NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 5/3

Dear NWCS families, 
We are holding Open House this Saturday, with spring rolls and yummy treats from Breakfast Club to show off the benefit of studying at NWCS. Hope you are excited as I am to welcome and introduce our wonderful school to perspective families. We will also be opening fall registration that day. 
Classroom conduct
I would like to remind all students not to touch or move any properties in the classroom, besides using the desks and chairs. Smart boards, TVs, and teacher’s chair and desk are forbidden for any use. Except for preK and kindergarten students, food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom. Walk, do not run in the hallways. Our counselors have been taking photos before and after class to make sure we restore the classroom and seating arrangement after use. These photos also tell us if any items other than desks and chairs were moved. We are leasing the space from the Briarcliff school. We must respect properties of Briarcliff teachers and students who graciously share these classrooms with us.  
Trophies, trophies
We will be conducting the final round of speech contests this Saturday. If your kid missed the scheduled contest, encourage him or her to submit a video recording. Trophies will only be given to students who participated in the contest. I am also happy to bump any honorable mentions to the 3rd place upon parent’s request. I would like to send a positive encouragement to every student who made a genuine effort to prepare and practice. 
Our Heritage I and dance teacher Ms. Wen-lin Murray, is very environmentally conscious and proposed to recycle old trophies for redistribution. Ms. Murray’s son and daughter have done very well in the past years and collected many trophies. The trophies can be cleaned and put on new name plates instead of going into the dumpster. If you or your kids wish to donate trophies so we can recycle and give them out, please let me know. If you would like to help with the recycling, please let me know also. 

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

CSL Move Up Assessment

Dear CSL parents:

We will be conducting move up assessment at the end of the Spring semester to recommend students who are ready to move up to the next level. The purpose of implementing this assessment is to help students find the most appropriate learning level. The move up assessment is meant to evaluate readiness for the learning material in the next book.

The move up assessment is voluntary when a student feels she or he is ready for the 2017-2018 school year. We do not wish to force a student to go through the assessment until she or he feels prepared. After a student passes the assessment, he or she can attend class at the next level. For Advanced II students, this means they can receive academic achievement diploma at the graduation ceremony.

Students may also request to have move up assessment at the beginning of a semester, say September or February, should she or he catch up the learning level during the break.

The passing score is 60 by weighing two components: 70% from the move up assessment score and 30% from the current semester’s final grade. Please see the example test material from the PDF link below.

Please feel free to ask any questions or discuss with your teachers, Dean or me. Let’s work together to make sure our students learn well at NWCS.

CSL assessment

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 4/1

Dear NWCS families,

Our host school’s PTA ​is postponing the​ 5K run ​to​ April ​2nd due to rain and cold.

​We will however, keep the 8:30 am start but we can use our regular parking area.​​

Breakfast Club salty finger food bake sale on April 1
Vivian told me to emphasize the point that it is salty finger food, not sweet finger food. The belief is salty finger food does not cause cavities. :-)
This is also not an April Fool’s prank. So prepare $5 and lick your fingers.

April 8th clarification – we have school!!!
Due to a website error, the old calendar with the wrong Easter Break date of April 8th was still online. The correct Easter Break date is April 15th and was corrected on October 1st and uploaded but not readily accessible. As a result, some families have made plans to be away, so we will ask teachers to allow for make up Midterm exams when we come back on 4/22.


Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 3/22

Dear NWCS families:

Week 5 is coming up this Saturday. If you haven’t spoken to your teacher, please make an appointment to discuss your kid’s learning progress. I would also highly recommend students who wish to practice more speaking and listening to join our wonderful tutors at 11 am at Room 111. Speaking and listening will be an integral part of proficiency assessment at the end of this semester. If your kids are here to learn Chinese, we want them to speak and speak well.

