NWCS 2014-09-13-Week01

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 9/11/2014 3:28 PM

大家好, 歡迎回來北威中文學校!


首先,請大家準備好你的中文學校書包,筆記本,以及暑假作業(什麼?暑假作業……不必驚慌,你還有48小時去趕功課 )。別忘了早點睡覺,我們會在星期六一大早八點四十五分在學校體育館集會。

有幾個新的家庭將在星期六參觀學校,他們可能會到你的教室。所以請大家要打招呼,說 ’嗨,你好嗎?’來 歡迎他們。


這學年,我們經歷了較低的入學率,但要直到第4週時才會知道學生總數。因為入學率較低,所以我們必須合併一些班級。我們已經與老師們討論,老師們了解同時也做好準備。  老師們, 辛苦了。



好了,我們的主席認為我的每週電子郵件中說得太多…他不明白我有這麼多的故事…哎! 我想我就講到這裡吧!


Welcome back! My NWCS family,

How was everyone’s summer?  I can’t wait to see everyone and hear all about it!   I missed the breakfast club all summer too. :-)

But first please look for your Chinese School backpacks, notebooks, and the summer homework (What?  Summer home work?  Okay …. you still have like another 48 hours, so don’t panic …) and get a good night sleep and we will see you bright and early at 8:45 am on Saturday in the Gym for a quick assembly.

Several new families will be visiting the school so they can decide upon which class to enroll.  They might visit your classes so please say hi, how are you? (in Chinese please) and welcome them.  I am counting on you to make us proud.

We had quite a successful year last year although we did have two incidents with the classrooms.  We are asking everyone to continue to your due diligence and take good care of the class rooms and school property.   Thank you!

This year we experienced lower enrollment but the final numbers won’t be available until the 4th week when we cut off the late registrations.  However, we needed to arrange for teachers and classrooms over the summer, so therefore we had to combine some of the classes.  The teachers were informed and are all prepared for the new structure.

So what did we do over the summer?  Several teachers went for training and brought back valuable teaching ideas which they shared during the teacher meeting.

We are also going to pilot a new Conversation Book (still work in progress) named “LET’S CHAT”  (in Chinese of course).  I am personally very excited to share it with the teachers, and their enthusiasm is contagious.  I have a real good feeling about this initiative!  So NWCS, Let’s Chat!

Ok, our chairperson thinks I talk too much during my weekly email … but he doesn’t understand I just have so much to share … I guess I am going to save my stories for later, we do have 28 weeks together so I should pace them.

See you on Saturday!  Classes start at 9am (well, for the first class, be at school at 8:45am)  sharp.  Please be on time!


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org