NWCS 2015-05-09 Week11

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 5/8/2015 8:54 PM
Wow!  I just cannot get enough of the sunshine this week.  It is like we skipped spring and went straight into summer.  Love the warmth and the fresh air; love the children’s laughter and all the kids running around on the fields playing sports…. Where are my flip flops, sandals and shorts … Oh brother, where is my tan?   Got to get out there and get me some vitamin D.


Speaking of the summer, we only have a few weeks left of Chinese school.   I am sure everyone is already making plans for their children’s summer camps and family vacation plans.  To prepare for our school next year, there are a few critical events that will take place in the upcoming weeks.


Our General Meeting will be postponed from this Saturday to next Saturday.  We are still looking for candidates to replace a couple of board positions.    We are also looking for candidates for Vice Principal.  I hope to see many of you to step forward to join this wonderful team to continue to serve our school!


During the Asian Heritage Week, our school is having a tent set up at the Asian Heritage Event and we would love for you to come and help out and man our table.  We need you to help market our school and let everyone know what a great school we have!  Please let our Board Chair, Calvin, know if you are able to lend a hand.


On May 30, we are having our annual Open House.  Teachers and kids will be starting to work on their posters to show case their work.  Please reach out to the teachers to see if they need a hand.   We have a couple of summer camp programs visiting our Open House as well.  One is run by a teacher who used to teach at our school.  Come and find out more information.  More importantly, please tell your friends and their friends about our school and help us to recruit more students.


Registration starts on May 30th.  Please register as early as possible before the due date to avoid paying more after the due date.


Our pre-K and Kindergarten classes will be having their Moving-Up Day Ceremony on the last day of School, June 6th.   It will be held in the small theater.  I hope you can come and give them a big round of applause for their accomplishments.


Last but not least, our annual Year End Picnic Blast is on June 6th as well.  We are looking for people to help, and for all to join us for a fun filled event to celebrate the completion of another wonderful year.   If you are able to help, please let our Vice Principal, Shuna, know as soon as possible.  Tickets will be on sale starting next week.


As in previous years, if you are looking for tutors for the summer, please let me know.


In summary:

5/9 – Week 11 – General Meeting postponed,  please see Calvin or any of the board members or Administration staff if you or someone you know are interested in helping the school

5/16 – Week 12 – General Meeting

5/23 – No School; Memorial Day Weekend; Asian Heritage Event; Associations of Chinese School (ACS) Annual Event (our teachers will be attending to learn new fun learning stuff)

5/30 – Week 13 – Open House and Registration

6/6 – Week 14

Pre-K and Kindergarten Moving Up day

Final Exam


Annual Year End Picnic Blast


See you all tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org