NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Newsletter – Week 2

Dear NWCS families,It was great to see you all at the opening assembly.  In the next week or two, we will continue to get every student placed in the right class after some try out sessions.  Please be reminded to turn in summer homework to get credited for 10 raffle tickets!

Registration – Classes and Electives

Language Classes - Some of you may not have the time to complete the registration yet, please take a moment and log on to NWCS web site and complete the enrollment process.  As teachers evaluate their classes, we will let families know if any changes are recommended.  If your child(ren) speaks with you about the current level being too difficult or too easy, please let your teacher, Dean, and myself know so that we can assess right away.

Electives - We offer culture electives in the 3rd hour.  Please encourage your kids to visit and sign up.  If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact our registrar, Mr. David Chan, at registrar@nwcsny.org.

Tutor Room Change - The 3rd hour tutoring session will be located at the ART room on 1st floor.  We have a regular tutor for the hour.
Be part of the NWCS community volunteer network.  We encourage parents to join breakfast club, school custodian, or class parents and help school with day to day operation.  Our collective contribution will make a difference to our students and the community!

Starting this semester, we will run one pilot program for encourage more class participation and at home practice.  For pre-k to 3rd grade classes, each student will be given a communication booklet or similar by class teachers.  This booklet will be used by teachers to communicate with parents about in-class progress, homework assignment, reward sticker collection, etc.. We also prepare lots of goodies for our students to redeem their sticker rewards at our school Reward Station.  I also like to invite parent involvement to promote good learning habit development at home.  If you think your kid(s) has done an excellent Chinese school work at home this week, please write a short note to class teacher, your child(s) will get one extra sticker towards his/her reward collection.  I am looking forward to seeing many students come to our reward station to exchange their favorite prize!

Remind Notification and Email Distribution

NWCS will broadcast school closings or emergency notifications by text via Remind (thanks to Mr. Harry Villareal, our Webmaster and Board member)!  This service is extra helpful in the winter months before driving kids to school on Saturday morning.
If you have not yet subscribed to Remind for NWCS, please follow the below instructions to join:
Sending a text to 81010 with message text @nwcsnotify
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If having trouble texting to 81010, then try texting to (478) 225-3884 with message text @nwcsnotify

NWCS also communicates over emails on school news and activities. If you know people, especially new families, who are not getting this email, please have them contact our webmaster at 

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

Welcome to Northern Westchester Chinese School

Dear NWCS families,

歡迎大家來到北威中文學校!  Welcome to Northern Westchester Chinese School!

This Saturday, September 14th, is the first day of Chinese school for the Fall 2019 semester.  We are thrilled to have you join NWCS community for this year!  In preparation for the first day of school, please see below for a few important announcements.

Open Assembly
We will start school’s opening assembly at 9:00 am sharp in the middle school gym. Kindly remember to pick up a welcome packet for your family which contains important information relevant to the school. Students will meet their respective teachers and then walk to the classrooms together. We aim to have the students in their classrooms by 9:15am after reviewing school safety policy and classroom etiquette. Break as usual is at 10:00 am and our languages classes end at 11:00 am.


Electives are great way to meet students from other classes, learn something new, and do something fun. All students are welcomed to take or tour the electives from 11am to noon. I especially encourage the younger grades kids to sign up for our electives!

Open House
We will also hold an open house from 10-11am for prospective families. Attached are the information for the open house, school floor plan.

Extra Credit Homework for all:

kindly post the open house banner on your Facebook, snapshot, or other social media groups you belong to.  Please also print out copies of the fliers and hang them on public bulletin boards. Help NWCS spread the word!

Be our class parent
Each teacher has been asked to elect a class parent to help with events coordination and school communication chain. Please consider nominating yourself! This school depends on volunteers. Your active participation would be greatly appreciated.

Summer homework assignment
In preparation of the first day of class, kindly remind the kids to finish their summer work assignments and review what was learnt last year. For kids that have completed their summer homework assignments, they will be awarded 10 raffle tickets (pending teacher’s verification).


This school is run by parents like you and me.  We are here to create a language and culture environment for our children.  To enrich our students’ learning experience, please consider to volunteer and help school functions and activities.  To incentivize in teaching role, we just initiated a program this year to offer 50% discount in language course tuition if you decide to become a teacher at NWCS.  Please feel free to contact me regarding this program.

You can find the 2019-2020 school calendar here. If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact our registrar, Mr. David Chan, at registrar@nwcsny.org or me.

Your principal,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

Summer work reminder

Dear Parents,

As approaching half way of the summer break, I like to take the momentum built from Spring semester and continue to add better foundation to our students. Summer time is always filled with lots of fun activities. It’s good to set aside some quiet time to read and learn. Before Chinese school ended, each student received a summer homework assignment. Please have your child/children allocate some time to practice and complete their summer homework.

To incentivize their effort, please let them know that every student turns in the complete homework after returning back to school, they will receive 10 raffle tickets that will be used later at Chinese New Year raffle drawing. The big prize winners of the raffle drawing from past 2 years were ALL drawn from the this homework raffle ticket give away.

Your Principal,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

Charity Contribution While Shopping

Dear families and friends,

While enjoying summer vacation, there is a good cause you can help NWCS community to raise charitable funding on Amazon prime day. NWCS is a registered non-profit organization. By registering NWCS as you charitable organization on AmazonSmile and shop using Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price to NWCS.



