NWCS 2014-11-01-Week08

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/31/2014 6:11 PM


我的雙胞胎好高興,因為他們的老師說這個星期六不給小考,他們今晚能夠跟朋友出去討糖果!他們今年要打扮成……嗯,他們今年橄欖球隊的制服就是他們今年的打扮。制服都付那麼多錢, 多穿一次才值得。

哦,對了, 我們學校的巫婆會給穿萬聖節服飾到學校的小朋友糖果哦!

我相信很多人都會週末開萬聖節派對, 不要忘了安全第一!

昨晚與老公散步溜狗,我對我老公說:“哇,所有的葉子跑哪裡去了?它們似乎在一夜之間就消失!“他看著我, 笑也不是,哭也不是” 什麼在一夜之間就消失,有人不得不花費約5小時,辛苦得清理所有的葉子…你看看屋後的樹林裡,那些巨大袋裝滿了你的神秘消失的葉子“ 我的雙胞胎也跟著幫腔 ”是啊,媽媽…5小時的童工還沒有收到零使用錢”。 唉呀, 我想我應該趕緊找我的巫婆掃帚,迅速飛走。哈哈 !


Boo! Happy Halloween!

My twins were ecstatic because their teacher said no Chinese quiz this Saturday so they can go out trick or treating! They are going to dress up as … um, what football team were they on this year? That’s what they are going to be. Since we paid for the uniform already, why not put it to good use.

Oh yeah, for those who come to school dressed up in their costumes, they will get a candy from our school witch! Let’s just hope her broom is working. I know many people are having their Halloween party over the weekend (yup, us included) so be safe and have a blast!

Have you looked outside lately? I said to my husband “Wow, where did all the leaves go? They seemed to just disappear overnight!” He looked at me half laughing and half crying (I think) and said “NOOOOOO, they did not JUST disappear overnight, someone had to spend about 5 hours cleaning them up … If you bothered to look in the woods behind the house, you will see a giant pile of those leaves you have been so desperately looking for!“ The twins rolled their eyes too and chimed “Yeah, mommy … 5 hours of unpaid child labor. “ Where is my broom when I need it?! LOL

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org