NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 1

Dear NWCS families,

First week of spring semester starts this Saturday!
Hope you all had a wonderful winter break. Please remember to finish the winter homework!

All students are encouraged to take a third hour elective, where they will do something fun and make new friends. Please preview some electives and let me know if you want to enroll this semester!

Parents, please join our chorus, knitting circle, breakfast club, or line dancing groups. We plan to feature a few workshops and demos this semester which would love to have your participation. Any additional activities ideas or suggestions are welcomed.

Chinese New Year Celeration
Thank you all for a wonderful Chinese New Year Celebration in January!
Benson, our chairman emeritus, has kindly made a recording of our celebration.
You can see the video of it here on the NWCS website.

Community News
Congratulations to David Quinn, our co-board chair, for his upcoming book release. The new book is called ‘GO TO SLEEP, LITTLE CREEP’. It is coming this summer and pre-orders are live now. You can see a preview of the book via this link. Kindly take a look and help David drive pre-orders, which are make or break. Please feel free to spread the news!

Lastly, Harvey school is looking for additional host families. If you are interested in hosting a international high school student during the weekend and short holidays, please take a look at the attached informational flyers. Ms. Alex Lindquist, director of international programs at Harvey, would be happy to speak to you about the opportunity. She can be contacted at 914-232-3161 ext. 160 or alindquist@harveyschool.org.

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

Happy Chinese New Year from NWCS!

Dear NWCS families,

Happy Chinese New Year!!
Wish you all a fantastic Year of the Dog!!



Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Newsletter – Chinese New Year Celebration and Graduation 2018-01-11

Dear NWCS families,

We will start our Chinese New Year celebration at 10am this Saturday at the High School auditorium!
Please still have your kids report to their classrooms at 9am to meet with the teachers.

This year, we are honoring Dr. Ifay Chang, and Ms. Wen Lin Murray for their service anniversaries! We are very grateful for their 15 years of contribution to NWCS.
You can find the final program here http://www.nwcsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2018_New_Year_Program_Final.pdf

All graduates and their cheering families, kindly meet at the front of the stage at 9:55am or earlier.

Everyone, please remember to bring your dishes if you signed up for food. Luncheon tickets are available for purchase onsite for $5. Please join us for raffle drawings and games after lunch!

PS. volunteers are needed to help with the games. Please find me if you can assist!

Your principal,​​
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Newsletter: Week 13, 2018-01-03

Dear NWCS families,

Welcome to 2018!! 歡迎來到2018年!!
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday break.

Reminder that we have Chinese school this coming Saturday. Many classes are having finals and/or rehearsals for the CNY celebration on January 13th. Since tomorrow may be a snow day for most students, it would be a great time to practice some Chinese!

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – 12/14/2017

Dear NWCS families,
New Year Celebration on January 13th, 2018
Due the last Saturday’s snow day, our fall semester calendar will be extended one week out. Our New Year Celebration is now on January 13th, 2018. Rehearsals will begin this Saturday. We need volunteers to help with stage setup, performance orchestration, and session control. Please come by the high school auditorium to lend us a hand. Luncheon tickets can be purchased starting this Saturday.
Spring Semester Registration Open for Electives
Our registration system is now open for Advanced Coding with Python and SAT Prep classes for the spring semester. Please enroll if interested.
Support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
For your holiday shopping, please consider designating NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. Thank you in advance for your support!
Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

No school on Dec 9

No school tomorrow due to expected snow.

Be safe all!!

Your principal,
Francine M. Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – Week 12

Dear NWCS families,
Chinese New Year performance rehearsal starting this week
Our vice principal, Mr. Rick Chan, has organized rehearsal schedules for each class at the high school auditorium this Saturday. We are requesting volunteers to help with stage setup, performance orchestration, and session control. Please come by to lend us a hand and watch our kids’ rehearsals. We are looking forwarding to hosting the celebration and luncheon as scheduled on January 6. Luncheon tickets can be purchased starting this Saturday.
Award photos of calligraphy competition posted
Co-board chair, Ms. Weifang Lin and I went to Stamford, CT to receive the calligraphy awards on behalf of our students. We presented the awards to Rebecca, Juliet and Derek last week with our calligraphy teacher Ms. Daisy Rose. Please see the photos here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=2045
Light snow in the forecast for this Saturday
Light snow may start as early as mid morning on Saturday. We are expecting to operate as a normal school day but please check your email in the morning in case that changes.
Your prinicpal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – Week 11

