NWCS 2014-09-27-Week03

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 9/26/2014 7:36 PM

葉子已經改變他們的顏色。無論你走到哪裡,都可以看到這些美麗鮮豔的色彩。我把自己包裹在緊一件大被窩裡; 喝著熱巧克力, 眼睛緊張的跟著雙胞胎踢橄欖球(實際上我是閉著雙眼) 。你可能會問為什麼呢?唉呀因為那些對方球隊又高又胖的球員(每個至少兩百磅……)緊緊追在我骨瘦如柴的雙胞胎兒子身後……我尖叫“唉呀, 把球丟給別人呀… 胖子要的就是球呀 …”。而我老公趕快遮住我的嘴, 他繼續大聲喊,“凱恩,用力把那個肥*&^&#$ 推倒到地上,凱佑,記得我們練習時學的!低下身用你的肩膀推, 然後掃他的腳,你只需要掃一隻腳,他就會失去平衡。” 唉呀,這種運動太劇烈!…這就是我的孩子需要學習中文的原因。我希望學習中國文化會帶給湯家”動物”一些文明的平衡。唉!




我不知道你是或否也一樣,我已經錯過了早餐俱樂部的飯糰。不過不用擔心,我們的副校長剛通知我,學校有家長會準備的一盤炒麵條又一盤炒飯。 我希望明天能成為第一顧客!希望大家都來捧場!


Happy autumn everyone!


The weather is definitely Fall-like now. The leaves are already starting to change their colors. Everywhere you turn, all you can see are these beautiful vibrant bright colors. Wrapping myself in a big warm blanket; drinking hot cider; and watching my twins play football or should I say covering my eyes while they play football … Why, you might ask? Because those giant players (200 lbs at least …. each) from the other team are chasing closely after my skinny tiny twins who are running for their lives … I am screaming “get rid of the ball … that’s all they want”, while my husband covers my mouth and screams at the top of his lungs, “Ryan, throw the ball! Run faster! Kyle, come up and hit him! Take out the legs! Even the biggest guys will go down when their feet are taken out…just like we practiced!” What a violent sport! …. And that is why my kids need to learn Chinese to strike a balance. I hope that by learning Chinese, it will bring some civilization to the Thomas household … once in a while. Ugh!


We had a productive Parent Meeting. Met many new parents and shared fun stories with one another and also talked about important school information.


For this week, week 03, we are having our monthly Board meeting. All are welcome to attend.


A Registration Reminder from our registrar: Tomorrow is the last chance to make any changes to the classes. No more refunds after tomorrow. Please make sure you see the registrar. Also, those with outstanding balances please use the school online system to pay electronically or bring a check to our registrar. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


Breakfast Club – news on Lunch (from our Vice Principal): I don’t know about you but I have been missing the breakfast club rice roll … even though I am there right at the beginning of the break! Hmmmmm. But no worries, our Vice Principal just notified me that one of our parents will be preparing a tray of noodles and a tray of fried rice for lunch boxes! I hope to be the first one there! Hope to see you all there as well!


See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org