NWCS 2014-10-04-Week04

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/3/2014 4:34 PM

一轉眼已經是十月了!我的孩子們都在問什麼時候可以去採摘蘋果和南瓜!他們不知道,自己採摘的比店裡買的更貴 … 但是我和老公還是每年帶他們去, 為什麼呢? 大人忙, 孩子們比大人更忙。百忙之中很難有家人在一起的時間。不是運動就是音樂。天天跑這裡跑那裡。明天一早準備跑到中文學校裡!哈哈!


上午9:15在中學戲院,我們將展示最近獲獎的功夫電影- 一代宗師(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grandmaster_(film))。影片的時長為108分鐘。10分鐘中場休息,我們預計放映由11:15結束。這部電影是國語對白,英文字幕,PG-13。功夫迷們,不要錯過這部電影。

如果您願意與我們分享想您最喜歡的中國電影或有其他的想法,請告訴陳健林或任何董事會成員我在看電影之前,請大家不要忘了我們的早餐俱樂部。(我需要看到您的購買憑證,然後才能進入影院, 哈哈!)。希望大家告訴大家!


您有沒有注意到商店都開始展示節日產品。萬聖節之後,這是感恩節和聖誕節。我們學校一位家長幫忙使我們的購物更輕鬆。請到這個網址https://smile.amazon.com/,然後選擇您的慈善機構 – 北威中文學校 – 這樣您就可以在Amazon網店購物同時幫助北威中文學校募款。去年,因為您們的購買到達1,100美元, 學校也分享了一部分。謝謝大家!請大家繼續使用這個網址購買,支持您喜愛的學校- 北威中文學校。謝謝!




Happy October Everyone!

It is already the 4th quarter of the year! My kids are asking for apple and pumpkin picking already! They have no idea that those trips actually cost more than if we were to just buy them in the store … but my husband and I are really paying for the family time. With everyone’s busy schedules, we hardly have any quality time together. It is always running here and there for this sport and for that lesson. That said, get ready to run to the Chinese School tomorrow!

So what do we have planned for you?

Chinese Cinema @ NWCS

At 9:15 am in the middle school theater, we will be showing a recent award winning kung fu movie titled the Grandmaster 一代宗師 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grandmaster_(film)). The movie’s duration is 108 minutes. With 10 min intermission, we expect the showing to end by 11:15. The film is in Mandarin with English subtitles and rated PG-13. For kung fu fans, you don’t want to miss this movie!

We have had this idea of showing movies or karaoke, singing Chinese songs, for a while but it took us a little time to put it into action. During one of the recent board meetings, it was one of the ideas – showing Mandarin speaking movies to promote exposure and understanding of Chinese cinema culture. Good job board members!

If you would like share with us your favorite Chinese movies or other ideas, please talk to Calvin or any board member. Before joining us in the theater, please be sure to support our Breakfast Club (actually I need to see the proof of purchase before you can go into the theatre! LOL) . However, you do need to chow down your food outside of the theatre or save it for later. Maybe we can see if we can have the movie in the cafeteria in the future. My family went to a movie theatre in Cape Cod where you can eat and watch the movie. Lots of fun! Hope you can join us tomorrow! Just like the regular theatre, please turn off your cell phone … and all that good stuff.


Shopping at NWCS :-)

Have you noticed that the stores are all starting to display their holiday products. After Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just right around the corner.

One parent helped put this link together to make our shopping easier. Please click this link https://smile.amazon.com/and choose your charity of choice – Northern Westchester Chinese School – so you can SHOP on AMAZON to help NWCS raise $$$$ and keep tuition low. Once you sign in and register us as your charity, you can bookmark this and use this link going forward. Last year we raised over $1,100 through your purchases on Amazon which credited some portion of sales to our school. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please continue to support your favorite school (Northern Westchester Chinese School) by using this link for your everyday needs. Thank you!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org