NWCS 2014-10-18-Week06

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/17/2014 7:01 PM




我們走回家時,我問他們“你喜歡中文學校嗎?”……他們看著對方, 在想這是媽媽一個詭計?(我會做這樣的事嗎?)大兒子說:“我不會說我們喜歡,因為我們知道我們有沒有選擇的餘地……但我們習慣了”(10年了總算認命了),小兒子說“我們認識我們的中國朋友們很長一段時間了。”我想我應該感到高興的是,他們知道只要他們想住在我的房子,這是一個必須完成的任務。 


下下週六,11月1日,在9:15開始,蔣女士將來學校舉辦一個小時的教育津貼及退休規劃研討會。如果您有任何問題, 請聯繫我們的董事會成員, 安邁克先生。




Hi Everyone,

I hope that you had a great week and are ready to learn Chinese tomorrow! I have to say, as my twins get older, I don’t have to help them with their Chinese homework as much! The teacher also allows them to use their tablet to do their homework, teaching them to look up Chinese characters using the web. The homework email is also sent to them directly!

So I decided to work from home today and waited for the twins at the bus stop when they were due home. They were busy talking to their friends and making plans for the weekend. I heard they said to their friends that “No, we can never go out on Friday nights because we have to study for our Chinese weekly quizzes”. I thought to myself, I am going to hear more complaining from them about how other kids are lucky etc etc etc. But to my surprise, their friends said “Oh, that’s too bad” and to that, my twins answered “Actually we are fine with it. We are used to it now, and besides we look forward to seeing our friends at the Chinese School. We only see them once a week … “.

On our walk home, I asked them “So you like Chinese School now?”… They looked at each other thinking that it must be a trick question. (Would I do such thing?) One of them said “Well, I wouldn’t say we like it, but since we know we have no choice in the matter … we are used to the routine now” (It only took 10 years)… The other twin said “Yeah, and we know our Chinese friends for a long time now”. I guess I should be pleased with the fact that they know this is a required task as long as they want to live in my house. :-)

Have you been purchasing lunch at our breakfast club? Our Vice Principal would like me to remind everyone that we are now selling lunch boxes ($6 only). Also, if you have any special requests that you would like our cook to try, please let us know! Talk about customer service, only in NWCS!

Looking forward, on Saturday, November 1, beginning at 9:15, Vickie Chiang (fromTransamerica Financial Advisors, Inc,) will host an hour long Education Funding and Retirement Planning seminar in one of the classrooms. Michael Andrews, one of our board members, will keep everyone posted as we finalize the location.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015

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or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org