Your Principal,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 14

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

End of School Celebration
This Saturday is the last day of this school year. There will be no elective classes in the third hour. We will be celebrating with some yummy snacks, drinks and food at 11am in the cafeteria instead. Parents, please remember to bring the goodies to share with everyone!

Registration for Fall 2019
Registration is open for Fall 2019! Reminder that we are offering an early registration discount of $50 per student if registered before July 15th. There is also a $30 discount per additional sibling. Kindly note that early registration discount will only be honored if the tuition is paid in full by 7/15 (postmarked on or prior to that date if mailing a check).
You can register here. If you have any questions, please contract our registrar, Mr. David Chan, at registrar@nwcsny.org or me at principal@nwcsny.org
Thank You to NWCS Teachers and Staff for a wonderful 2018-2019 school year!
I want to thank all the teachers and staff members for their dedication and hard work this year!! You are the heart and soul of this school and community. This Saturday marks the end of my two-year term as principal. I am happy to announce that Rick Chan, our current vice principal, will be taking over the role next year. I will continue to serve the school next year as vice principal (yup, we’re switching roles). If you are interested in being co-vice principal with me, please let me know!

Being NWCS’ principal has been a source of great personal fulfillment for me over these last 2 years. I wanted to give back to the school that I had attended as a child, celebrate our 50th anniversary, and help moving our school forward. With everyone’s help, I feel we were successful in doing so. Perhaps some of today’s students will also pay it forward one day by becoming a school leader when they are grown up too!

Wish you all a great week and summer ahead!

Best Regards,

NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 13

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Registration for Fall 2019
Registration is open for Fall 2019! We are offering an early registration discount of $50 per student if signed up by July 15th. There is also a $30 discount per additional sibling. Kindly note that early registration discount will only be honored if the tuition is paid in full by 7/15 (postmarked on or prior to that date if mailing a check).

Language class tuition remains at $700, regular electives are at $275, and special electives (Coding, SAT, Kung Fu) are at $300. Book/material fees, family registration fees, and Paypal payment fees are additional.
Reminder that students in Heritage 6 and CSL 5 are required to take Calligraphy as a culture class (unless the student has already taken it). Parents, please have your child(ren) take an elective to make new friends outside their language classes and do something fun/hands-on!

You can register here. If you have any questions, please contract our registrar, Mr. David Chan, at registrar@nwcsny.org or me at principal@nwcsny.org

End of School Celebration
June 22nd will be the last day of school for this semester. There will be no elective classes that Saturday as we will be celebrating with some yummy snacks, drinks and food at 11am in the cafeteria instead. Parents, kindly sign-up to bring some goodies to help us celebrate!
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 12

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

General Assembly and Elections
We will be holding a General Assembly and Elections for board/staff positions in the cafeteria at 9:30 am this Saturday. Please come to vote and hear updates about the school from chairpersons, principal and vice-principal. We will have time for Q&A too. As you know, the strength of our school lies in the dedication of our students, teachers, and parents. We would like to see more of our parents getting involved. Please consider contributing at whatever level you feel comfortable! Please reach out to me, vice principal or our board members if you want to know how you can help!

Fire Drill Update
Our fire drill came off without a hitch! Thank you to all the staff, teachers, parents and students for making our fire drill a success. According to Kenny Soohoo, one of NWCS’ main counselors, this was our fastest timed evaluation ever at 2 min 47 secs! Well done everyone and please keep safety in mind always.

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 11

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Fire Drill This Saturday
We will have a fire drill from 10:50-11:05am this Saturday. The teachers will lead the students to the designated meeting area outside during the drill. All adults, including Chorus and Line Dance members will also need to evacuate the school when the alarm bell rings please. Kindly review the attached evacuation plan in advance, so that you are familiar with what your evacuation route is. There will be staff in the corridors to direct you to the right place, but it would be very helpful if you know where to go as well. We are aiming to complete the evaluation in less than 5 minutes so please help us make that happen!

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Annual Asian American Heritage Festival – June 1st
NWCS’ Kindergartner dancing team is going to perform Hand Drum Dance (手豉舞) at 1:05pm this Saturday! Please come and see the performance.
Our school will also host a booth at the AAH festival this Saturday. It is a fun event and one of the most popular ethnic cultural celebrations in Westchester. We are seeking volunteers to be present at our booth. No special skills required, just be friendly and share your experience at NWCS. Please let us know if you can help us at the booth!!
Free admission and parking!

Event: 22nd Annual Asian American Heritage Festival
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2019
Time: 12 noon to 6 pm
Place: Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla, New York

LINK: https://artswestchester.org/22nd-annual-asian-american-heritage-festival/

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Good luck to Claudia Strollo (司徒曉儀) and Anthony Jiang (江俊暉) on their ACS speech contest in Baltimore today!
Also thank you to Ms. Huey-Ping Wang (王蕙萍 老師 ), Ms. Heidy Wang (王蕙餘 老師), and Board Chairperson Ms. Weifang Lin for representing NWCS at the ACS conference this weekend.

See you all next Saturday, June 1st!

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 10

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Open House on May 18th
NWCS is having an Open House this Saturday from 10am to noon. Kindly invite families who are interested in learning Chinese to join us!
The open house flyer is attached. Also please feel free to use the jpeg file on social media to spread the word.

Speech Contest Makeup
If your children missed their class’ speech contest, please have them send in a video recording or request a makeup session with judges during class hours! The speech performance is an important part of Chinese language learning this semester so please have them practice and memorize it.

For parents who have volunteered to be judges, I thank you. We really appreciate your help!

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