NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Spring Week 03 – 03/08/2014

From: NWCS Principal

Date: 3/7/2014 9:45 PM

Hello Everyone,

The weather is finally getting a little warmer … as a matter of fact, tomorrow looks like it will be a very nice day! I believe that the temperature is going to be close to 50. I hope everyone is planning to spend lots of time outdoors … after the Chinese School of course.

So what is happening tomorrow?! I received an email from Ms. Murray, 1A and Dance class teacher. She said last Saturday she asked her son, Parlan 崔鍾楷 who is in the 11th grade, to help a student in her class who missed week 1 and needed some extra help. So after helping his mom’s student, Parlan asked if he could offer his help to others during the 3rd hour. Could he? Of course! I am so proud and happy that he displayed such leadership and dedication! Parlan will be helping students with their Chinese homework, practice reading, pronunciation, and grammar exercise. I hope you will take advantage of it and come to room 106 at 11:05. Thank you, Parlan!

Tomorrow is the last day to order the wonderful New Year Celebration book! Stop by the cafeteria and place your order!

Oh yeah! Our secretary, Mike Andrews, would like to inform everyone of an upcoming event next Saturday 3/15. Here is the message from Mike:


On Saturday, March 15, from 9:15 until 11:00 a.m., in the cafeteria, Ms. Vickie Chiang and her colleagues will host a seminar to give an overview on family finance service, especially to address topics on:

· How to prepare and manage your kids’ education fund without impacting grant/scholarship qualification?

· How future Americans can afford their kids’ education cost? Should government, society, parents, or students pay the bill?

· In a fluctuating market, how to manage risk and return? Is there a balanced portfolio that can achieve both? How can we save enough for our kids’ education as well as retirement?

They have generously offered a base donation of $100 and an additional $10 for every feedback sheet they receive at the end of the seminar.


So make sure you come and fill out a feedback sheet! J

And don’t forget to spring your clock forward one hour Saturday night … which means we lose one hour. Yikes!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Spring Week 02 – 03/01/2014

From: NWCS Principal

Date: 2/28/2014 6:29 PM

Happy March!
Did I hear it correctly? There is more snow on the way? Yes, it is correct and I hope that everyone is prepared for the next winter storm. Some areas might get another foot or more. The good news is that it is not going to interfere with our Chinese School tomorrow, so finish your Chinese Homework and continue to study for your quizzes.
Benson, our previous chairman, has put together a beautiful Chinese New Year celebration and graduation book. It literally contained over a 100 pictures taken from the event. It is currently on sale. Please come to the breakfast club and take a look at the book … either to re-live the wonderful memories, or to see what you missed if you were not able to make it this year!

I always love to hear about our students’ achievements, either in or out of our school. Recently, I heard of two, not one, but two former NWCS students and their recent published books. One graduated many years ago and has gone on to finish college and medical school. As a matter of fact she is a classmate of our current board member, Francine. Francine was nice enough to reach out to the writer and ask for a dozen copies of her book, written in both English and Chinese. Francine had the books autographed just for the NWCS families. Please stop by and see Francine and purchase a copy. Remember to read “About the Author” (she mentioned that she learned Chinese at the NWCS J). Another student who graduated last year wrote a book about the monkey king. Talk about the talent that our students have! Needless to say, we are so very proud of them and their achievements. Please see Francine and have a look at these wonderful books.

Of course like all parents, after hearing such wonderful stories, I shared the beauty of learning Chinese with my twins. I shared a story … Long, long, ago, there was this emperor who one day dressed in his casual civilian wear and went into the village to visit his people. He stopped by this market place where there were many merchants selling goods. He stopped by one booth and asked about the products. The merchant looked at the emperor up and down and said “Young man, you spoke elegantly and without any accent, I have never seen you before, are you from around here?” The emperor just nodded. The merchant then said “Young man, what is your name?” … The emperor paused for a moment and used a long stick and wrote the character ‘一’(one) on the ground and said “that’s my name”. The merchant looked at the ground and thought for a minute. All of a sudden he kneeled down on the ground and bowed … “Please forgive me for being blind. I did not recognize your honor and show respect in a timely manner ….” Others around them looked puzzled and the merchant turned around and shouted at everyone “Are you guys blind? He is our emperor! Hurry and kneel down to show your respect”! Of course by now I totally captivated my twins’ attention, so I continued on … I explained to them the character for the soil/ground is ‘土’, prounced tǔ, ㄊㄨˇ. The emperor by writing the ‘一’ on top of the ground ‘土’, makes the word ‘王’ which means “KING” (emperor). By the way, the kids learned all three words in the first grade. I proudly finished the story and watched their amazed faces … I wish so much that they appreciate the beauty of the Chinese language…. One of my twins finally said “Man, the dude is so lucky. His Chinese name is just ‘一’ “ ….. Really, seriously, that is what he got out of the whole story!! Unbelievable! Ugh!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Spring Week 01 – 02/22/2014

From: NWCS Principal Date: 2/21/2014 10:03 PM

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break and is now ready to return to continue learning Chinese!

