NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

*** Online Class Etiquette

Dear NWCS Families,

It looks like it’s going to be the new norm for students attending online classes for a lot longer during this uncertain period. To align online study practice with the public school system, I’d like to use this opportunity to outline some class etiquette for our students to follow when attending classes from home. Your help from home to reinforce the following is greatly appreciated.

1). Classes will start at 9:00 AM. Please log on to ZOOM or Google Meet a few minutes before class.
2). Although studying from home, the dress code is informal but no pajamas.
3). No learning from his/her own bed. Each student should have his/her own quiet studying area so there is little interruption especially external sound from the house.
4). No food when class in session. Please arrange kids’ breakfast before class starts.
5). Please show respect to class teachers and fellow classmates.

I will make some class visits and observe learning as well as teaching each week to make sure our students absorb and enjoy online learning format. If you or your child(ren) have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me. We will try our best to adress.

Keep safe and well!

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

NWCS Spring ’20 – Newsletter – Week 6

Dear NWCS Families,

Hope this email finds you well. Our online learning classes have been in operation for 2-3 weeks. Hopefully, we have ironed out most major challenges in terms of connection virtually. We will continue to offer online learning classes until further notice. Attached is the spring semester calendar. Class midterm exam will be scheduled after Spring Break (4/11)

Congratulations to our senior student, Rebecca Lim, winning 1st place in ACS Region II poster competition.

Rebecca’s award winning poster http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=2602

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

NWCS Spring ’20 – Newsletter – Week 4 – Start 3rd Hour Online Tutoring

Dear NWCS Families,

Hope everyone is well and spend good quality time with family members. As the virus outbreak continues to spread, we will continue to offer online language learning course throughout this challenging period. Our online classes will be open at 9:00AM, and each teacher will sign in a 5~10 minutes before hand. Please supervise your child(ren) to finish their homework assignment and assist with the submission if needed.

Starting this week, we will offer online tutoring during 3rd hour period – from 11:00 ~ 12:00. In order to attend, you child will join ZOOM meeting room. Miss Fu is very kind to assist and will spend more time to help with pronunciation, speech, and listening.

If like to join her tutoring class, please use the following ZOOM meeting ID to join at 11:00 am on Saturday.

ID = 886-926-xxxx (blanked for privacy reasons; please see email from Principal)

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Spring’20 – Newsletters – Week 3

Dear NWCS Families,

Hope you are doing well. With a lot of information passing through about virus outbreak at any media outlets, we all have to exercise extra caution when going to public places. We took extra time to plan our first web learning session this Saturday. We will start our web classroom at 9:00 AM on 3/14/20. Please have your kids ready and situated in your home before class time. Below are the web platforms for our classes. Please follow each teacher’s web learning instruction to join the remote class. For those classes using ZOOM, first time user will be asked to download and install ZOOM software. For elementary school classes, we recommend parents’ assistance to join the web class.

Class teacher will share with you about web class meeting ID (10-digit number for ZOOM) or Google Meet/Hangouts web link. If you don’t receive such information by midday on Friday, please contact your class teacher and request meeting information.

We expect some issues and delays from technology connection. If you are familiar with video conferencing, please join your class teacher to help with the connection. If any questions regarding this try out session, please contact your teacher or reach out to school management members.


Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

NWCS Spring ’20 – Newsletter – Week 2

Dear NWCS Families,

We had a smooth opening of our spring semester last week. That said, we can’t let our guard down with the Coronavirus. We stay in close communication with our local school district to ensure our information sharing channel stay open.

(1). NWCS class will be canceled this weekend due to concerns about the virus spread.

(2). We are putting a contingency plan. We will provide either remote learning via web based service like Google Hangouts / ZOOM or direct 1-on-1 FaceTime / Skype once a week for 15 minutes in case of school closure. Some teachers have GoogleClass in place for homework assignment and learning materials. We will continue to expand digital for our classes.

(3). Encourage your children to wash their hands frequently and cover their mouth should they cough. These simple precautions have proven effective in combating a virus as is staying home when feeling sick. In fact, we ask that if your child is ill with a fever and/or cough, that your child stay home from school. A child should remain home until fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. If possible, measure temperature morning and evening. In fact, we encourage parents to consider exercising additional caution should a child exhibit cough or flu-like symptoms and keep them home.

Please find below guidance from government health departments. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health, please feel free to contact me or class teachers directly.

