NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 09 – 11/9/2013

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>

Date: 11/8/2013 8:54 PM

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone remembered to turn back the clock this past Sunday morning … my girlfriend sent me a reminder “Don’t forget to set your time back!!!” I told her “Ok, I will set my time back to when I was 20!” Oh well, it obviously did not work so I guess I will settle for an hour. Well, with the extra hour, I hope everyone had enough rest and is ready for Chinese School tomorrow!

Now that we are busy planning for the next holiday… who is making the turkey… who is making the dessert …. Etc…our kids are all excited about the next big holiday and working on their Christmas list. My 18 year old stepson asked me if I can get this ridiculously expensive electronic thing (after hearing the price, I kind of lost interest in any other details) for him for Christmas, I said “… you think money grows on trees? …” He said to me “… well, technically, yes! “, then he went on explain how money is made of paper and paper is made from trees … blah blah blah, looking at his proud grin, I let him enjoy his moment a little longer, then said “fine, I will give you the money and you can go get it yourself” He was so touched and speechless … I then told him “and I will even ask your dad to help you cut down any tree of your choice from the backyard … that’s how much I want to give you the gift, because you are so smart”.

So what do we have for tomorrow, oh, yes, SMILE! Everyone, we are having our class pictures taken. So dress nice and neat and be ready to say CHEESE ………… in Chinese. (Ask your teacher how to say it).

A special request to our Kung Fu class parents, if you can come to the classroom tomorrow at 11:10am for a quick meeting, I would like to discuss a few items and hear your input. For those who cannot attend, I will send a message out to you during the week.

I have two high school students available to tutor kids in math, so if anyone is interested, please let me know.

Over the winter break, I will be working with the webmaster to put together a list of tutors for Chinese who will be available to our NWCS families.

And our chair of the Board, Calvin, asked that I remind everyone of the following:

1. U$E your Amazon account through our school WEBSITE and buy things to help earn $$ for NWCS, your favorite Chinese School.


2. SMILE – Please greet other dedicated parents at the cafeteria! We know we have the friendliest parents here. So Smile and say ‘glad to see you’. (Especially tomorrow, it is the Picture Day!)


3. WHAT IS UP? General Meeting on 11/16. Come, learn, ask, and contribute.


Last but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org