北威簡介/About NWCS

我們的學校於一九六九年二月,由幾位在 IBM 研究中心的同事首創成立,同年三月在 Yorktown Heights 的 Mohansic 小學開課,訂名為約克鎮中文學校,那時只有一位老師教一班語文課, 共有二十一名學生;次年學校移往約克鎮的 Methodist Church 上課。

此後,我們的學校就逐步成長,一九七二年開始增設文化課程 (ACE),由家長義務教學。一九七四年制訂組織章程,並成立校董會。 一九八一年在紐約州正式立案,改名為北威郡中文學校。

在這期間學校的班次已增至十三個語文班,有六位語文課老師,學生人數也超出一百二十人, 當年以稚齡入學的學生也陸續畢業,往各大學進修。到一九八三年 Methodist Church 已不夠容納我們的課程及活動。學校乃遷到 Somers High School, 並開始正式聘請專任老師教授文化及特別課程。近年來學校又繼續擴充,目前已超過二十四個語文班, 三百一十餘位學生,及三十多位老師。一九九三年由於教室不敷使用,於是遷至Somers Middle School, 二零零七年Sommers Middle School 開始整修, 再次遷至Briarcliff Middle School.

回 顧過去的三十年來,我們的學校能成功地提供學生們的中文教育,直到中學畢業,建立了傑出的成績與校譽。這不僅是歷屆校長、老師、學生及職員努力的 成果,也要歸功於所有熱心的家長們對學校無私的服務,及對學生不懈的輔導。很明顯的,教育下一代子女的中華語文及文化,已經是這一代留學生及新移民的共同 的目標。大家的理想是把子女教育成品學兼優,人格完整的華裔青年,讓他們在美國社會開闢新的天地。而且以自己的根源背景為榮。北威郡中文學校的家長們,更 將要本著我們傳統的服務犧牲精神,及至善必成信念來繼續推進這意義深長的工作。

Northern Westchester Chinese School (NWCS) was founded in February 1969 by several Chinese families of IBM Research Division. In March of that year, classes began at Mohansic Elementary School in Yorktown Heights, under the name “Yorktown Chinese School”. At that time, the school consisted of one teacher and 21 students. The next year, the school moved to the Yorktown Methodist Church. As the school expanded its student population, it was moved to Somers Middle School in 1993 and again moved to Braircliff Middle School in 2007 till today.

The school is located at Briarcliff Middle School in Northern Westchester County, New York.

In looking back the past 50+ years, we are proud of our school’s legacy and heritage in providing solid Chinese language education and cultural exposure to the younger generations. Some of the school’s early graduates went to college, formed families, and now are sending their children to our school. Going to Chinese school on Saturdays becomes a family ritual and an ingrained part of the fabric of Chinese community in the region. Our parent volunteers serve as teachers, operational staff, fund raisers, and activity organizers for the annual Chinese New Year Celebration and year end picnic. It is the open, welcoming, friendly environment that attracted many families with diverse backgrounds. With each new generation joining the school, we are seeing and believing the future of our kids growing up not only mastering the Chinese language but also adopting the fine cultural traits.