Tomorrow is Week 1 of the Spring semester. We will meet for 14 weeks (Saturdays). If you have any questions about the school calendar, please visit it on our school website.

Over the winter break, I know many teachers have returned home to Taiwan, China, and other States in the US to celebrate the Chinese New Year with their families. My family said a fond farewell to the year of the Snake and welcomed the year of the Horse with much good food and with many good friends. We hope the year of the Horse will be even better than the previous year … peace and health to all of our families and friends!

I asked my twins if they know how to write the word “HORSE”. They did. (Whew! Thank goodness.) They also knew how to write the word “YEAR” so I told them that they know how to write the Year of the Horse! (HORSE YEAR) Yes, I take any opportunity to compliment them in an attempt to continue to motivate them …

I always remembered when my twins learned the word 馬 horse. One of the phrases was 馬 (horse) 上 (up/top) which together means “immediately”. So one day I was reviewing their test results. One part was to translate the Chinese sentences to English. 媽媽馬上來 (Mom came by immediately) … and I looked at the answer that my twins provided … I almost fell out of my chair … they both wrote “My mom came home sitting on top of a horse”. I screamed at them “we studied this, I told you many times it means immediately, it means quickly … what do you mean, I am sitting on top of a horse ….” One of them said “well … if you think about it, mommy, if you come home by a horse, you will come quickly and immediately.” Ugh …. I guess we cannot quit Chinese School yet.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time … by car or by horse. :-)

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 14 – 01/25/2014


From: NWCS Principal Date: 1/23/2014 10:33 PM

Hello Everyone,

I hope that everyone is keeping warm .. this weather is brutal! When the tempeature hit 5 degrees today, it felt like a heat wave!

We had a great Chinese New Year celebration last Saturday. I received many compliments on the wonderful performances of our students! A special thanks to the teachers and many parents who have been working hard in preparing the students. A shout out to our Vice Principal, Ms. Shuna Awong who along with many volunteers, did a great job in coordinating the never ending details for the day. I don’t know about you but I have never seen Shuna lose her cool. She takes everything in stride and always stays on top of all her tasks … Thank you, and all the volunteers, very much for another successful New Year Celebration!

Let’s not forget our proud graduates from the 6th grade and 9th grade. Congratulations to our graduates for reaching an important milestone! And congratulations to the parents of the graduates! We all know as parents we probably do as much, if not more, than the kids. It was a day filled with much laughter. What better way to welcome the New Year! I hope that everyone throughly enjoyed the event!

Below is a message from our Vice Principal, whose work continues … Ms. Shuna Awong and our Arts and Craft teacher, Ms. Terry Taylor, are representing our school at the next WACA event:

“We hope everyone had fun at our Chinese New Year celebration and carnival last week. For those looking to further celebrate Chinese New Year, we encourage you to attend the Chinese New Year Festival sponsored by Westchester Association of Chinese Americans, which will be held on February 1st at the Westchester County Center. NWCS staff will be in attendance promoting our school. You can buy tickets and see further details at

This Saturday is week 14 of the semester and it is business as usual. So don’t forget to study.

After this Saturday, our winter break will commence. We will return on Saturday, 2/22 for week 1 of the Spring semester. Please plan accordingly.

See you on Saturday! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 13 – 01/11/2014

From: NWCS Principal Date: 1/10/2014 6:00 PM

Brrrrrrrr! What a cold week that was … It was -15 with the wind chill … I hope everyone managed to stay warm, one way or another … Well, tomorrow is going to be in the 50s … I consider that a heat wave compared to what we had earlier this week!

Well, here we are, week 13! One more week to our big performances next Saturday on the 18th! I had the opportunity to review the performance list and I can’t wait for everyone to see them … It will be great and you will all enjoy it, you have my personal guarantee.

