NWCS Spring Week 03 – 03/08/2014

From: NWCS Principal

Date: 3/7/2014 9:45 PM

Hello Everyone,

The weather is finally getting a little warmer … as a matter of fact, tomorrow looks like it will be a very nice day! I believe that the temperature is going to be close to 50. I hope everyone is planning to spend lots of time outdoors … after the Chinese School of course.

So what is happening tomorrow?! I received an email from Ms. Murray, 1A and Dance class teacher. She said last Saturday she asked her son, Parlan 崔鍾楷 who is in the 11th grade, to help a student in her class who missed week 1 and needed some extra help. So after helping his mom’s student, Parlan asked if he could offer his help to others during the 3rd hour. Could he? Of course! I am so proud and happy that he displayed such leadership and dedication! Parlan will be helping students with their Chinese homework, practice reading, pronunciation, and grammar exercise. I hope you will take advantage of it and come to room 106 at 11:05. Thank you, Parlan!

Tomorrow is the last day to order the wonderful New Year Celebration book! Stop by the cafeteria and place your order!

Oh yeah! Our secretary, Mike Andrews, would like to inform everyone of an upcoming event next Saturday 3/15. Here is the message from Mike:


On Saturday, March 15, from 9:15 until 11:00 a.m., in the cafeteria, Ms. Vickie Chiang and her colleagues will host a seminar to give an overview on family finance service, especially to address topics on:

· How to prepare and manage your kids’ education fund without impacting grant/scholarship qualification?

· How future Americans can afford their kids’ education cost? Should government, society, parents, or students pay the bill?

· In a fluctuating market, how to manage risk and return? Is there a balanced portfolio that can achieve both? How can we save enough for our kids’ education as well as retirement?

They have generously offered a base donation of $100 and an additional $10 for every feedback sheet they receive at the end of the seminar.


So make sure you come and fill out a feedback sheet! J

And don’t forget to spring your clock forward one hour Saturday night … which means we lose one hour. Yikes!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org