NWCS 2015-02-28 Week02

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 2/27/2015 8:15 PM






經過幾年我們的爸媽和其他的大人決定取消了紅包。我媽媽最好的朋友也是有4個孩子。我聽見媽媽告訴她:“哎呀,怎麼樣,省麻煩,你不必,我也不必。“  兩個媽媽很開心,他們想出了這個好主意!可憐的是孩子們…尤其是我,我是老大,損失最多。

現在,我自己有孩子,巧合的是,我大部分的朋友也都有兩個孩子..所以我告訴他們,讓我們將其取消…. 當我的雙胞胎聽到我的計劃,我以為他們會昏倒了。我的朋友都是好媽媽,他們不想拿走孩子的樂趣。所以我想我還是得去購買一些紅包。

明天我打算給我班上的學生紅包。每個紅包將有 $1,其中的一個紅包將有$10。讓我們看看明天誰是幸運小朋友!




Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is surviving the below zero temperatures.  The good news is that it should be above freezing next week.  Spring is just around the corner!

It was great to see everyone last week.  Many students were wearing their Chinese outfits which made the school very festive.  I don’t know about you, but I have been explaining the Chinese New Year all week.  I actually explained to my class last week the reason one of the main dishes for Chinese New Year’s Eve is fish.  Fish is

ㄩˊ(yu2), and it is the same pronunciation as the word “left over”.  So eating fish on New Year’s Eve symbolizes that you have left over or a surplus (of money) for the year.  Since I do not cook, I bring oranges to friends’ houses.  Orange sounds similar to “wealth” and its bright color looks like gold so it is a popular item during the New Year Celebration.

All these customs I learned from my parents, aunts and uncles.  My fondest memories of Chinese New Year are wearing new outfits and all the adults giving you red envelopes. Since I am the oldest of four siblings, I usually received the most in the red envelops.  I remembered vividly that I always summoned my younger sisters and brother to my room to show me how much they were given in their red envelopes.  If they had the same or more than me, I would make them hand over the difference.  I would tell them, uncle so and so probably gave us the wrong envelopes. Since I am the oldest, I should get the most.  LOL

After several years our parents and other adults decided to just cancel the red envelopes.  I heard my mom saying to her best friend who also had 4 kids, “aiya… too much trouble getting envelopes and doing all these exchanges.  How about you don’t have to, and I won’t either.”  The two moms were so happy they came up with this genius idea!  I remembered having a fit because the ones who suffered were the kids … especially me, the oldest one.

Now that I have my own family, I no longer get red envelopes.  Instead, it is my turn to give back to my parents and others’ children.  Coincidentally, most of my close friends all have 2 kids … so I told them let’s cancel them … boy oh boy, I thought my twins saw a ghost when they heard my plan.  Of course, my friends are softy moms so they did not want to take away the fun from the kids.  I guess I still have to go get some red envelopes.

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to give my class red envelopes.  Each envelope will have $1 in it except one, it will have $10.  Let’s see who the lucky winner is tomorrow!

Speaking of winners, you still have a chance to buy raffle tickets.  For those who don’t remember what the prizes are, they are a surface pro, miscellaneous gift cards, and three $1,000 gift cards to Saks!  It is your last chance to purchase your raffle tickets.  Please come see Francine and buy your tickets!  Hey, you never know!

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org