NWCS 2014-11-15-Week09

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 11/14/2014 5:10 PM



昨晚我追我的雙胞胎強迫他們做中文作業。可悲的是他們認為讓他們的媽媽上氣不接下氣的追是很有趣的。當我抓到了雙胞胎中一個,我抓住他的胳膊,拖他回來。他驕傲的對我說:“媽媽,你知道我是越來越大,很快你就不能拖我了”。看著他比我越來越高大強壯 … 我告訴他們一個中國人的故事。



我自己講故事講的都幾乎流淚,因為想到自己的父母也老了…..我的兒子看著我說:“媽媽,你為什麼總是有這麼多的中國故事…… 其實,我認為那個媽媽應該省她的精力,不要打兒子,然後她就不會那麼弱了“。我浪費時間講一個好故事給我的雙胞胎!嘆一聲做媽媽無助的嘆息!我只能盡我所能。正如我最常說的一句話,你可以把馬帶到水邊去,但你不能強迫他們喝水(或幫他們喝)。


Hi Everyone,

I hope that everyone enjoyed the extra time last Saturday and is all ready to return tomorrow to learn Chinese. We had our first snow of the year last night! It was beautiful to see the sun shining on the frozen tree branches. My husband and I took our dog for a walk and snapped many pictures.

Last night I was chasing my twins to study for their Chinese homework. Yeah, I had to chase them because they thought it was funny to make their mom run. When I got to one of the twins, I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back to the table where the homework was. He said to me “Mommy, you know I am getting bigger and soon you won’t be able to drag me anymore”. He was so proud of the fact that he is getting stronger than me … so I told them a Chinese story.

“There was this guy named Han Bo Yu from the Han Dynasty. One day, he did something wrong, his mom beat him (yes it was allowed and rightfully so) and he shed his tears in silence.

When his mother saw him crying, she was very surprised and asked him “Every time I hit you before, I have never seen your tears, why do you shed tears this time?”

Han Bo Yu replied: “Mom, when you hit me before, I understand it was because I made mistakes and although my body felt the pain, I know I was wrong so I endured the pain of the beating and I did not have any resentment towards you and therefore, I did not shed any tears. But just now, when you hit me, I could see that you are old and feeble and I can feel your hand no longer has the strength like you once had. Although I do not feel any physical pain, but I feel a deep sadness and pain in my heart that I have not been a good son to you and still make you angry. ” And he continues to sob because of the fact that his mom is getting weaker. The end! “

I was almost in tears when I told them the story as I think of my own parents who are also getting older (not that they still beat me) … my twins looked at me and said “Mommy, why do you always turn everything to a Chinese story … besides, I think the mom should save her energy and don’t always beat the son then she won’t be so weak”. Another good Chinese story wasted on my twins! I can only promise to do my part as their mom. As I have always said, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink (or drink for them). Sigh!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time!


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015



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