NWCS 2014-10-25-Week07

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/24/2014 12:40 PM



這個星期六是期中考,我認為父母比孩子更緊張。我的兒子問:“已經期中考試了?”放心,爸爸媽媽!考試只是讓教師評估進展情況來決定是需要教快點, 多點, 慢點,還是少點。

你有看到Zuckerman用中文回答 Q and A ? 我也是昨晚下班 在地鐵站台碰到我們的 董事會成員之一, Francine Fang. 從她那裡聽到的。然後在30分鐘後,我的朋友從加州也給我發電子郵件說:“你應該寫這個”。

Zuckerman用中文打招呼讓大家大吃一驚!然後他接著說他的中文是很糟糕的。他說“中文很難”。 他想學習中文是想與他的新娘 的奶奶交談。我跟我老公說 “多感人呀” 。我老公說:“哎,你不記得我為你爸爸學中文。我跟爸爸說“喝啤酒” 和 “乾杯”。” 他不知道他的兩句中文話差點讓他沒老婆。

Zuckerman說他聽中文的能力比較不好。 他的太太馬上繼續說,他聽英語的能力也不好。哈哈! 真可愛。

明天我們的學校有Briarcliff排球錦標賽, 所以體育館不可用。我們也將在餐廳 保留3桌給他們使用。


Hello Everyone,

I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally had to take out my winter coat this week! Yes, denial stage is over. So how was everyone’s week? Besides being cold and wet.

This Saturday is the midterm and I think that the parents are more nervous than the kids. My sons asked “It’s Midterm already?!” Relax, Mom and Dad! Exams and quizzes are some of the ways for our teachers to assess the student’s progress and make adjustments either to accelerate, slow down or just modify the teaching technique. The teachers have been attending training from the Association of Chinese Schools, so they will use all that they learned (tricks or tips) to drill the Chinese language into our kids, one way or the other. J

Have you heard that Mark Zuckerman of Facebook fame did a Q&A in China…. entirely in mandarin? I first heard of it from Francine, one of our board members, when we ran into each other on the subway platform and learned that there was yet another delay. Thirty minutes later, when I was on the Metro North, my friend from California sent the link about it to me and said “You should write about this”. If you have not seen it, check it out. It is pretty good.

He surprised everyone by greeting them in Chinese! Then he went on to say that his Chinese was terrible. I love the way he was obviously memorizing the grammar and trying to put the sentences together in his head. When he tended to look up and think, he said “Chinese is so hard”. He wanted to learn Chinese to converse with his bride’s grandmother. How sweet is that! My husband of 16 or 17 years (lost count after the wedding day), said “Hey, how about me? I learned Chinese for your Dad. I know how to say “drink beer” and “cheers” in Chinese”. He had no clue he almost ended up with no wife because of that. Ugh. Zuckerman also said that his Chinese speaking skills are better than his Chinese listening skills. His bride, talking like a wife already said his English listening skills are not that good either! Ha Ha ! Loved it! She will do just fine!

Our hosting school is having its Briarcliff Volleyball Tournament this weekend so the gym will not be available. We will also be reserving 3 tables for the players for their use.

Okay, study hard for your midterm and show your teachers that you have been paying attention in class!!! Good luck everyone!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org