NWCS 2015-05-16 Week12

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 5/15/2015 7:49 PM

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day!  The weather definitely cooperated.  What a beautiful week we had, consistently in the 70s and 80s during the day.

So here we are at Week 12.  In case you don’t know, there are 14 weeks in each semester.  I know I have always said how time flies, but seriously it passes us by faster and faster each year  …

During the week, I got a text from a parent asking me if I had ever taken a certain airline … I said no and asked why did he want to know.  He said his son, who completed up to the 9th grade in our school, is going to Shanghai for a 6-week study-aboard program.  He was just wondering if I knew about the airline.  I told him that it is great that his son is going to have a wonderful opportunity to use his Chinese learned at NWCS.   He continued to tell me that his son was pre-screened by his professor to assess his placement level for the class.  His son said he was surprised by the amount of Chinese he remembered!  The dad thought to himself “Surprised?  I only drove you to the Chinese School every Saturday for 10 years!”  Of course he did not do what I always do, think out loud.  :-)  Well, needless to say, the father is very pleased and proud of his son.   What surprised me was that his son is already in college … he was just a little kid … not any more!

Every time I get frustrated and discouraged with the twins’ Chinese learning attitude, I wanted to give up. Then I hear a story like this and it gets me all psyched again!  What better support group can you ask for!

Anyway, we have our General meeting tomorrow.  We will be electing some new board members, staff including Principal, Vice Principal … etc.  So I hope all of you can come join us.  We will also be sharing important information such as financials, upcoming events, our plans for future school years and to hear your feedback and ideas.

A couple of weeks ago, in my weekly email, I asked if anyone is looking for summer tutors to let me know.  I received a question about how does this work?   We have a list of teachers who are available during the summer to provide tutoring services.  You can give them a call and match up with a teacher that you will have a mutually agreed tutoring arrangement.    Some teachers will come to your house, some welcome you to their houses, and some will use skype and meet you online.   I also just received an inquiry from a parent’s friend who is looking for someone to come to Bronxville to teach a  3 year-old child Chinese.  So there are no set criteria except the love for learning Chinese.

See you tomorrow!  Classes start 9pm sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org