NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 9/24

Dear NWCS families,

Here we are going to Week 2. There are several things I’d like to share with you.

Feel free to update your kids’ registration and electives on the web site sis.nwcsny.orgby the end of Week 3, Saturday, Oct 1. We will freeze registration shortly after. Oct 1 is also the last day to withdraw with only book fee deducted. If you need help, please contact our registrar, Mr. Tony Wu, for assistance.

CSL Placement Adjustment
If your children spoke to you about the current level being too difficult or too easy, please let your teacher, Dean and myself know so we can reassess the placement right away. On one hand, we would like to see our children learning more effectively. On the other hand, we recognize they have bonded with their classmates from young and may not want to move to the next level without their friends. So teachers would like to hear from you what’s best for your kids. 

Please elect a class parent so we can better communicate and reflect the needs of your class. Class parents please contact each family in your class to make sure they are receiving emails from school. Class parents will also coordinate help with the Chinese New Year performance.  

We are continuing to search for Kung Fu and Chess teachers. If you know someone who are willing to teach at a fairly modest pay, please let me or Chairperson, Mr. Calvin Chin know. In the mean time, please encourage your children to explore other electives. 

Student Travel Journals
I’d like to invite our students who visited any Mandarin speaking cities during the summer to submit your travel journals for publication on our school web site. Please share with us your journal on the culture, people, food, and fun things you did.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極


NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 9/14

Dear NWCS families, 
Welcome back to the fall semester of the 2016-2017 school year!
Week 1 kick off and open house
We would like to ask you to attend the opening assembly at 9 am sharp at the middle school cafeteria. I will reiterate school safety policy and remind students about classroom etiquette. Then students will follow their teachers to their classrooms to talk about their summer, hand in assignments and review what was learned in the spring semester. Break as usual is at 10 and our languages classes end at 11 am. I would encourage all students to tour the electives starting at 11 before deciding. 
We will hold an open house that day also with the board members helping to guide perspective families. Please pass the words. 
Electing class parent
As in the past years, I would like to ask each class to have a class parent so two-way communications go faster and more effectively. If you have not been a class parent before at NWCS, please consider nominating yourself. Needless for me to remind that this school is run by volunteering parents. Your active participation is what keeps the school going. 
New family telecon on Friday, 9/16 at 9 pm 
I would like to hold a telecon to welcome new families and answer questions at 9 pm this Friday. Returning families are also welcome. The dial-in number is (641) 715-3580 with access code: 735-278.
Exciting new electives this fall
With lots of luck and effort, we are happy to announce several new electives to join our existing rich cultural activities this fall. For the kids who like to moving, moving, we have Chinese YoYo http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1390. For the kids who love handcraft, we now have Chinese knotting http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1396. I would like to think one aspect of our school that is different from other weekday after school programs is these wonderful electives, from calligraphy, dancing, origami, arts and crafts, now knotting and yoyo. In the fall semester, we will also have invited speakers and demonstration of traditional Chinese tea art. Please stay tuned!
Electives Kung Fu and Chess TBD
We are still looking for instructors for these two electives. Suggest if you enrolled your kids to these two electives, please encourage them to try out other electives. As soon as we identified new instructors, I will let you know.

NWCS E-Mail List
Please see this link to subscribe/unsubscribe from the mailing list. http://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=1020

See you Saturday!!
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 9/4

Dear NWCS families, 
Hope you are catching the summer rays over the long weekend. Our teachers, board members and staff have been busy preparing for the fall semester opening on September 17. You can find the 2016-2017 school calendar here http://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=935. If you have not registered or do not know which class to enroll, please contact our registrar Mr. Tony Wu registrar@nwcsny.org or me. 
September 17 kick off and open house
We would like to ask you to attend the opening assembly at 9 am sharp. There may be a chance that we cannot use the middle school gym that day due to an event at our host school. In that case, we will meet at the cafeteria instead. We expect to reiterate school safety policy and remind students about classroom etiquette. Then students will follow their teachers to their classrooms to talk about their summer, hand in assignments and review what was learned in the spring semester. I surely hope our kids haven’t forgotten everything! Break as usual is at 10 and our languages classes end at 11 am. I would encourage all students to tour the electives starting at 11 before deciding. 
We will hold an open house that day also with the board members helping to guide perspective families. Please pass the words.
Electing class parent
As in the past years, I would like to ask each class to have a class parent so two-way communications go faster and more effectively. If you have not been a class parent before at NWCS, please consider nominating yourself. Needless for me to remind that this school is run by volunteering parents. Your active participation is what keeps the school going. 
Exciting new electives this fall
With lots of luck and effort, we are happy to announce several new electives to join our existing rich cultural activities this fall. For the kids who like to moving, moving, we have Chinese YoYo http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1390. For the kids who love handcraft, we now have Chinese knotting http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1396. I would like to think one aspect of our school that is different from other weekday after school programs is these wonderful electives, including calligraphy, dancing, origami, arts and crafts, kung fu, chess, now knotting and yoyo. In the fall semester, we will also have invited speakers and demonstration of traditional Chinese tea art. Please stay tuned!
Finishing summer assignment
Need I say more? :-)
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 6/11

