BBQ so much the smoke filled the house and we set off not just one, not two, but three alarms in the house … it was going off for a while. Ahhhh…. good times with good friends … what more can one ask for. And to top that off, I hope everyone, like us, ended the month on a sweet note by getting tons of candy trick or treating!

Let’s start November on a fun note too….by studying Chinese! We are well into our week 8. My sons’ teacher did not give them homework since they just had their midterm! (How thoughtful!) Instead they just have to listen to their Chinese song and start practicing it. Listening to the familiar melody, I started to look up some of the old songs that I still hear my mom and dad sing. There were a ton on YouTube, and of course I played it really loud and started to sing along … There was this song called “I only care about you” (yes, a love song) and one part says “ … 不可惜 bù kě xī …” (it implies “no regret” in the song). My husband, who was sitting next to me enjoying (more like being tortured) my talent, jumped up and said excitedly “ you just sang ‘you are welcome’ … I thought I recognized the words”… He thought I sang “… 不客氣 bú kè qì …” I told him very good! (close enough) and asked him “Do you want to hear another one and see what other words you can recognize?” Hey, why ruin his excitement and interrupt my singing … (How thoughtful on my part).

I don’t know about you but I have started my gift list for the holiday … well, okay, I have started a list for me. Our chairman, Calvin and webmaster, Harry, posted a link to Amazon on our site! All you need to do is go to our school site www.nwcsny.org and click on the Amazon link and continue to purchase as you normally do … and we, NWCS, will get a % from your purchases! What better way to help the school, while doing one of your favorite things to do, shopping! I hope you all will make your purchases thru our school’s website! Thank you!

Last but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org