NWCS Spring Week 04 – 03/15/2014

From: NWCS Principal Date: 3/14/2014 9:59 PM

Hi Everyone,
So tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day! I hope you are ready to learn Chinese ….

Last Saturday we had our monthly board meeting. Many important topics were discussed, among them the marketing of our school was a top priority. We welcome you to share your ideas with us.

Originally we had a seminar scheduled for tomorrow but we had to cancel due to the sponsor’s travel plan. We are working to reschedule and will keep you posted.

Next Saturday, 3/22 is the Parent Teacher Conference. Come chat with your teachers and together we can work as a team to continue to make our school a great place for our kids to learn Chinese.

I always have to help my twins with their Chinese homework, especially the sentence portion. Trying to get them to use the right sentence structure is like pulling teeth. They don’t understand the importance of understanding the grammar. Recently they did their sentence homework on their own and in record speed too. I took one look at the sentences and the proud looks on their faces. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. I told them the sentences don’t make any sense. They said, “Of course they do, we wrote them in Chinese!”.

I went into my home office and wrote something and handed it to them and said, your friend called about the concert for next week. They read it and looked at me, and read the note again. I overheard one talking to the other…He said, “What the heck does it say?” I said, “What is the matter?” They said to me, “Come on Mom, what is this? It does not make any sense.” I said, “Of course it does, I wrote it in English. ” They rolled their eyes while I read the note, “I hear say music party people mountain people sea. No more seat. If you want to see, only standing see. Please tell me you want leave or standing see.”

I have to admit, I started laughing while reading half way through, which annoyed the twins even more.

I told them, knowing the words is only half of the learning process. Knowing how to use the words properly is just as important. I told them the note says “I heard the concert is going to have a huge crowd. There are no more seats available. If you still want to go, it is standing room only. So you need to decide if you still want to go.” And …. your so called sentences sound just like the note. They said they used Google translate …. I told them Google translate is to help, but not construct the whole sentence. That requires knowledge that they are learning at the Chinese School. Back to the desk they go… Sigh!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org