Our Vice Principal, Ms. Shuna Awong , continues to work her … um hum, continues to work diligently to coordinate the exciting day! Here is a message from Shuna:

Our Chinese New Year party is next week – Jan 18th as follows:
10:00 am to 11:45 – class performances – High School Auditorium
Noon to 1:30 – lunch – High School Cafeteria
1:30 – 3:30 – carnival – Middle School Cafeteria

Please support NWCS by buying your lunch tickets tomorrow. As we will be ordering lunch boxes for each ticket sold, there will be no sales on the day of the party.

In addition, we need volunteers to help with the lunch service, carnival games, video-taping the performances, photographer for the performances. Please see Shuna Awong (Vice-Principal) to buy tickets and to volunteer. (Note: Shuna’s emails are Vice-Principal@nwcsny.org or Shuna.Awong@gmail.com)

Any help is greatly needed and appreciated!

Also, don’t forget to buy your tickets for the raffle. Our big prize is the newest iPad Air (donated by NWCS board members) – good luck on winning the big prize!!!!! See Francine, our board member who also helps out every week at the Coffee Station, for tickets. Thanks for those who purchased the tickets and good luck to all!

Finally, the breakfast club is pleased to announce that the Chinese buns now on sale are home-made by a local baker, right here in Westchester. These went on sale last week for the first time and if you missed it then, don’t miss it this time. They are good!

After the 18th, we have our last class for the Fall Semester, week 14, on January 25th.

Last but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 12 – 01/04/2014

From: NWCS Principal Date: 01/04/2014

Happy 2014!!!!! Welcome back everyone. I hope you are all ready to return to Chinese School for our week 12. I know I am …. Sort of.

I was a little worried when I saw the snow storm warning during the week and said to myself “Not Again1” but it all worked out! It is going to be cold, but with the sun shining on us, it should be a wonderful day! The hosting school assured us that the parking lot will be cleared and the school is open for our use. So I hope to see everyone tomorrow.

Well, the holidays sure come and go fast … and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and received everything that they asked for … well, if you have not, there is one more chance … we will start selling our raffle tickets tomorrow for all our great prizes … our New Year celebration is on Saturday, 1/18/2014 and our big prize is the newest iPad Air (donated by NWCS board members)!!!!! Buy your raffle tickets tomorrow and good luck on winning the big prize.

Classes will be having their rehearsals tomorrow in the high school auditorium. If you have not notified our Vice Principal, Shuna Awong, please do so. Every year we have our NWCS annual Chinese Celebration with each class wearing their Chinese outfits and performing on stage. Teachers have been working hard and the students are all excited. At the end of the celebration, each student will get a Red Envelope from the Principal. It is a happy time shared by all. I hope all of you can make plans to join us and welcome the New Year together!

For celebration details, please see Ms. Shuna Awong tomorrow. If you are available to help, see Shuna right away!!!!

Last, but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Updated Calendar !!!!

From: NWCS Principal Date: 12/20/2013 8:58 AM
Subject: NWCS Updated Calendar !!!!

HO! HO! HO! You know who you are! For those who have been naughty …time is running out! Seeing my kids trying to be on their best behavior during the last few weeks brought much joy to the family. We will enjoy it while it lasts!

As you know, we have lost 2 school days due to the smoke condition and the winter storm. I have been reviewing our possible make up days, meeting with the board members to seek their input, discussing the different alternatives, taking into consideration the availability of the High School Auditorium for our celebration …. Below is our remaining semester calendar:

January 4, 2014 – Week 12
Classes resume: Teachers and students will continue their performance rehearsals and we will continue to prepare for our upcoming New Year Celebration.

January 11, 2014 – Week 13
Teachers will do the review for their upcoming final exams and continue their performance rehearsals. Our event planning committee led by Vice Principal, Shuna Awong, will finalize the Celebration details.

January 18, 2014 – New Year Celebration (tentative schedule)
10:00 am Performances
11:30 – 12:00 noon New Year Lunch
1:45 – 3:00 Carnival Game and prizes

January 25, 2014 – Week 14
Last day of classes. Final exams.

Spring Semester starts on February 22, 2014.

Our school operations are planned according to our hosting school’s availability. Our hosting school starts school on January 2, 2014, therefore we will resume school on that Saturday!

The hosting school will start their upcoming concert set up on the January 18th weekend. However to accommodate our celebration needs, the hosting school has agreed to start the construction after our event.

Lastly, based on our previous year’s school operation survey, many parents have expressed that they would like the final week and the celebration to be on different days. This would prevent an extremely long day for both the students and the parents.

That said, let’s all hope that mother nature will cooperate and we will not need to change our plans again.