Dear NWCS families, 
This is the last week for the 2015-2016 school year at NWCS. We have finals, trophies and picnic for everyone. Please remember to register and pay before July 4 to take advantage of the lower tuition rate. I am sad to report several beloved teachers, including Ms. Chang of 2A, Ms. Chuang of 2B, Ms. Lin of 3A, and Ms. Sugihara of 6B/7B, are either retiring or taking a break from teaching. I wish them all the best and would extend my invitation to join us at next January’s New Year celebration. Ms. Chang, Ms. Chuang, Ms. Lin, Ms. Sugihara, thank you for all the years of educating NWCS students. We will miss you!!
Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Fang, our board member Francine’s parents, who traveled to Flushing to bring back the trophies. So here is how we would like to hand them out. At 9 am, I would like a class parent to stop by the cafeteria to pick up trophies and deliver to your class. The finals are held in the first hour. So beginning at 10 am, vice principal and I will visit the classes in parallel to hand out trophies. Classes will be dismissed by 10:30 so you can travel to the year-end picnic. The only exception from the above is our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. We will hold their Move Up ceremonies and hand out trophies at 10:30 in the Middle School theater. We aim to wrap up and lock the doors by 11 am. 
Registration is open
Please register online at https://sis.nwcsny.org. Our B-track teachers will recommend your children’s placement among the six levels of the Chinese as a Second Language curriculum. You can find the description of the new curriculum here at http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1331.
Year-end celebration picnic 
Starting at 11 am, Kay, Vivian and our wonderful breakfast club will hold the biggest catering operation in NWCS history at the FDR State Park in Yorktown Heights. The travel time from Briarcliff is about 20 mins. Our spot is 5A. There is a $8 per car fee to enter the park. The map can be found here http://nysparks.com/parks/attachments/FranklinDRooseveltFDRPicnicMap2015.pdf. Look forward to seeing you there. 
Donations to our school
We would like to thank the Roc-Sennett family for their generous donation to the school. Their donation, along with other donors’ and various fund raising events, gave us the financial freedom to give out scholarships, prizes and trophies. Many thanks to all who contributed in one way or another to foster and strengthen the community. Let us keep working toward our goal to give our kids the best Chinese learning experience. 
With that, I would like to close by thanking your support. Wish you and your family a nice summer. Don’t forget to work on the summer assignments. See you in September. 
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 6/4

Dear NWCS families, 
Thank you for reviewing the trophy list. I have sent the list to the shop on Tuesday. I was told the trophies should be ready early next week. Please let me know if you are available to help picking them up from Flushing. You will make many kids very, very happy. (Kind of like Santa! in June)
Open House this Saturday and registration opens
We need your help to increase the awareness of our school in the neighborhood and encourage your children’s friends and families in the area to come by our Open House on June 4. Ms. Terry Taylor, our Arts teacher, updated the flyer, which we would like you to print and post at your local community bulletins. The colorful, high resolution page can be downloaded here. 
Strong showing of NWCS team at ACS meeting
Let us congratulate and thank everyone for the strongest showing of our school at ACS in the past decade (or maybe longer). Our CSL track performed spectacularly with Ryan Thomas winning 1st place and Dakota Fisher-La Plante winning 3rd place, both at speech contests. All our other contestants performed really well. We are very proud of their achievements. I am especially grateful to the twelve families traveling to central Jersey on 90-degree days to attend this event on the Memorial Day holiday. Our teachers spent long hours with our kids rehearsing in the past few weeks till 30 mins before the contests. Thank you Ms. Elieen Lee, Ms. Daisy Rose and Dean Ms. Hsuei-Chin Wang. Our Vice Principal Mr. Ping-Chuan Wang put the speech and multimedia contest recordings at the following page. If you are willing to help with our Open House, please bring in your iPads or tablets so we can play back the recordings to show our visitors. 

Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Track – Why, What and How

Dean Ms. Hsuei-Chin Wang and I co-authored this writeup explaining the new CSL curriculum. Many thanks to our board member Mr. David Quinn’s professional input and editing. You can read it here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1331. After attending the ACS contests, I feel it is really imperative that we work on our kids’ Chinese listening level that is being addressed by this curriculum. 
No rent increase for 2016-2017
We have great news from the Briarcliff school district that they will keep the rent constant for the coming year. This is partly due to our kids and parents’ effort to keep the facilities tidy and clean after use. (Let’s keep that till the last day of the semester!) This is also much attributed to the strong relationship our Chairman Emeritus Mr. Benson Louie established with the district over the past decade. Many thanks, Benson!
Year-end celebration picnic 
6/11 11AM-4PM  FDR State Park (Yorktown Heights) Parking Area 5A http://nysparks.com/parks/attachments/FranklinDRooseveltFDRPicnicMap2015.pdf  Please buy tickets at $5 per person from Francine, Kay, Vivian or any breakfast club champions. Please note there is a parking fee of $8 per car. 
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Track – Why, What and How

Download the PDF version here

Why did we make the change?

The problem: declining oral proficiency

Over the years, as parents and teachers, we have observed a decline in oral proficiency among our graduates at the 6th, 9th and 12th grade levels. This decline is most noticeable among our growing population of students in the B track, where Mandarin Chinese is not used in daily conversation in the family. While the curriculum based on the book series Mei Zhou Hua Yu has been taught to both A and B tracks for the past decade, its emphasis on writing and phrase based learning no longer meets the needs of students from our CSL families.

A solution: a new focus on conversation

Having learned from two other Chinese schools in the NY/CT region about their introduction of a new curriculum to meet the needs of CSL families, our Dean and head teachers began looking into the applicability of adopting the book series Chinese Wonderland, which is oriented toward scenario-based learning, emphasizing speaking and listening. After a trial semester, we decided to switch from Mei Zhou Hua Yu to Chinese Wonderland.

What are the biggest changes?

Scenario-based conversations

An energized emphasis on speaking and listening, as used in authentic scenario-based conversations, is the most significant change in our curriculum. Through traditional classroom learning and new technologies such as smartphones and tablets, our teachers plan to imprint the sounds and pronunciations in realistic life-based conversations. Relatively speaking, we are de-emphasizing the volume of writing assignments which only ask students to recognize frequently used Chinese characters.


In addition, for the CSL track at levels Basic II and Intermediate I, we will introduce Pinyin instead of Zhuyin (Bopomofo) blended into the class. There will also be an elective class for Intermediate I and up to reinforce the typing skill. The feel learning Pinyin offers a few advantages in terms of easier transition to Chinese courses taught in high schools and colleges as well as the large amount of online learning material and children’s publications. On the western computer keyboard, entering Chinese using Pinyin is also faster.

Proficiency-based levels

Finally, the CSL track is divided into six competency levels: Basic I and II, Intermediate I and II, and Advanced I and II. We want students’ Chinese proficiency to be reflected in the levels instead of the age-based grades. We expect most young students who have not been exposed to Chinese previously to enter in Basic I and after six to eight years of study, exit at Advanced II.

How will students be assessed/placed in the right level?

Based on oral and written assessments, our teachers will place  current B track students at their appropriate level to begin classes in the fall of 2016. In the fall, we will continue to work with parents and students to review placement decisions after a few weeks of lessons. we intended to build on students’ existing Chinese learning,giving them more challenges in oral expressions and conversations. If we believe a student should be placed in higher or lower levels, we will work with his or her parents to transition that student to the new class.

How will students advance to the next level?

