NWCS 2015-04-25 Week09

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 4/24/2015 9:37 PM


我說話說太快了, 我以為終於可以收起冬天的衣服, 結果昨天和今天又下雪了。真的是不可思議。

上星期攝影師忘了帶他們的相機,所以我們明天將再試一次。邁克·安德魯斯先生要求每個人都穿黑色和白色的衣服,因為他說他的相機不知何只能拍照這兩個顏色。哈哈哈……事實是,他前一年忘了檢查他相機的設置, 我們班的照片都是黑白的。我們再給他一次機會 … 別擔心我會提醒大衛·奎因先生在拍照之前檢查了邁克·安德魯斯先生的相機。

在學年的開始的時候,我的朋友告訴我,雙胞胎必須連續得三次的崇高榮譽獎, 他們中學畢業時才有資格 進入National Junior Honor Society。所以,不用說,我轉身從Tiger Mom 變成Psycho Mom。我們今天收到信,他們兩個都進入National Junior Honor Society。我一個雙胞胎對我說:“你會來參加我們的畢業典禮吧 ”我說:“當然”,另一個雙胞胎接下去說:“你甚至不需要戴面具來掩飾自己”。其實我不記得我對他們的威脅 LOL 我真的相信,有一天他們會感謝他們的媽媽和爸爸所有的辛勤工作。哎! 我記得我父母以前也是同樣的。 我曾經說過,我永遠不會把他們對待我的方式來對待我的孩子,哈!


Hello Everyone,

I thought I was finally able to put away my winter wardrobe because the temperature was in the 70s … but of course, I spoke too soon. It actually snowed by me yesterday and today. I guess I have to keep those sweaters out for a little longer.

So I guess you were wondering how come the cameramen did not show up last week. Well, they forgot to bring their cameras, so we will try again tomorrow. Mr. Mike Andrews asked if everyone can wear black and white because he said his camera somehow takes the best pictures in those two colors. Ha ha ha … the truth is he forgot to check his settings and one year our class pictures all came out black and white. Anyway, we will give him another chance to redeem himself. I will remind Mr. David Quinn to check his settings before they start taking pictures.

One of my girlfriends told me at the beginning of the school year that if the twins earned high honors for the first 3 quarters of school then they could be considered for the National Junior Honor Society when they graduate from middle school. So needless to say, I turned from Tiger mom to psycho mom since the beginning of the year and I am proud to report that it all paid off. We received the letters in the mail today that they both made it to the Junior Honor Society. One of the twins said to me, “So will you come to our graduation ceremony now?” I said “Of course”, and the other twin added “And you don’t even need to wear a mask to disguise yourself”. I actually don’t remember threatening them with that but it does sound like me. LOL! All kidding aside, I truly believe that one day they will realize that we did not push them for our sake. It is all for them, and one day they will appreciate all their Mom and Dad’s hard work. Oh brother, I sound just like my parents … and to think I used to say that I will never treat my kids the way they treat me! Sigh!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
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