NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 12 – 01/04/2014

From: NWCS Principal Date: 01/04/2014

Happy 2014!!!!! Welcome back everyone. I hope you are all ready to return to Chinese School for our week 12. I know I am …. Sort of.

I was a little worried when I saw the snow storm warning during the week and said to myself “Not Again1” but it all worked out! It is going to be cold, but with the sun shining on us, it should be a wonderful day! The hosting school assured us that the parking lot will be cleared and the school is open for our use. So I hope to see everyone tomorrow.

Well, the holidays sure come and go fast … and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and received everything that they asked for … well, if you have not, there is one more chance … we will start selling our raffle tickets tomorrow for all our great prizes … our New Year celebration is on Saturday, 1/18/2014 and our big prize is the newest iPad Air (donated by NWCS board members)!!!!! Buy your raffle tickets tomorrow and good luck on winning the big prize.

Classes will be having their rehearsals tomorrow in the high school auditorium. If you have not notified our Vice Principal, Shuna Awong, please do so. Every year we have our NWCS annual Chinese Celebration with each class wearing their Chinese outfits and performing on stage. Teachers have been working hard and the students are all excited. At the end of the celebration, each student will get a Red Envelope from the Principal. It is a happy time shared by all. I hope all of you can make plans to join us and welcome the New Year together!

For celebration details, please see Ms. Shuna Awong tomorrow. If you are available to help, see Shuna right away!!!!

Last, but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org