NWCS 2014-10-11-Week05

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/10/2014 1:32 PM









Hi Everyone,

I know some of you were asking if our school is in session tomorrow. Yes, we most certainly are! I understand this is a long weekend and some of you are taking advantage of the extra day and will be away. Have a safe trip, but please kindly notify your teacher so that he/she knows to plan accordingly.

Speaking about notifying teachers, please make sure you have your teacher and other parents’ contact information. Bookmark our school website (and the Amazon shopping link) so you can get to school information quickly. With the weather getting colder, we will be providing you with updates via the web mainly and we will also rely on our teachers to notify their respective students.

This link takes you to the school calendar letting you know what events we have planned for each week … the other link takes you to a google calendar which I maintain and you can add it to your calendar as well.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015

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