NWCS 2015-03-28 Week06

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 3/27/2015 8:36 PM
Hello Everyone,


Finally we saw some nicer weather in the 50s, even though it was raining most of the time, I will take it!  Outdoor sporting events are starting also. You see kids trying out for different spring sports (provided the snow has melted off the field and it is not too soggy).  It brings a sense of liveliness to the air!   I feel like everyone has been hibernating with all the snow that we had. (Don’t we wish!)


Tomorrow is our last day for the Raffle Ticket Sale!  When we return on the 2nd Saturday in April we will find out the lucky winners of the wonderful prizes.  If you have not yet purchased your tickets, please see Francine!


Important reminder, please help the school and discuss with the kids that we are not to touch the equipment in the classrooms.  Unfortunately there has been another incident reported in one of the classrooms.   Our counselor, Kenny and previous board chairperson, Benson, have been diligently double checking the rooms after classes each Saturday. I am asking everyone to lend a hand by reminding our children the importance of respecting the hosting school’s property.  Thank you all in advance, I know I can count on all of you for your help!


Another reminder: Next Saturday, school will not be in session.

Reminder #3: The annual speech contest and writing contest will take place in late April.  Check with your teachers for details.

Good luck to all the students.


See you all tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
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