NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 12/7

Dear NWCS families, 
All classes will conduct their Chinese New Year performance rehearsals this Saturday and Dec 17, then we are going on winter break. The graduation ceremony and celebration will take place at 10 am on the first Saturday of 2017, Jan 7. Your teacher decides if the final exam will be taken between 9 am to 10 am that day. 
General meeting starting at 10:30
We will hold the General Meeting in the Middle School theater at 10:30. Dean and I will join you at 11 am after we finish teaching our classes. Please do attend and share your ideas how to make our school better. Our board members conducted family survey earlier this semester and then visited classes to observe students’ learning. We will share the survey results and discuss findings. Dean and I also expect to hear from your feedback on the implementation of the CSL curriculum. 
Terry’s children’s book signing
Some of you may know our Arts and Crafts teacher Ms. Terry Taylor is a prolific writer and illustrator. This Saturday, she will bring several books she authored including ‘Clay Play’, ‘Clay Play Jewelry’ and ‘Marshmallow Clouds’ to our school for book signing and sale. Part of proceeds will be donated to NWCS. Her books make a wonderful holiday gift. 
Breakfast Club featuring appetizer tasting event on Dec 17
After bake sale, potluck, dumpling, our Breakfast Club leaders are challenging talented NWCS Iron Chefs once again for salty or non-sweet finger foods! If you wish to show off your culinary skills in this area, please stop by to see Kay or Vivian. 
Luncheon and raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling CNY luncheon and raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The luncheon tickets are $5 per person. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. The past years’ raffle grand prize winners went on to serve as principal (lucky me) and board member (Wei). :-) So this is an even bigger incentive to buy raffles to support NWCS!!
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 11/30

Dear NWCS families, 
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family. Many thanks to your contribution and participation to the potluck organized by Kay and Breakfast Club parents. It is part of the Chinese culture to bond through food! Photos from this year’s event are posted here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1522.
General meeting on Dec 10
We will hold the General Meeting in the Middle School theater on the 10th. Please do attend and share your ideas how to make our school better. Our board members conducted family survey earlier this semester and then visited classes to observe students’ learning. We will share the survey results and discuss findings. Dean and I also expect to hear from your feedback on the implementation of the CSL curriculum. 
New York Life Foundation’s Volunteers for Good – Individual Grant to Chairman Emeritus Benson Louie
For the fourth year in a row, our Chairman Emeritus Benson Louie applied and is recognized with a $1000 volunteer service grant by New York Life. This grant program encourages and supports the volunteer involvement of New York Life employees, agents and retirees with community-based nonprofit organizations. The grant will help our school to pay for equipments, award trophies and teacher training. If you are aware of other community service grants sponsored by your companies, please help us apply for them.
Terry’s children’s book signing
Some of you may know our Arts and Crafts teacher Ms. Terry Taylor is a prolific writer and illustrator. On Dec 10, she will bring several books she authored including ‘Clay Play’, ‘Clay Play Jewelry’ and ‘Marshmallow Clouds’ to our school for book signing and sale. Part of proceeds will be donated to NWCS. Her books make a wonderful holiday gift. 
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 11/15

Dear NWCS families,
Much like last year, our wonderful Breakfast Club is organizing another potluck for fund raising. The potluck will start at 10:30 am so all classes will skip the 10 am break. All 3rd hour electives will start at 11:30 am, instead of 11 am to allow sufficient time to taste the latest edition of Northern Westchester Culinary School.

Thanksgiving Pot Luck Lunch Fundraiser
The ticket will be $5 per person. Please consider cooking and donating an entree or side dish to the lunch. Contact Kay to tell her what dish you will be making. If you make or donate a dish you get one ticket for the lunch.  Everyone else has to pay $5 for a ticket.  Currently we anticipate having enough food, without buying outside food, for everyone but if we run out, we run out.

Photos from Calligraphy award ceremony
Yes we are still operating a Chinese school, not just culinary art. Congratulations again to our high schoolers 林詠雯, Rebecca Lim, 文天娜, Valentina Capshaw, 陳運華, Derek Tan, and 陳美麗, Meilee Kry. Last Saturday at Stamford, CT, an award ceremony was held with Meilee and Derek attending with their proud families. I ​am posting the photos here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1504​. Let’s keep winning!!

Support NWCS and enjoy holiday shopping at AmazonSmile program
Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school’s link.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 11/09

Dear NWCS families,

Thanks all for practicing the fire drill last Saturday. The evacuation process was orderly and smooth. Our registrar Mr. Tony Wu timed us to take less than four minutes. Let’s always keep school safety in mind, should we encounter such emergency.

