NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 11/7

Dear NWCS families,
I am very glad that a couple of parents contacted me last week to seek additional help with homework and learning. Thank you parents for your unwavered support to make sure your kids learn Chinese well. Sometimes, a quick repeat of the lessons just learned reinforces students’ memory. I highly recommend having your children stopping by Rm 111 at 11 am to get help from our high school tutors, who are happy to listen, pronounce, correct and answer questions. If your kids wish to start working on their homework there and then, that is great too!
Halloween at NWCS
Thanks to many talented and devoted parents as well as little princesses, witches, supermen and ninjas, we had a wonderful Halloween party. Please send me photos you’d like to share on the web site. I also have the posted photos in full resolution and am happy to send them. Please see http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1158
Special thanks to Vivian and Kay’s organization for the bake sale. NWCS moms showed amazing talent with their cup cakes and sweet treats. Now I cannot wait to find out our school’s culinary talent at the coming Thanksgiving potluck. 
NWCS students won 1st and 3rd places at regional Chinese Calligraphy competition
Congratulations to our high schoolers 林詠雯, Rebecca Lim, and 張逸文, Alan Chang, for winning the 1st and 3rd place awards in Chinese Calligraphy competition organized by ACS Region 2 schools. Two other entries from 朱莉雅, Juliet Rose Weglarz, and 文天娜, Valentina Capshaw received honorable mentions. The award ceremony will be held in Flushing on November 14. The winning streak in recent years reflects not only the academic excellence of our students, but also the dedication of our Calligraphy teacher, 沈道茜老師, Ms. Daisy Rose. Thank you, 沈老師.
Donate to NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school’s link.
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/31

Dear NWCS families,
This Saturday will be Week 7 and we are half way into the fall sememster. For those of you whose checks we haven’t deposited, thank you for your patience. Our former board member Ms. Lynn Winters just stepped up to become our school’s Treasurer. So hopefully we can clear the backlog of financial bookkeeping shortly. I would also like to thank Ms. Chia Chi Chang, whom I lobbied to become 2A teacher while double dutying as Treasurer until now. I would also like to welcome Mr. Tony Wu to become our school’s Registrar. I am very grateful that Tony stepped in to help taking the role from me so I only need to answer emails arrived at the principal account. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Addi Hou to step in as co-counselor, along with Mr. Kenneth Soohoo. School counselors are usually the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave after they check every corner of the space we are using. As we are with the Briarcliff Middle School in the 10th year, the strong relationship is partly indebted to the dedication of our past and current counselors. 
Halloween parade and face painting at 10
I am calling princess and wizards, batman and ninjas, banana and minions to join a short parade and candy run at 10 am in the cafeteria. In addition, our Arts teacher Terry in Mermaid costume will happily paint your face, Mermaid or not. If you plan to bring in cupcakes or other baked goodies, please RSVP with Kay or Vivian before Saturday. 
No lunch order this week
Our Breakfast Club chairladies are reporting lack of interest in lunch orders so we will not be accepting orders this week. If you would like to resume lunch order with the same food outlet or a different one, please speak to Vivian or Kay. We are certainly looking for some healthy choices. After all, one can only eat so much Halloween candy. 
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/24

Dear NWCS families,
Time flies and we are at Week 6. Please note most classes will have midterm this Saturday. Please work with your children to follow midterm preparation instructions from their teachers. 
New York Life Foundation’s Volunteers for Good – Individual Grant to Chairman Emeritus Benson Louie
For a third year in the row, our Chairman Emeritus Benson Louie applied and is recognized with a $1000 volunteer service grant by New York Life. This grant program encourages and supports the volunteer involvement of New York Life employees, agents and retirees with community-based nonprofit organizations. The grant will help our school to pay for equipments, award trophies and teacher training. If you are aware of other community service grants sponsored by your companies, please help us apply for them. 
WACA award to 2015 graduate Kevin Chang
I am proud to announce our 2015 graduate Mr. Kevin Chang, currently a senior at Byram Hills High School, is recognized as the 1st place winner of this year’s Outstanding Student Leadership and Community Service Award by Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA). Since 2009, the award has been given to high school seniors who demonstrate excellent academic achievements, rich extracurricular activities, and outstanding community service. Our congratulations to Mr. Kevin Chang and his proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Rong Chang!!
Saturday parking
Our host school has a football game scheduled at 10 am and expects a lot of visitors. We are asked to leave the usual parking lot open so the visitors have easier access to the field. Instead, we can park on the side or the back of the building. Please use the rear door of the Middle School to enter the building. 
Fire drill was a success
Thank you all for your help to make last week’s fire drill orderly and smooth. Our registrar, Mr. Tony Wu timed and reported the full evacuation was complete in less than three and a half minutes. After the drill, our counselor Mr. Kenny Soohoo could not stop praising our teachers to keep their classes together during the evacuation. Thank you, teachers!!
Order Your lunch
Please buy snacks and drinks at The Breakfast Club.  A part of every purchase goes toward fundraising for the school.  The Breakfast Club also takes lunch orders from a local Chinese restaurant for your convenience. You get an entree plus Wonton/Egg Drop soup, can soda or egg roll. Please order at the school cafeteria by 10:00AM – pay CASH when ordering. Each order includes $0.50 delivery cost and $1.00 donation to the school. The menu is available online athttp://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=1010
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/17