At the beginning at every semester, a student may request to advance to the next level. To demonstrate his or her Chinese language proficiency, the student’s teacher and an Academic Dean designated instructor will jointly conduct an interview to evaluate his or her in conversational scenarios. The student also needs to recognize frequently used Chinese characters in the current book. The Dean may then decide to grant or decline the advancement request.

In theory, with lots of practice in speaking and listening, one may start at Basic level I and finish at Advanced level II in six semesters or three years. The school will be happy to issue a certificate and be proud of any student who demonstrates such proficiency. Such a certificate and proficiency will help guide students in the future.

How can parents help their student use available resources?

We believe parents’ support is a necessary component for our students’ success in learning Chinese outside of the classroom. Our new curriculum offers more online learning material such as animation, QuizletTM and audio recordings. We ask parents to work with their children to listen to and repeat the audio recordings 10 to 20 minutes each day during the week. Over time, students will pick up the correct vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation as they practice with the goal of memorizing the scenario-based conversations. We further encourage students to apply what they learn wherever possible, such as ordering Chinese food, shopping in Chinatown or visiting Chinese museums.

Graduation criterion

Students will receive a learning certificate after completing six and nine years of studies in the CSL track. Students completing the Advanced II level and meeting all the proficiency standards will receive a graduation certificate.

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 5/14

Dear NWCS families:
We are postponing the General Meeting to next week, May 21. In addition to the usual staff and board elections, which are clearly important, we would like to engage a conversation with you on at least these two items related to next fall’s curriculum. 
General Meeting on May 21
Dean and I will brief you about the new six competency level curriculum. We are renaming B track to Chinese as Second Language with levels from Beginner, to Intermediate, to Advanced. Students move up to the next level after becoming proficient in conversational Chinese at the current level. We are renaming A track to Heritage with traditional grade system and keep the current Mei Zhou Hua Yu series. In addition, a few parents brought up the mandatory requirement for sixth graders and above to take cultural electives. I propose to put the issue of keeping the mandatory requirement on the ballot for NWCS families to vote on. Please come to the General Meeting to voice and support your opinion. 
Summer roll and yearend picnic tickets on sale
Breakfast club is selling summer rolls with rosemary chicken this Saturday. If you missed the trial run last week, there is no excuse not to try these delicious rolls. Price is $2 each with proceeds go to school. We are also having yearend picnic tickets on sale. This year’s picnic is on June 11 at FDR Park, after the finals and move up ceremony. 
Practice talks from NWCS team 
As you know, we are sending our best students to the coming Association of Chinese Schools contests during the Memorial Day weekend. They are training hard (so are their parents) to deliver the best speech and multimedia presentation. On this and next Saturdays, I am inviting our champions to come by middle school theater between 11 and 11:30 am to practice their speech in front of audience. I don’t think our students suffer from stage fright but they surely can use a friendly audience to give them feedback. Please stop by if you’d like to listen and support them. 
Upcoming calendar of events
June 4, Open House (registration opens)
June 11, last day of school, 9-10 finals, 10:15-10:30 move up ceremony, picnic afterwards at FDR State Park (will post map on website), FDR parking fee $8
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 5/7

Dear NWCS families, 
Trophies to reward effort
I am getting many inquires about trophies, including a phone call from a first grader. This is clearly the most anticipated event from our kids. So here is the change I am making this year to encourage students’ effort. As it was in the past few years, we will have first, second, and third prizes plus honorable mentions. What is different this year is I will be asking parents’ input to bump up your kids from honorable mention to third prize (bigger trophy), if he/she/they made a serious effort at home rehearsing before the contest. It is completely your call and I have total confidence in our parents. Promoting from honorable mention to third prize trophy will cost us a few more dollars. However, I want to use this as a tool to reward children who made genuine effort this year and hopefully boost their confidence to aim higher next year. We will distribute contest results to our teachers shortly. Please let your teacher know after seeing the result that you would like to request a promotion. I aim to collect your feedback and have the trophies ready by the first week of June. Thanks for your help. 
Summer roll presale success from NW Culinary School
And we have the bigger sale with many more trays on May 14. Photos from last Saturday’s presale can be found here. http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1297
Buy gifts for mom and support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school’s link.
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 4/30