Tutor at the 3rd hour
Most classes have just conducted midterm and students should expect to receive their scored sheets if not already. If you find your children needing help with homework or review of class material, please do take advantage of our tutoring session at 11 in Room 111. Our wonderful high schoolers are there to help. This year, the CSL curriculum is stepping up the focus on listening and speaking. If your kid is on the shy side and does not speak up during regular class, he/she can definitely benefit spending time with our high school volunteers to practice the conversations.

Dumpling (jiao zi) making photos posted
For the second year in a row, our Breakfast Club and talented chefs made dumplings from dough, flattened and wrapped with tasty filling. I believe our kids now get picky about only eating fresh made dumplings, not the frozen ones. Photos are posted here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1490

Holiday shopping using AmazonSmile program to support NWCS 
Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school’s link.
Your princpal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 11/02

Dear NWCS families,

This Saturday Nov 5 is our class photo day. Please ask your kids to dress nice and give a big smile.

NWCS students won 1st place and honorable mentions at regional Chinese Calligraphy competition
Congratulations to our high schoolers 林詠雯, Rebecca Lim, for winning the 1st  place award in Chinese Calligraphy competition organized by ACS Region 2 schools. Three other entries from 文天娜, Valentina Capshaw, 陳運華, Derek Tan, and 陳美麗, Meilee Key received honorable mentions. The award ceremony will be held in Stamford, CT on November 12. The winning streak in recent years reflects not only the academic excellence of our students, but also the dedication of our Calligraphy teacher, 沈道茜老師, Ms. Daisy Rose. Thank you, 沈老師.

Dumpling (jiao zi) making and tasting this Saturday
Our Breakfast Club and talented chefs are bringing back the popular dumpling making and tasting event for its next fund raiser this Saturday. Come learn how to make dough, wrap and fold, and cook Chinese dumplings. The plan is to offer mild and spicy fillings. Yummy!! We have photos from last year’s dumpling event here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1208.

Bake sale and Halloween at NWCS
Thanks to all the witches, Batman and Joker, storm trooper from Star Wars, Eevee from Pokemon Go, healthy bananas and Athena from Percy Jackson for stopping by NWCS while our talented parents did a wonderful bake sale!! We posted some photos on our school web site. http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1461

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/26

Dear NWCS families, 

If you haven’t responded to our family survey, please take a few minutes to answer it so we can hear your voice and act on it. Please note some classes are having their midterms this week while others will hold midterms on the Nov 5th.

​Spootacular parade and bake sale
I am calling princess and wizards, batman and ninjas, banana and minions to join a short parade and candy run at 10 am in the cafeteria. Leave your snacks at home and buy delicious cupcakes and baked goods that our parents are bringing in. All proceeds go to supporting the school and keeping tuition prices steady. We will not be selling the regular buns, rice sticks, or other treats. We will still have coffee, tea, and other beverages for sale. Parents who signed up to bake – thank you and we look forward to eating them all up! We have photos from last year’s parade here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1158. Let’s get creative!

Dumpling (jiao zi) making and tasting on Nov 5
Not stopping at bake sale, our Breakfast Club and talented chefs are bringing back the popular dumpling making and tasting event for its next fund raiser on Nov 5th (after some of us finish the midterm). Come learn how to make dough, wrap and fold, and cook Chinese dumplings. The plan is to offer mild and spicy fillings. Yummy!! We have photos from last year’s dumpling event here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1208.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/19

Dear NWCS families, 

We have parent teacher meeting coming up this Saturday and midterm the week after. Given the curriculum change in the CSL track this year, please do speak to your teacher, Dean or myself to give us feedback. We would like to hear what we can jointly work on to make sure our students’ time is well spent. As principal, there is no bigger reward for me than seeing our students listen, speak, read and write Chinese better, since that means my volunteering time is very worthwhile. 

NWCS family survey, need to hear your voice
Please take a moment to answer the family survey sent by board member, Mr. David Quinn. We hope to hear from you by Oct 29. For 3 hours at school and some more hours at home every week, we want to make sure all students are learning the Chinese language, culture and social principles of this 3000 year old civilization. The school was founded by parents and run by parents. We need to hear your voice and get your participation. Thanks!

