NWCS Spring Week 13 – 05/30/2014

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 5/30/2014 8:19 PM


歡迎大家回來學校。 不敢相信再兩個星期這學年就結束了。時間過得好快哦!


這個星期六是我們的年度學校開放參觀日。請大家告訴大家, 誠懇邀請大家明天來捧場。


下週六的期末考試和第三個小時的課結束後,請大家參加學校的年終野餐… 大家一起歡迎暑假, 同時利用這個機會跟我們北威的朋友說“再見” 。 副校長將在餐廳賣票。


我們網站專家,彭博士,在Google找到了新工作, 他們全家要搬到加州了。 彭博士一直熱心的幫助學校許多年,網站,文件管理和新的在線註冊流程體系。彭博士的太太也是學校的財務主管。我將購買一個告別和感謝的禮物給彭博士及彭太太。如果您有興趣的話, 請到餐廳來找我和簽名。


我想很多人都知道,我們有一個工藝美術導師。她叫Terry Taylor。 她的女兒從幼兒園 就在我們的學校。 Terry 最受歡迎的活動是畫臉 , 孩子們都非常喜愛。 她曾經代表我們學校參加一個活動, 她全天做臉部繪畫。 結果, 其他學校 也要 求她 到 他們的學校教。J Terry 有一本新書, 我想與大家分享。 如果您想在暑假期間 與您的孩子做些有趣的手工藝,請看看這本書。




Hello Everyone,

Welcome back! I hope that you enjoyed the extra time last Saturday. Can you believe that this is the 2nd to last Saturday for Chinese School?


It is our Annual Open House tomorrow! Please spread the word! Invite everyone you know to come visit. The more the merrier!


Next Saturday after the final exams and the 3rd hour classes , we are having our Year End Blast Picnic. We will welcome the summer and also have a chance to say “See you again” to all of our NWCS friends.

See the message below from our Vice Principal, Shuna Awong.



Don’t forget to buy your tickets tomorrow for our year-end picnic, which will be held next Saturday at Sprain Ridge Park from 12 noon to 3:30pm.

We can also use help setting up and grilling at the picnic or if you can bring (contribute) small items to the picnic, that will be greatly appreciated. Below are links for the parks and for signing-up to bring small food items.

For tickets and all other questions, please see me at the cafeteria tomorrow.






Speaking of “see you again”, our webmaster, Charles Perng, and his family are moving to California. Charles has been hired by Google and he is moving his family to the West coast. Charles has been helping the school for many years, website, document management and the new on line registration process system. It is sad to see him leave and at the same time, we are very happy for his new endeavor. Charles is already in California for a couple of weeks while his wife, Sylvia, stayed behind with their kids to complete Chinese School and regular school until the end of June.


For those who are interested, I will be collecting to purchase a farewell and appreciation gift for Charles and Sylvia, come see me tomorrow and sign the card too.


Many of you know that we have an Arts and Craft class. Our instructor is Terry Taylor whose daughter has been with our school since kindergarten.


Terry’s face painting is the most popular event that the kids love. As a matter of fact, she represented our school at an event doing face painting and was approached by other schools to teach at their schools as well. Parents at other schools use her class to negotiate with their kids for going to Chinese School. :-)


Terry has a new book that I would like to share with you. If you are looking for crafts to do with your kids during the summer, check this out!


See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org