NWCS Spring Week 12 – 05/17/2014

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 5/16/2014 9:13 PM



我教的是一年級B班和”中國語言第一級”。班上總共有十二個學生。每個都非常勇敢的,毫不猶豫的走到教室前面演講。他們的頭一下向上一下向下認真的強調四聲音調, 十分可愛。(我只怕他們以後講中國話改不了這個頭向上向下的習慣) 。我的一個學生輪到她時, 她大大方方的上台開始演講 , 大家好,我的名字是某某某,我……她忽然停下來,低頭看著她的手指……你能聽到她小聲的數她的手指“一,二,三…..”, .然後,她抬起頭來繼續演講 …… 七歲…… 。評判們都無法掩飾他們臉上的笑容。

在幼稚園班上,一位小學生很害羞,不要演講…..最後評判之一跟小學生說,”怎麼樣? 我們都轉過身,面對著牆,所以我們不會看你!” 沒有想到真有效, 小學生就看評判們的背面完成了她的演講。嘿嘿! 這位評判真厲害! 佩服! 佩服!

高年級的學生大約有30至40名學生參加。評判們告訴我,學生們實際上雖然很緊張, 他們還是很專心的完成! 我們將在五月三十一日公佈獲獎者。



我們這學年的最後一天是六月七日! 希望大家踴躍參加學校的年終野餐。


Hello everyone,
Last week our students had their contests and I am very happy to say that we had a very good turnout.

My class is the 1B and Introduction to the Chinese Language level 1 and we have total of 12 kids. They were so brave, and each one went up to the front of the room without any hesitation. They bobbed their heads up and down stressing the tones … (I just hope they don’t get stuck talking like that when they speak Chinese in the future! J). One student started out saying, “Hi everyone, my name is so and so , I am …” she stopped and looked at her fingers … you can hear her whispering one, two, three … then she looked up “… 7 years old …”. The judges couldn’t hide the smiles on their faces.

In the Kindergarten class, one student was shy and did not want to make the speech. One of the judges, who is also a mom, said to the student, how about we all turn around and face the wall so we won’t look at you. It worked! The student finished her speech while looking at the back of the judges’ heads! Hey, whatever works.

For the higher grades, about 30 to 40 students participated. Overall, I heard positive feedback from the judges. They were very proud of the students and so am I. We will announce the winners (which are all the kids who participated!) on May 31.

Next Saturday, we have no school. Some of our teachers are spending their Memorial Day weekend in Washington DC attending the Annual Chinese Association Conference. In the conference, the teachers share and exchange teaching ideas, good websites for teaching material, and learn from each other, passing on tips on how to make the teaching fun and productive for our kids.

We will resume school on May 31st which is also our Open House! Please spread the word and invite your family and friends to come visit our wonderful school.

Last day of school is June 7th! We will have our annual Pre-K and Kindergarten Moving Up Day in the theatre. Come and join me in congratulating the kids and parents.

We will end the school year with a Northern Westchester Chinese School Year End Picnic, where you will enjoy good food and great company! See our Vice Principal, Shuna Awong, in the cafeteria for more information. If you can help, that would be wonderful!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org