Chinese folk art demonstration photos posted
Many thanks to board, teachers and volunteering parents’ help to host the visit of the traveling folk art group from Taiwan last Saturday. One noticeable benefit was that almost every student placed their sugar animal orders in Mandarin, from turtles, pandas, giraffes, fish to pug. If there is enough interest, we will try to invite the group back next year, pending their touring availability. Photos of the event have been posted here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1436. Please send me your photos for our web site if you’d like to share with NWCS community.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/12

Dear NWCS families:

Chinese folk art demonstration this Saturday
The traveling artists from Taiwan will visit our school this Saturday to demonstrate sugar painting, lion head painting and lion dance in the cafeteria and middle school theater. Board members have been working hard to sort out the logistics to welcome our guests. I would encourage you and your kids to take advantage of this rare opportunity to enjoy and participate in these traditional Chinese arts. 

We would be altering the class routine slightly. At the discretion of teachers, we are dividing the classes into two visiting slots: from 9:15 to 10, below Heritage IV and CSL Intermediate I, and from 10:15 to 11, all other upper classes. Our teachers will decide how long their classes can stay. Please try to visit all three stations and ask lots of questions. Our board members will act as translators at those stations. 

Before 11, our students can get sugar painting for free, limit one per person. After 11, the demonstration is open to friends and family as well as the Briarcliff school students and teachers. Sugar painting and other art work will be for sale. Let us be a great host to visitors from our host school. 

Learning survey and feedback
Communication specialist on our board, Mr. David Quinn, will be sending out a survey this week to solicit your input and feedback on the learning environment, curriculum and any ideas to improve the school. Please take a moment to take the survey and participate in the change for the better. We need your help. 

Quiet in the hallway due to PSAT
While I am sure there will be lots of excitement and lots of sticky little fingers, please be aware that the PSAT is being administered in the Briarcliff High School gym. So we need to be mindful of hallway noise and bell ringing.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/5

Dear NWCS families, 

In case you are wondering, yes, we do have class this Saturday, 10/8. We will postpone the fire drill, however, to a later date. 

Chinese folk art demonstration on 10/15
I have most exciting news to share with you. On Oct 15, three folk art teachers/performers from Taiwan will be visiting our school to demonstrate sugar painting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl5jwE_F5Ms), lion head painting and lion dance. Our school is a stop of their East Coast tours. Their leaflet is attached to this email. 

We will be altering the 10/15 class slightly so our students can take advantage of this very rare opportunity to watch and participate in these traditional arts. Sugar koi fish, I was told, is most popular among our younger kids. I’d imagine lots of sticky little fingers after visiting the sugar painting station. 

I am working with board members and teachers to host and welcome our guests. They will need transportation from Flushing on the Friday before to Westchester, from hotel to our school on Saturday morning, and from school to bus station shortly after lunch to travel to Boston. There are enough suitcases and containers that I am asking if you drive a mini van or full size van to help. In addition, we will need parents to meet, greet and maintain order at the three stations. You are very welcome to invite your friends and families to come after 11 am as the demonstration will go on till close to noon. Then they need to pack and travel again. 

Personally, I am very excited that our school is chosen as one of their stops. Hopefully, you would feel the same after seeing their demonstration. If you could help, please feel free to contact me or Chairperson Mr. Calvin Chin. 

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 9/28

Dear NWCS families, 
Today, Sep 28, we celebrate Teachers’ Day which is also Confucius’s birthday. Many of today’s Chinese cultural traits are deeply rooted by Confucius’s teaching. Traditional Chinese look up to teachers and​ scholars who pass down knowledge, morality, social relations and justice from generation to generation. When you see our teachers this Saturday, please say thank you to them for educating our children. At NWCS, we not only teach the Chinese language but also honor good Chinese traditions and values.http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1041
Board meeting
Please join our board members this Saturday in discussing and deciding school affairs. Your active participation is among the most valuable contribution to our school. The agenda includes registration update, classroom observations, and community activities. If you have ideas the school should implement, please come to the discussion. 
Classroom conduct
Please respect your teacher by silencing and putting away your electronic devices before class begins. Also, do not bring any sports equipment (balls, racquets, etc) to your class either. Counselors and teachers will happily safe keep them until the end of class if you insist on bringing them to the classroom.
Registration​ deadline
Feel free to update your kids’ registration and electives on the web site sis.nwcsny.org by the end of this Saturday. We will freeze registration shortly after. Oct 1 is also the last day to withdraw with only book fee deducted. If you need help, please contact our registrar, Mr. Tony Wu, for assistance.
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極