Dear NWCS families, 
I am back from bereavement leave and would like to express my sincere gratefulness to all the condoleances. I am especially thankful to vice principal Ping-Chuan, teachers and staff, with support from Chairman Calvin and board to keep the school running smoothly. 
Spring speech contest this Saturday
We have scheduled judges to visit our lower grades classrooms to listen to our students’ speeches. For the first time, our 10th graders are invited to join the judge panel to encourage little brothers and sisters. It will surely be a great experience from both sides. I want to ask parents to encourage but not pressure kids to practice their speeches at home. I also want to make sure we reward kids’ effort, not just results, by changing how we give out trophies. More about that later. 
Teaching positions open in the fall
Several of our wonderful teachers informed me they would like to take a break from teaching next year. The opening positions include language classes as well as electives. Please let me know if you are willing to step up to help educate our children. It is the volunteers with professional dedication and skill who created the school and made it special. We really need your help. Please let me know if you are interested in becoming a teacher. 
Buy gifts for mom and support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school’s link.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極 

NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 4/2

Dear NWCS families, 
This Saturday, April 2nd, Briarcliff is planning a 2K race/walk starting from Todd Elementary School and ending at the Briarcliff High School/Middle School campus. We are asking you to arrive school a little earlier to avoid the traffic. Please park in the rear parking lot and enter the school building from the back entrance. The “Bears Run the Manor” event will begin around 9:30AM.  The section of Pleasantville Road between the 2 schools will be closed down to one lane.
Spring academic contest on April 9 to nominate students for regional and East Coast Chinese School competition
For the fourth grade and above, both A and B tracks, we are conducting the Spring academic contest on April 9 so we can enter our students to the regional and East Coast Chinese school competition. Please work with your children to prepare for the contest following instructions from your teacher. We will nominate the finalists based on judges’ recommendation. For each contest item, we are allowed to enter one team for age 9 to 12 and one team for age 13 and above. B track students will shine in own speech contest. The only exception is Karaoke OK, which allows a team of up to eight age 5 and above. Any singers? For the lower grades, we intend to hold the contest on April 30. 
Breakfast Club news
Our famous and most popular Breakfast Club is planning yet another two events for the rest of the semester, and would like to invite parents/teachers to volunteer and contribute.  Please stop by the cafeteria this Saturday to sign up for volunteering.
June 4th: bakery sale, and contributions (cookies, cupcakes, etc.) are welcome.  It is also the day of our NWCS open house for perspective students and families.  Let’s showcase our talents, enthusiasms and friendly atmosphere together.
June 11th: year end picnic/BBQ, and we will need volunteers for food preparation and serving.
Feature story from former principal Ms. Eileen Lee 
I for one, miss Eileen’s writing so I invited her to write a story for us. As usual, she didn’t disappoint! Thanks Eileen!
So one of my twins was sent home because he was not feeling well.  It is a rare occasion that I have this alone time with one of my kids.  While I was making him congee, he asked me “Mommy, you said when I hurt, you are hurt too …. Do you really feel hurt when I am hurt or you are just pretending ….” I told him that it was definitely not pretending.  I told him that in Chinese we describe the parents and their children are like bone and flesh (骨Gǔ肉ròu).  It is bone and flesh because the parents care about their children so much that when their children hurt, they feel the hurt too.  I found myself with tears in my eyes as I was telling him, but he did not see me because he was more interested in the food. 
When he was eating, I continued to tell him that for siblings (more so in brothers), Chinese describe the relationship as hands and feet (手Shǒu足zú).  Two important parts of the body which imply the close relationship of the brothers.  For once he was listening, without giving me his usual sighing and rolling his eyes.  
Later when my other twin came home, he asked about his sick brother.  I was very touched.   
 “Hey, you feeling better?”  
“Yeah, a little bit.  Did you pick up my homework?”  
“Yup!  So you slept the whole day? ” 
“No, mommy cooked me that Chinese thingie and we watched TV … and she was teaching me Chinese of course … ”  I heard them chuckle. 
I thought it was such a precious moment to hear my two boys talking like grownups … and before I could finish my thought, my sick son apparently miraculously recovered because he was running from his brother screaming “Yeah I am the hands so I can slap you and you are the feet because you stink like SHI*&^^!!!”  
I yelled “Watch your language! ….” As my other son was running past me, I asked “What is going on?”
He turned around without stopping “Oh nothing, he is just teaching me how to say brothers in Chinese”.
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極