NWCS Year End Message from the Chairman

From: “NWCS Chairperson chairperson@nwcsny.org [nwcs-all]” <nwcs-all@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 6/4/2014 3:43 PM


 1 早晨醒來感謝上天賜予的每個新的一天,讓我們有新的契機。
 2 有期末考試的同學,請準備這個星期六的期末考試。
 3 這個星期六是一年一度的野餐會。還沒有買餐卷並且想要參加的人,請點擊下面的連結並登記,以方便我們清點人數,於星期六付清餘款。YEAREND PICNIC 
 4 感謝中文老師的教導。
 5 在7月5號前完成下學年中文學校的註冊,學費有優惠喔!http://sis.nwcsny.org
 6 如果選修課老師沒有公布取消, 十一點的選修課照常舉行。
 7 讓我們恭喜上次開會選舉出來的新幹部:
 董事會新成員 Mike Andrews, David Quinn (還有一位從缺)
 校長 李宜蓉
 主任 王學勤
 副校長 Shuna Awong


First, on behalf of the board, staff, and teachers thank you for committing to the future of your children and your families by being a part of NWCS.  We are grateful for all the time we spent together and your volunteer time keeps our school a great place to be.

Important things to remember:

1.  wake up and be grateful for the opportunity to do something special with your lives each day

2. study for the finals on Saturday (for those classes who have finals)

3. YEAREND PICNIC – Sprain Ridge Park $15 for adults and $10 for children 6/7 buy tickets at picnic and pay there on Saturday

4. THANK your teachers

5. Register for the 2014-2015 school year by July 5, 2014 to save $$.  LINK

6. 11AM electives are on unless your instructor told you no

7. Election Results – Congratulate the following:

Mike Andrews and David Quinn as new board members – we need one more
Eileen Lee as principal
Hsuei-Chin Wang as Dean
Shuna Awong as Vice Principal
Remember that you are ambassadors for our school through how much Chinese you speak, write and use.  I am not a native speaker and will continue to learn and get better through your support and conversation.  Thanks again!


Calvin Chin陳健林



Posted by: NWCS Chairperson <chairperson@nwcsny.org>