NWCS 2014-12-06-Week11

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 12/5/2014 5:53 PM

我希望大家有了一個快樂的感恩節!感恩節我們有約40個親戚家人和朋友,然後感恩節週末又有20朋友個朋友的來吃火雞驚喜晚宴 — 吃感恩節剩下來的東西。



當我爸媽把我們帶到美國,感恩節那天商店或餐廳都休息沒有做生意!我爸媽想讓我們體驗文化,所以我們可以學習和適應,他們跟他人一樣買了很大的火雞煮了好幾個小時。吃晚飯時,我們有一隻巨大的火雞在我們我們餐桌上。我們不知道要配什麼菜,所以沒有土豆泥,沒有玉米,沒有蔓越莓,什麼配菜都沒有…..只有這個巨大的火雞在我們我們餐桌上。我們非常困難的用筷子試著夾火雞肉,真是沒有樂趣可言。掙扎了約兩個小時後,我突然發現了火雞的 …嗯,火雞裡面有個塑料袋,我像發現新大陸:“嘿,這是什麼?”我想我們應該在煮之前把它拿出來,但我們根本不知道塑料袋在那裡!唉,我的第一個感恩節!我相信大家會了解我們之後也不敢吃火雞,我們轉向中國版的火雞, 在感恩節吃醬油雞, 蔥油雞, 甚至肯德基 !我們感恩節很感謝我們不必吃火雞。

每年我分享這個故事之後,都有搗蛋的朋友起身檢查火雞,看是否有一個塑料袋;或問今年誰煮的火雞;或者想知道他們吃得是火雞嗎 … 當然大部分的搗蛋鬼沒有被邀請回來。 哈哈!


I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and a restful week! We had about 40 family and friends over and then another 20 friends on the weekend after to have a Turkey Surprise Dinner which pretty much was intended to take care of the left overs. Good planning, huh?!

Since our family and friends mostly come from all over the world, the most fun part of the night is when we share funny stories from over the years.

I always share my first Thanksgiving experience with them (since it is my house, they just have to listen to it over and over again) … and you are all my NWCS family, so here it goes … When my parents brought us to the United States, there were no stores or restaurants opened on Thanksgiving day! My parents wanted us to experience the culture so we can learn and fit in. My parents brought a big bird home like everyone else and cook it for a few hours. By dinner time, we too had a giant turkey on our dinner table. We did not know of any side dishes to make, so no mash potatoes, no corn, no cranberry, nothing… just this big giant turkey on the table. We used our chopsticks to try and get pieces of the meat off but it was so dry that it was just not fun at all. Since that was the only thing we had, we had to fill our stomachs. About 2 hours later, after suffering through the dry and tough turkey, I noticed something sticking out of the turkey’s … hmmm, anyway, I pulled this plastic bag out of the turkey and said, “Hey what is this?” I guess we were supposed to take it out, but we did not even know that it was there! Ugh, what a Thanksgiving we had! Needless to say, we did not venture to cook any more turkeys in the subsequent years. We turned to the Chinese version of turkey, the good old reliable chicken, soy sauce chicken, scallion and ginger chicken or even KFC fried chicken on Thanksgiving Day! We were really thankful that we did not have to eat any more turkeys.

Every year I share the story and every year a wise guest would get up and check the turkey to see if there is a plastic bag; or ask who cooked the turkey this year; or wanted to know if it was the Chinese version of turkey that I served … of course most of them were not invited back the following year. LOL

See you all tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.




李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
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