NWCS Spring Week 14 – 06/07/2014

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 6/6/2014 9:34 PM



首先,你們都應該非常高興,因為明天就是學校這學年的最後一天。這是一個不小的成就。我敬佩你的奉獻和努力也很為你感到驕傲!喔, 差點忘了說, 孩子們也做的不錯啦。哈哈 …


其實我們都知道, 今天如果沒有我們做父母的堅持及強迫,加上老師耐心的教導我們的孩子,幾乎是不可能達到了這一個里程碑。






我的老公跟我去皇后區法拉盛拿7盒獎杯。我們明天將分發獎杯給得獎者。今晚不要告訴孩子們,他們會過於興奮而無法讀書。 :-)




我們的第三個小時的課程後就是學校年終大野餐!我希望你已經購買票了。如果沒有,請明天早上找Shuna Awong!你不要錯過這一年一次的與你北威的好朋友, 吃好吃的食物, 玩好玩的遊戲, 一起來歡迎美好的暑假!



Hi Everyone,

First of all, you should all pat yourselves on the back because you have made it to the last day of Chinese School. That is no small accomplishment and I applaud you for your dedication and commitment. I am very proud of you! All of you! ….. Oh of course, the kids did a good job too. :-) All kidding aside, we have reached another milestone, and it is not without the parents’ persistence and the teachers putting up with our kids.

So, we have a very busy day tomorrow!

First, we have the final exams! It is a way for the teachers to see how much of their hard work has been absorbed, so study hard and good luck to everyone!

My husband helped me pick up the 7 boxes of trophies from Flushing in Queens. We will be distributing the trophies to all the winners. Don’t tell the kids tonight. They will get too excited and not able to study. :-)

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes are having their moving up day ceremony in the theatre at 10:30 am and I hope you will all come and congratulate them. For many of them, this is the very first of the many diplomas / certificates they will receive.

Last, but not least, after our 3rd hour class, we are having our year end picnic blast! I hope you have purchased your tickets. If not, please see Shuna Awong first thing in the morning! You don’t want to miss this once a year celebration with good food, good fun, and good friends from your NWCS family!


Vice Principal, Ms. Shuna Awong, wants to share the following info with you:


The location and direction are following:

Sprain Ridge Park, 149 Jackson Avenue, Yonkers 10705.


Get on the southbound Taconic Pkwy from Briarcliff Middle school.

Continue on Sprain Brook Pkwy.

Take the Jackson Ave exit in Greenburgh.

Turn R on Jackson Ave.

Continue onto Old Jackson Ave.

Slight L onto Jackson Ave.

The park entrance is on your L. Follow the sign for the “pavilion”. It is a short drive up the hill.

We will have a map and directions printed for those who need in the cafeteria.


Our Art teacher, Terry Taylor, also has books for you to purchase tomorrow and you can get it signed too!


See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org