Have a wonderful holiday and don’t forget to go to our school’s website and shop through our amazon link. Our board chairman, Calvin, has been shopping and monitoring our account and he wanted to thank all those who have been helping out!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NO SCHOOL tomorrow, 12/14/2013 – Stay SAFE!


From: NWCS Principal
Date: 12/13/2013 6:22 PM

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! Now I am starting to dislike that song!

Several parents sent weather updates since my previous email. Thank you for your help! Each update is worse than the one before, so we have decided to cancel school tomorrow 12/14/2013 so everyone can stay home and be safe. (again, don’t let your kid(s) know so they can finish their homework and continue to study).

Since we are all going to be stuck at home, what better way to spend it then by shopping online … I mean the holiday shopping is not going to get done by itself, right?! So please remember to go to our school website and log on to the Amazon link and shop, shop, shop … the more it snows, the more you should shop … all kidding aside, it is generating funds to help our school and we really apprecaite everyone’s help! Please ask your friends and family to shop using our link as well .. THANK YOU!

Stay warm and stay safe! Happy Holidays to ALL! We will see you in 2014 on January 4th!!!

Please be sure to spread the word and let others know so no one ventures to school tomorrow! Thanks!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS Fall 2013 – Week 11 – 12/07/2013

From: NWCS Principal Date: 12/6/2013 7:15 PM

Happy December!

Welcome back Everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends and had a chance to reminisce about all the good times … we had about 30 people for Thanksgiving, some returning friends and family from last year, and some new friends … what was the same is the great time! Our family and friends all brought different food and drinks, and it is never the traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the Thomases’ …. We talked about the different family traditions, different cultures and one thing is common is to be with the people you love and care about most on this special holiday!

Tomorrow we are back to School to resume our Chinese learning! Hope you all completed your homework (I am lucky if my kids can find their text book) and studied for the quizzes. If you forgot it all, guess what, that’s why you come back to school tomorrow and our teachers will help you refresh your memories. :-)

We have our board meeting tomorrow and will make a final decision on when to make up our lost week. Thank you for everyone’s patience.

Have you been shopping lately? I hope you have been going through our school’s link to go to Amazon for your holiday shopping! Yes, we are asking you to help us raise funds for the school. Now here is an idea, forward the link to your family and friends, especially those who came to eat over the holidays … :-) so they can shop and help as well.

Last but not least, please be sure to check the parent on duty list and order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp! Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

Happy Holidays ….to our NWCS families!

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>

Date: 11/27/2013 8:26 PM

Hello NWCS community

We held our 2013 Fall General Meeting on Saturday, 11/23/2013. I hope you had a chance to attend.

Here is a summary of our meeting:

This Thanksgiving day, we are thankful and grateful that you and your family has chosen Northern Westchester Chinese School “NWCS” to be the rigorous, yet welcoming place where you can learn Chinese Mandarin and culture. For over 40 years, our not-for-profit school has been harmoniously serving families in the greater Westchester / Rockland / Putnam / Fairfield Counties. If each parent, child, teacher, and volunteer staff member keeps working together then NWCS and our community will continue to be successful for many years to come.

So, if you have ideas on ways we can keep improving, please email us at chairperson@nwcsny.org and/or principal@nwcsny.org, and remember to ask for help if you think you or your child needs it. We are a diverse community with lots of talent, so let’s keep talking, listening, and sharing our ideas.

Important Reminders: 

  • · No school on 11/30, we return to school on 12/7.
  • · Shop on Amazon through this link website and sign into your Amazon account and the school will receive funds. It is win win for you and our school! Please shop til you drop by using the link on our website! THANK YOU!
  • · Thanks to Benson Louie, our previous board chairman, who continues to think of ways to help raise funds for NWCS. Ask your workplace about corporate donations to schools, not-for-profits, Chinese language, or culture programs
  • · Please help us spread the word about our school – send interested parents or students to chairperson@nwcsny.org and/or principal@nwcsny.org
  • · Oh, our chairman promises that the next meeting will be partly in Mandarin (he is looking for any opportunity to practice/show off his Chinese).

On behalf of the NWCS board members and the administration staff, Calvin (chairman) and I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving … hope you have a lot to be thankful for! I know I do, I am thankful for my family and friends on this special day! Let’s also wish a Happy Hanukkah to our NWCS Families who celebrate it! This year it falls on the same day as Thanksgiving! The last time that this happened was in the 1861, but Thanksgiving wasn’t even officially invented yet! How special is this! Happy Holidays to all!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2014
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org