Dear NWCS families,
We resume Chinese learning this Saturday, Oct 17. Please note some classes are having their midterms this week while others will hold midterms on the 24th.
Parent Teacher Conference
  • There are a couple of classes with substitute teachers so for those classes, the parent teacher conference will be postponed until their regular teachers return. 
Thanksgiving Pot Luck
  • Share with us with one of your favorite dish(es) for Thanksgiving. November 21, 2015. Bring a tray in. If we have enough trays, The Breakfast Club will not charge for breakfast but will take donation in the morning. Please think about all the yummy food we can share. We will begin the sign up this Saturday. Please stop by to see Terry, Kay or Vivian. 
Calling for Volunteers for Chinese New Year Celebration
  • We would also like to call for volunteers for Chinese New Year Celebration scheduled on Jan 9, 2016. Remember the more you help, the more fun everyone will have. We are looking for creative ideas to make it a fun day. So please come in to tell us that you can help out and we can work out the details together. We will begin the sign up this Saturday. Please stop by to see Terry, Kay or Vivian. 
Order Your Lunch

  • The Breakfast Club takes lunch orders from a local Chinese restaurant for your convenience. You get an entree, Wonton or Egg Drop soup, and a choice of can soda or egg roll. Please order at the school cafeteria by 10:00AM – pay CASH when ordering. Each order includes $0.50 delivery cost and $1.00 donation to the school. The menu is available online at http://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=1010

Your principal,

Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/10

Dear NWCS families,
I wish to remind everyone that there is NO SCHOOL this Saturday, Oct 10. Some classes may have a midterm upon returning on the 17th or the 24th. Please encourage your children to review the Chinese material briefly every day, like reading out loud a couple of pages with the CD. Practicing every day goes a long way. 
Chat with principal
I will hold a telecon this Friday evening at 9 pm, inviting all NWCS families who would like to discuss school issues to join. If you are not available, please ask your class parents to relay your message. We are one-third way into the semester and if there is anything we can collectively address, let us do it now. 
Essays from our sophomores
I just posted essays from two sophomores Diane Yang, 楊得安同學 and Alan Chang, 張逸文同學. I highly recommend all students 7th grade and above to try reading those essays. Their extensive use of 成語 (Chinese idioms) throughout the writing makes the stories succinct and witty. See http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1096http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1098
Thanksgiving Pot Luck
Share with us with one of your favorite dish(es) for Thanksgiving. November 21, 2015. Bring a tray in. If we have enough trays, The Breakfast Club will not charge for breakfast but will take donation in the morning. Please think about all the yummy food we can share. We will begin sign up on Oct 17. Please contact Kay and Vivian for details. 

Your principal, 

Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

Essay from our sophomore Alan Chang, 張逸文同學

I am pleased to post an essay from the summer assignment of our sophomore Alan Chang, 張逸文同學. Alan’s story told a shopping trip to a department store. The journey included looking for a computer, getting a discount coupon, and grocery shopping at a supermarket. The story reads lively with twists and turns. Definitely a good read.

Alan’s essay also applied 成語 (Chinese idioms) extensively throughout the article. His mastery of these idioms worked really well to convey the story in a very succinct and witty way. For students in 7th grade and above, please try to count how many idioms are in Alan’s essay.

Great job, Alan! We look forward to reading more stories from you. 

Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極



Essay from our sophomore Diane Yang, 楊得安同學

I am pleased to post an essay from the summer assignment of our sophomore Diane Yang, 楊得安同學. Her 4 (!) page long writing told a story about visiting the school library after the tennis practice got cancelled because of rain. She read a book in the library about the Holocaust and wrote a report about it. A little detour took her to the school cafeteria before putting her on the bus home.

What is notable about Diane’s writing is the essay used 成語 (Chinese idioms) extensively throughout. For students in 7th grade and above, please try to count how many idioms are in the essay. Diane did a splendid job in stringing them to together in the story. Her handwriting is also clear and clean.

Great job, Diane! You set an exemplary model for the middle schoolers.

Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極



NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/03

Dear NWCS families,
As we are entering Week 4, I hope your children have found their favorite elective in the third hour. Briarcliff middle school informed us there will be scheduled activities this Saturday so we will postpone the fire drill, currently listed on school calendar on 10/3, to a later date.
It is with a heavy heart that I am relaying the news about the passing of our former teacher, Ms. Jiau-lan Weinstein, who departed peacefully in Taichung, Taiwan on Sunday, September 27. A memorial service is scheduled to be held in Tarrytown on October 11. Please contact me for exact time and location of the service.
Student Travel Journals

  • I just posted an essay from our 6th grade student ​Megan Chin, 陳頌詩同學, with introduction from her proud father Mr. Calvin Chin.
  • Please encourage your children to write about their experience in learning and speaking Chinese. Send the essays to me, long or short and I will post them on our web site to share with NWCS families. 
Online Tutoring Initiative

  • I would like to invite up to 10 families to join a trial of a new online tutoring initiative introduced this year. I am hoping online tutoring will become a viable education tool to keep our students practicing speaking and listening ​Chinese ​during the week. For details, please see http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1035
Student Leadership Award

  • Westchester Association of Chinese Americans is soliciting nominations of outstanding students in leadership and community services. The nomination deadline is October 15. Please see http://wacany.org/ for details.

Order Your Lunch

  • The Breakfast Club takes lunch orders from a local Chinese restaurant for your convenience. You get an entree, Wonton or Egg Drop soup, and a choice of can soda or egg roll. Please order at the school cafeteria by 10:00AM – pay CASH when ordering. Each order includes $0.50 delivery cost and $1.00 donation to the school. The menu is available online at http://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=1010

Donate to NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program

  • Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school link.
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

Essay from our 6th grade student ​Megan Chin, 陳頌詩同學

Dear all, 

Megan from our 6th grade class traveled with her family to China during summer vacation. She wrote down her travel notes and shared with us in the attached essay. Her Chinese character writing is excellent. All 5th graders and above should be able to read her essay so I am not attaching an English translation. However, if you cannot, please come to me or any teacher and we will be happy to read out for you. Then we will give you more homework to make sure you catch up!

Great job, Megan! Please keep writing. All others who wish to share their journals and essays with the school, please send them to me for publishing. 

Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

Here is the introduction from Megan’s dad, Mr. Calvin Chin. 

We know how important to learn Chinese well in a rigorous and encouraging environment which our school, NWCS, clearly is.  For 5 years we have seen how our girls have taken this responsibility seriously for five grades and also adding traditional dance with Wen Lin Murray.  The girls did a good job of speaking Chinese in Beijing and strangers commented how nice the girls’ pronunciations were.  Beforehand, we were excited and anxious about the trip not knowing how well prepared we were as a family.  We got by and enjoyed seeing the girls speak Chinese on many occasions.  It is small steps to making the girls feel comfortable speaking although most people don’t have to travel so far to practice.  I know that being in China, we were all forced to communicate in zhong wen which helps us all achieve our common goal – to speak Chinese well.


Megan's Essay

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 09/26

Dear NWCS families,
I’d like to keep the newsletter short so you can read it quickly. For details, please see the linked pages posted on NWCS web site.
Chinese Holidays
  • On Monday, Sep 28, we celebrate Teachers’ Day which is also Confucius’s birthday. Many of today’s Chinese cultural traits are deeply rooted by Confucius’s teaching. Traditional Chinese look up to teachers and​ scholars who pass down knowledge, morality, social relations and justice from generations to generations. To honor our teachers, I am distributing a Thank You card to every class on Saturday for kids to sign and thank their teachers. At NWCS, we not only teach the Chinese language but also honor good Chinese traditions and values. http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1041
  • On Sunday, Sep 27, we celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival which is one of the three commonly celebrated Chinese holidays during the year. If you like sweets, definitely do not miss the delicious mooncakes. I put some animated stories on the web site to illustrate the legends of Jade Rabbit and a beauty flying to the Moon before Armstrong’s first step. http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1039
Online Tutoring Initiative

  • I would like to invite up to 10 families to join a trial of a new online tutoring initiative introduced this year. I am hoping online tutoring will become a viable education tool to keep our students practicing speaking and listening Chinese ​during the week. For details, please see http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1035

Student Travel Journals

  • I’d like to invite our students who visited any Mandarin speaking cities during the summer. ​This week I am going to publish an essay from our 6th grade student ​Megan Chin, 陳頌詩同學. Please stay tuned to feature stories on our web site.

Order Your Lunch

  • Thank you for being patient to read on the email till here. The Breakfast Club takes lunch orders from a local Chinese restaurant for your convenience. You get an entree, Wonton or Egg Drop soup, and a choice of can soda or egg roll. Please order at the school cafeteria by 10:00AM – pay CASH when ordering. Each order includes $0.50 delivery cost and $1.00 donation to the school. The menu is available online at http://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=1010

Donate to NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program

  • Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school link.
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極