NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 10

Dear NWCS families,

In case you missed the earlier email update from today, class will start at 9am as usual on May 19th. The Color Run event has been moved to Sunday.

Speech Contest and Trophies
We will be conducting the last round of speech contests this Saturday. If a student missed the scheduled contest, please submit a video recording. Please note that trophies will be given to top 3 students in each class. We may award additional trophies upon teacher’s request as well. We want to send a positive encouragement to every student who made a genuine effort to prepare and practice!

Open House on June 9th
NWCS will be holding an Open House on Saturday, June 9th. I want to thank Mr. David Quinn, our co-board chair, for leading our media effort to invite families who are interested in learning Chinese to join us. Once we have post the flyer and brochure on the school website, I will ask for your help to spread the word!

See you on Saturday!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

Special Notice: regular 9am school start on May 19th

Dear NWCS families,

We have been informed that the Briarcliff Color Run has been moved to Sunday May 20th due to weather forecast.

We will now start classes at 9am as usually on May 19th. No need to come in earlier this Saturday!

Your principal,
Francine M. Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 9

Hello everyone,

To all the NWCS moms, thank you for your dedication and support for the school. Happy Mother’s Day!!

Our classes will be having speech contests this and next Saturday. Please remind the kids to practice!

Mother’s Day Flower Sale
Thanks to Ms. Ying Hou, our school will have paper tissue flowers for sale this Saturday to celebrate Mother’s Day!
Please come by the cafeteria to get something pretty for the moms in your life!

General Assembly and Elections on June 2nd
We will be holding the Spring semester general assembly and elections for open board and staff positions on 6/2. As we mentioned during the last general assembly, the strength of our school lies in the dedication of our students, teachers, and parents too. At this time, we would like to encourage our parents to get involved, especially at the board and staff levels! For next year, we are looking for new Board Members, Registrar, and Treasurer

You can find descriptions of each of the positions here:



Please let Francine, David Quinn, or Wei (all copied on this email) know if you are interested in getting involved, or have any questions!

Annual Asian American Heritage Festival on June 2nd
Our school will host a booth at the AAH festival on 6/2. It is a fun event and we are seeking volunteers to be present at our booth. No special skills required, just be friendly and share your experience at NWCS. Free admission and parking!

Event: 21st Annual Asian American Heritage Festival
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018
Time: 12 noon to 6 pm
Place: Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla, New York

The public is invited to bring family and friends to the Kensico Dam Plaza for an afternoon of entertainment featuring experts in traditional Asian dance and song and masters of the martial arts, including lion dancers. Professional artists share the stage with children’s dance troupes in beautiful traditional costumes. There will be plenty of activities for children such as face painting, calligraphy, Chinese paper cutting, Origami, and games.

One of the most popular of the ethnic cultural celebrations on Westchester County’s summer calendar, the Asian American Heritage Festival attracts as many as 5,000 residents each year. It is also a favorite showcase for small businesses and non-profits, featuring vendors selling Asian-themed cultural artifacts and handmade goods, agencies offering educational and health services and local chefs cooking up a wide array of Asian foods. LINK: https://artswestchester.org/21st-annual-asian-american-heritage-festival/

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 8

Dear NWCS families,

It feels like summer already! 感覺就像夏天一樣!

Speech Contest Volunteers Needed
A reminder that the speech contest is coming up on 5/12 and 5/19! Wei Lin, our board co-chair, is looking for volunteers to help judge the speeches. This is a fantastic opportunity to get to hear our students speak Chinese! If you would like to volunteer, please speak with Wei this Saturday, or email her at chairperson@nwcsny.org.

Breakfast Special this Saturday
Our breakfast club will be cooking and selling pre-homemade 400 dumplings and some tea eggs (instead of the usual sweet rice rolls and pork buns). Please come by and support the club!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 7

Greetings NWCS families, 大家好,

School to start at 8:30am on May 19th
Braircliff is hosting a color run on May 19th, where the entrance to the school will be closed to all traffic from 8:30-9:30am. To accommodate this event, NWCS has decided to start school earlier that day. Teachers and families, kindly arrive school before 8:30am, ideally by 8:15AM that morning please. Classes will start at 8:30am on May 19th.

To help facilitate an orderly entry, the back parking lot by auditorium and HS cafeteria is reserved for our use. We will have staff and helpers out by the entrance gatehouse directing our families to park there. The central parking lot will be used for the school’s race. Late comers will need to park at the church lot next door and walk to school FYI.

Apologies for any potential inconvenience this may cause. We have a good relationship with Briarcliff school and will work with them next year to see if there are other ways to minimize disruption to our classes.

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 6

Dear NWCS families,

Parent teacher conference
Most classes are having their parent teacher conferences now. Kindly reserve a time slot with your child’s teachers to exchange feedback if you have not done so already. Please also feel free to reach out to any school officers if you have any questions or suggestions. We aim to continuously make improvements so would very much appreciate your inputs and involvement!

Speech Contest Schedule
Due to the snow day in March, the speech contests for each class will be held either on May 12th or May 19th. Please encourage each student to prepare and practice well for this exercise. We are also looking for judges so kindly reach out to us if you would like to volunteer.

Support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
If you shop on Amazon, please consider designating NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile. This is an easy and economical way to support NWCS. Thanks in advance for your support!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 5

Dear NWCS families,

Kindly join the NWCS’s Remind Notification System
NWCS will broadcast school closings or emergency notifications by text via Remind (thanks to Mr. Harry Villareal, our Webmaster and Board member)!
If you have not yet subscribed to Remind for NWCS, please follow the below instructions to join:

Sending a text to 81010 with message text @nwcsnotify
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If having trouble texting to 81010, then try texting to (478) 225-3884 with message text @nwcsnotify

Chinese New Year Celebration Video and Pictures
Mr. Benson Louie, our chairman emeritus, has created a video of our Chinese New Year celebration in January.
You can find the video here: https://youtu.be/5bcnDqflrzw

He also has graciously uploaded the pictures from our New Year show to:


Hope you’ll enjoy these memories!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 4

Dear NWCS families,

I hope you all are having a great spring break!!

Week 4 starts tomorrow. The Breakfast club will be hosting a dumpling making session from 9-10am on Sat. All parents are welcome to join us.

See you all tomorrow!!

Your principal,
Francine M. Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 3

Dear NWCS families,

Thanks to Mr. Harry Villareal, our Webmaster and Board member, NWCS now can broadcast school closings or emergency notifications by text via Remind.
Please subscribe to Remind for NWCS by following the instructions below. If you have any issues subscribing, please reach out to webmaster@nynwcs.org.

Instructions to join NWCS Notifications by text:
Sending a text to 81010 with message text @nwcsnotify
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If having trouble texting to 81010, then try texting to (478) 225-3884 with message text @nwcsnotify

Activities for Parents in the Third Hour
Parents, if you are interested in having an occasional adult conversation class during the third hour elective, please let me know. We will schedule a few classes through out the semester for all interested parties.

Are you interested in learning Chinese silk knotting? If so, please come by the cafeteria in the third hour where Ms. Huey-Ping Wang will be teaching a new type of knots each month. No need to register, just drop by if you are interested and have the time!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 2

Dear NWCS families,

春天快到了! Spring is almost here!

Since we had a snow day on March 3rd, we are shifting the school schedule back by one week.
Please see attached file for the updated NWCS school calendar.

Hopefully Week 1 went well for everyone. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me or see me in the cafeteria on Saturday!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