Calling for volunteers at ACS conference
As you know, our school is part of the second region of the Association of Chinese Schools responsible for organizing and running the 2017 annual event in Hartford, CT on May 27 and 28. We are responsible to run the Multimedia student contest, the vendor display tables, the student activity program and the trophies. While our teachers are busy attending education sessions to improve their teaching, it is up to the rest of us to help running the program. I expect the Multimedia contest in particular to encounter all the usual techie challenges including projection, sound track, cables and laptop settings, etc. If you would like to help out, please let me or Mr. Rick Chan know so we can include your family in the hotel list. Yes, we do need to book the rooms before the reserved lot at Hilton Hartford runs out.

Yummy dumpling a great success
Thanks to our wonderful Breakfast Club and all the eager chefs for making dumplings at this grand scale, likely a record in Westchester if not in New York. I have posted some photos here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1635.
My only plead is next time we hold the event, we need to reserve some of our teachers. It was like by 10:40 (!), the trays were all clean and washed up already. Thank you for supporting the school but let’s not forget about our teachers.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 3/15

Dear NWCS families:

It surely feels like we are back in winter. Hope nobody’s back was hurt shoveling snow. Stay warm and safe but do come to school on Saturday.

Mr. Rick Chan to serve as acting vice principal
I wish to announce that our vice principal Mr. Ping-Chuan Wang, who orchestrated graduation ceremony and Chinese New Year performance in the past two years, will be temporarily absent ​from school ​in the next few months. Mr. Rick Chan has kindly agreed to step in and serve as acting vice principal.​ Coincidentally, Mr. Wang’s wife Ms. Huang teaches CSL Intermediate II while Mr. Chan’s wife Ms. ​Kan teaches Heritage III. They are true, dedicated NWCS families whom we fully exploit their good will and labor. :-) Ping-Chuan and Rick, we appreciate and thank you for your services.

What did 5th graders do during winter break?
Ms. Kuo, our Heritage V teacher, kindly shared with us the winter diaries of her class. Read the diaries if you would like to find out what our 5th graders did during the break. 謝謝郭老師和班上的小朋友!! Please see http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1617

I welcome any form of Chinese writing from our students – diaries, travel journals, stories – on any subject and topic. If you wish to share your child’s work, please send me an electronic copy and I will post it. 

Raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. To those who have been feeling lucky (who isn’t?), this is your chance to grab many prizes and help our school.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 3/8

Dear NWCS families:
We have another incident last Saturday reported by our host school about items moved in the classroom and smart board drawn with dry erase markers. I wish to remind and emphasize to everyone that we must respect teachers’ and students’ material and do not eat or drink in the classrooms. Students should not use markers unless they are asked by the teacher. We have been with the Briarcliff Middle School for eleven years and we have been always a welcomed tenant. Let us work together to keep it that way. 
Spring Contest coming up
Like last year, we will be moving up middle to upper grades’ speech and multimedia contests toward the end of this month so we can nominate a strong team to represent NWCS at the annual ACS conference in May. For lower grades, including the happy preschoolers, their speaking contests remain in May. And yes, we plan to hand out trophies to every student who works hard to prepare. At NWCS we are all winners, just some win bigger. :-)
Community news
Lightly-played solid wood/cherry finish Yamaha upright piano for sale, model M450TC, like-new condition, $3,000. This model is discontinued, but is comparable to Yamaha’s M560 which sells for $6,999. Please contact Mrs. Constance Clemmons. 
That’s Mandarin’s Summer Chinese Camp – The Chin children attended this immersion summer camp in July of 2015.  Calvin and his family highly recommend it! Homestay, Day Camps, Family Camps and Chinese Classes only Camps are available to all NWCS students, sign-up today and save 5%. Visit their website www.summercampschina.com
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 3/1

Dear NWCS families:


pring is in the air! I hope all the skiers are done on the slopes for the season (so we will see better attendance this Saturday). 

CSL move up

I would like to congratulate two students Jason Zhang (张明皓) and Natalie Roc-Sennett (玲玲) passed oral evaluation to move up one level in the CSL track. Head teachers and I sat down with them to chat casually over a couple of topics randomly drawn from the textbook. We were pleased and impressed by their readiness for the next level. As described in this guide http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1331, the CSL track is divided into competency levels instead of age-based grades. I will be posting assessment guidelines shortly to help students understand how they will be evaluated for readiness for the next level. As parents and volunteers, we want our kids to fully take advantage of time at NWCS to speak Chinese, in addition to other fun things they do with friends. We can all work together toward this goal. 

Raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. To those who have been feeling lucky (who isn’t?), this is your chance to grab many prizes and help our school.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 2/24

Dear NWCS families:
Welcome back, after a long, warm winter break. Our spring semester starts this Saturday so be sure to set your alarm o’clock. 
We have reopened the registration system for SAT and new family enrollment. The rest of us who have gone through the fall semester, please do not send us another check. Tuition is paid once for the entire school year, not per semester. With that said…
First ever NWCS Challenge Grant
The board is pleased to announce that two families are offering a challenge grant in the amount of $5000. They will match up to $5000 in donations from other families and sources. This challenge grant is good until March 31. As we mentioned in the general meeting, NWCS is expecting a financial gap at the end of this school year estimated in the range of $15,000. While we have reserves, the board feels it is fiscally responsible to narrow the gap as much as we can.
ACS student contests
This year, NWCS along with 8 other Chinese schools from southeastern New York to western Connecticut will be hosting the annual ACS conference in Hartford, CT. As in the past year, I would like to encourage our best and brightest to represent our school at the student contests, ranging from singing, YoYo, multimedia, poster, to speech. Speech contests are open to the heritage and CSL tracks. Our teachers are committed to work with our student representatives to form and train the best teams. We also need parents’ support so you can participate in this annual event with us. You will soon be hearing from your teachers about what contests we aim to enter. Although the registration deadline is April 15, it never hurts to start early. 
There are both Chinese and English announcements at the conference website http://www.acsusa.org/acs2017/
You are welcome to check it out and talk to me or our ACS liaison Mr. Rick Chan to find out how you can help.  
Raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. To those who have been feeling lucky (who isn’t?), this is your chance to grab many prizes and help our school.
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 1/2

Dear NWCS families, 
Happy New Year!! Hope you all had a relaxing break and much needed time to prepare for the final exam. :-)
Due to the snow day on Dec 19, we have to extend the fall semester by one week and hold the graduation ceremony on Saturday, January 14 instead. We expect to start at 10 am and wrap up around noon for luncheon. Given it is MLK weekend, if your kids cannot attend, please let your teachers know as soon as possible so the performance roles can be adjusted. If you have signed up to contribute dishes for luncheon but cannot make it on the 14th, please let Kay and Vivian know.  
Chinese New Year performance rehearsal
We will be going on the high school auditorium stage for performance rehearsals this week. For parents who wish to get an early peek, and maybe also help directing the little ones from and back to the classrooms, we welcome your help!!
Luncheon and raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling CNY luncheon and raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The luncheon tickets are $5 per person. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. To those who have been feeling lucky (who isn’t?), this is your chance to grab many prizes. 
No snow in the forecast! See you on Saturday
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 12/14

Dear NWCS families, 
There is a possibility of snow and rain in the forecast this Saturday. In case we had to declare a snow day, we will extend the semester by one week and hold the graduation ceremony on Saturday, January 14 instead. Please check our school web site on Saturday morning. We will also notify class parents to relay school closing via text message.
Chinese New Year performance rehearsal
We will be going on the high school auditorium stage for performance rehearsals this week. For parents who wish to get an early peek, and maybe also help directing the little ones from and back to the classrooms, we welcome your help!!
Breakfast Club featuring appetizer tasting event
After bake sale, potluck, dumpling, our Breakfast Club leaders are challenging talented NWCS Iron Chefs once again for salty or non-sweet finger foods! This is also the biggest reason why I think we should not call a snow day!
Luncheon and raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling CNY luncheon and raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The luncheon tickets are $5 per person. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. To those who have been feeling lucky (who isn’t?), this is your chance to grab many prizes. 
Hope to see you all on Saturday!
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極