Dear NWCS families,
Want to win some cool prizes like an Xbox, gift certificates for Dai Sushi or Aberdeen, plus more? Please support NWCS’ annual raffle-ticket fund raiser event. We will be selling tickets starting this Saturday. If you have prizes to donate, please let me know!
For the spring semester, Mr. Huang will be offering an Advanced Coding elective. See below for class description and prerequisites. We will announce the opening of registration soon.
Advanced Coding with Python: Minecraft Hacking (prerequisite: Python Level 1) (Spring semester only)
Use your Python skills to make Minecraft hacks! We will learn how to use an API (Application Programming Interface) to build new applications on top of existing technology. Students must have taken the Introduction to Python Level 1 class or equivalent. Working knowledge of the Python programming language is required. The ability to touch type (typing without looking at the keyboard) is also highly recommended. In addition to attending classes, students are expected to complete homework assignments. Each student must bring their own laptop and mouse to class. Mac, Windows, or Linux laptops are acceptable. Chromebooks and tablets are not allowed. The instructor will need administrator rights to set up the programming environment on each computer at the start of the semester. We will be using Learn to Program with Minecraft by Craig Richardson as our textbook. Class size is limited to a maximum of 8 students. Registration cost is for 1 semester only. Material fee includes an individual license to Minecraft for Windows/Mac/Linux.
Class cost: $275
Book fee: $27
Material fee: $37
See you all tomorrow!
Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – Week 10

Dear NWCS families,

General Assembly
We will be holding a General Assembly in the cafeteria at 9:15 am this Saturday. You will be hearing updates about the school operations, activities, finance and registration from myself, chairpersons, and treasurer. We will have time for Q&A so please attend and voice your thoughts with us!

Picture Day
We are taking class pictures this week. Kindly ask your kids to come prepared and bring their bright smiles. We need more parent volunteers skilled in photography to go to classes and take pictures. Please let us know if you can help.

Partnership with Harvey
Through the support and connection of our board co-chair Mr. David Quinn and his wife Diane, NWCS has the pleasure of having Chinese students from The Harvey School joining us on Saturdays. At such young age, they left their families in China to come to the US for high school education. We are thrilled that they are willing to spend time with our kids to practice speaking and listening skills. Special thanks to Ms. Alex Lindquist, International Program Director at Harvey, for her support of these visits. Please make our Harvey guests feel welcome at NWCS. As you can see from the photos, we started our friendship building with dumplings and Chinese knotting http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=2019

Support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
For your holiday shopping, please consider designating NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. As of August 2017, NWCS has received $467.66 from AmazonSmile. You can see our collective impact on http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=2014. Thank you all in advance for your support!

Please see http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=2010

Your principal,
​Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – Week 9

Dear NWCS families,
Thank you all for participating in the fire drill! We are grateful to receive guidance from former New York City EMS chief, Mr. MacNeil Cross (aka Evan’s dad), on this exercise. While we successfully completed the evacuation within five minutes, we’ve identified a few areas for improvement in our post drill review. We plan to conduct another drill in the spring to reinforce the school safety and emergency evacuation protocol. 
NWCS students won 1st place and honorable mentions at regional Chinese Calligraphy competition
Congratulations to our high schooler 林詠雯, Rebecca Lim, for winning the 1st  place award in Chinese Calligraphy competition organized by ACS Region 2 schools. Two other entries from 朱莉雅 Juliet Weglarz, and 陳運華 Derek Tan received honorable mentions. The award ceremony will be held in Stamford, CT on November 18. The long winning streak in recent years reflects not only the academic excellence of our students, but also the dedication of our Calligraphy teacher, 沈道茜老師, Ms. Daisy Rose. A sincerely thank you from all of us to you 沈老師!!
NWCS’ Knitting Circle
Thank you Christine and Diane for leading an informal gathering every Saturday for people that are interested in knitting! We posted photos of these smiling knitters and their work online. Clearly knitting makes them happy and please join them to knit for yourself and family. http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=2000
Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