NWCS 2015-01-03 – Week14

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 1/2/2015 3:18 PM


我希望大家有一個美好的節日。一個媽媽告訴我,她家每年都是回去公婆家過聖誕節。 她說,她婆婆總是給她的孫子們一袋煤。看著我目瞪口呆的表情,她笑了,並解釋說,這是她婆婆幽默的傳統…一袋煤是用巧克力做的,孫子們都喜歡!



新年慶祝活動的日程安排將於近期公佈。根據去年的經驗,首先是第12屆與九年級和六年級的畢業典禮其次是表演,隨後午餐和孩子們的歡樂活動。如果您有任何問題,請聯繫我們的副校長,Shuna Awong女士。

不要忘了買你的午餐券和抽獎券。我們今年有非常好的獎品: Microsoft Surface2平板電腦(特等獎),這是由北威捐贈; iTunes卡; 星巴克禮品卡…等。而這還不是全部,我們今年有一個神秘的聖誕老人慷慨捐贈一些Saks Fifth Ave 禮品卡,總額為三千美元。趕快購買您的抽獎券,也許我們可以有一個北威中文學校 Saks Fifth Ave購物旅行。謝謝神秘聖誕老人!你是最棒的!




Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends and family over the holidays and received everything they wished for. A mom told me that her family is visiting the in-laws up north. She said her mother-in-law always gives her grandchildren a bag of coal for Christmas. Looking at my flabbergasted expression, she laughed and explained that it is all part of her humorous tradition … the coals are made of chocolate and the grand children love it!

This week is our final week of the semester followed by our annual big event, the graduation ceremony and New Year celebration on January 10th.

We know many families are away (mine included) for the holidays and might not be in school so the finals can be taken on 1/3 or 1/10 (between 9am to 10am). Please coordinate with your teacher.

The schedule for the New Year celebration will be published soon. Based upon last year’s experience, the graduation ceremony for the 12th, 9th and 6th grades start in the later morning, followed by the performances, lunch and then the carnival. If you have any questions about details, please contact our Vice Principal, Ms. Shuna Awong.

Don’t forget to buy your lunch tickets and raffle tickets. We have some fabulous gifts this year … and they are: Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet (GRAND PRIZE) which is donated by NWCS; Apple ITunes Card; Starbuck Gift Cards …etc. And that’s not all, this year we have a SECRET SANTA who graciously and generously donated several gift cards from Saks Fifth Avenue, totaling $3,000. Hurry and purchase your raffle tickets and maybe we can have a NWCS Saks Fifth Ave shopping fieldtrip! Thank you secret Santa! You are the best!

And of course if you are interested in donating any prizes (e.g. gift cards from the stores, etc), please see our chair, Mr. Calvin Chin.

Our previous board chair, Mr. Benson Louie, applied and was approved for New York Life Foundation’s Volunteers for Good – Individual Grant application for a thousand dollar. The fund is being wired to our school account. Thank you Mr. Louie! You are the best too!

I hope your 2014 was great like mine :) and that we will all have an even better 2015!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org