NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 13 – 01/11/2014

From: NWCS Principal Date: 1/10/2014 6:00 PM

Brrrrrrrr! What a cold week that was … It was -15 with the wind chill … I hope everyone managed to stay warm, one way or another … Well, tomorrow is going to be in the 50s … I consider that a heat wave compared to what we had earlier this week!

Well, here we are, week 13! One more week to our big performances next Saturday on the 18th! I had the opportunity to review the performance list and I can’t wait for everyone to see them … It will be great and you will all enjoy it, you have my personal guarantee.

Our Vice Principal, Ms. Shuna Awong , continues to work her … um hum, continues to work diligently to coordinate the exciting day! Here is a message from Shuna:

Our Chinese New Year party is next week – Jan 18th as follows:
10:00 am to 11:45 – class performances – High School Auditorium
Noon to 1:30 – lunch – High School Cafeteria
1:30 – 3:30 – carnival – Middle School Cafeteria

Please support NWCS by buying your lunch tickets tomorrow. As we will be ordering lunch boxes for each ticket sold, there will be no sales on the day of the party.

In addition, we need volunteers to help with the lunch service, carnival games, video-taping the performances, photographer for the performances. Please see Shuna Awong (Vice-Principal) to buy tickets and to volunteer. (Note: Shuna’s emails are Vice-Principal@nwcsny.org or Shuna.Awong@gmail.com)

Any help is greatly needed and appreciated!

Also, don’t forget to buy your tickets for the raffle. Our big prize is the newest iPad Air (donated by NWCS board members) – good luck on winning the big prize!!!!! See Francine, our board member who also helps out every week at the Coffee Station, for tickets. Thanks for those who purchased the tickets and good luck to all!

Finally, the breakfast club is pleased to announce that the Chinese buns now on sale are home-made by a local baker, right here in Westchester. These went on sale last week for the first time and if you missed it then, don’t miss it this time. They are good!

After the 18th, we have our last class for the Fall Semester, week 14, on January 25th.

Last but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org