Additional Information

CDC’s dedicated 2019-nCoV website
NYSDOH’s dedicated 2019-nCoV website
NYSDOH directory of local health departments
New York State Center for School Health website

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

Communication about safe, healthy learning

Dear NWCS Families,

As we plan to open our spring semester this weekend, I’d like to share with everyone on the latest communication from our hosting school district about coronavirus outbreak. Please take a few moments to read through the information.

On the separate front, we have received delivery of hand sanitization products. Each class will have hygiene products make sure a safe healthy learning environment. If any flu sickness related, please follow public school guidelines to keep your child(ren) home, so as adults. Starting this week, upon entering into Chinese school front entrance, there will be hand sanitizer for use – same at the school cafeteria.

If there is any further notice or development from local school district or health department, I will communicate promptly. Last week, we had a few parents take the test run for online remote learning and went smoothly. We will keep this alternative option open if the situation is deemed necessary.

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

NWCS Spring 2020 Newsletter – Week 1 – 02/29/2020

Dear NWCS families,

Hope you are having a pleasant winter break.
Please note that our Spring 2020 semester starts Next Saturday, February 29th.
Kindly remind the kid(s) to finish their winter break homework!

This newsletter comes out earlier than usual because I would like to share with you some concerns we all might have about the novel coronavirus outbreak over these past few weeks. As we turn on the TV, browse internet news outlets, this is definitely enough to catch our attention and concern.

At the time of this writing, there is no confirmed case reported in our area although there is a report indicating some being asked to administer in-house self isolation for 2 weeks. We are monitoring the development very closely and will take proactive measurement if the situation is deemed necessary. Please take a few moments to visit CDC web site regarding things you should know, situation update, and information about the virus.


Here are some additional suggestions I’d like to suggest all families to follow:

(1). For families who have traveled abroad (to any countries, not just specific to certain Asian countries) or layover at foreign international airports, from the day of returning home, please administer in-house self isolation for at least 14 days and wait for the passing of virus incubation period. This extra precaution measure is to protect our community members for a healthy learning environment. Also, NWCS shares school facility with Briarcliff public school. We need to set standard high to make sure everyone is safe and healthy.

(2). Because of many common symptoms with regular flu, it is easy to miss the early treatment. If there is any sign of flu like symptom, please seek for professional medical opinion immediately.

(3). You probably have read some discriminatory incidences in the media. I couldn’t emphasize enough how important this is for our community. At this unusual time, please take a few minutes to discuss related matter with your child(ren). I have communicated with each teacher to make sure our students follow this policy. As a school community, we will support each other and make sure everyone is welcome.

(4). The outbreak is fluid and changes everyday. A dynamic and flexible policy is our goal to keep our students’ learning going. We will keep a close communication with local school health department and follow their medical guidance. We will actively explore ways to offer remote teaching if the situation requires.

(5). This year’s flu season seems has wider and longer impact than previous years. If you or your kid(s) catch a flu during school time, please follow school guide lines and inform teachers or me directly.

With all these guidance, I hope every family will take this into your own heart and follow. Our family’s health should be the priority. I am open for any suggestions to safe guard our community.

Finally, in case there is a weather related issue, NWCS will broadcast school closings or emergency notifications by text via Remind , in addition to emails.
If you have not yet subscribed to Remind for NWCS, please follow the below instructions to join.

Remind Notification Signup
Sending a text to 81010 with message text @nwcsnotify
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If having trouble texting to 81010, then try texting to (478) 225-3884 with message text @nwcsnotify

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

*** Important Notice – NWCS 2020 Chinese New Year Celebration & Performance Program – 1/11/20

Dear NWCS Families,
This Saturday is the Chinese New Year celebration at NWCS! Vice principal, Francine, and several volunteers have been working hard on this project for more than 1 month to bring this traditional event live.  We’d like to have your participation in the following:

1. Please have your child practice their performance at home!
2. Students should report to their classroom at 9:00 AM for rehearsal. Teachers will bring them to the high school theater when ready.
3. Please bring the assigned supply for your kid’s class or cooked food to the middle school cafeteria (see below for the assignments).
4. Please bring basketball, badminton, Ping Pong paddles and balls if you wish to play at the reserved middles school gym.
5. Luncheon and raffle tickets will be available for sale on Sat (cash and check only) at high school auditorium & cafeteria reception area

Thank you to the people that have volunteered to help! We will reach out to you shortly.  Please let our vice principal, Francine, know if you can offer a hand.

P.S. New Year celebration program is attached below.



NWCS 2019 Fall – Newsletter – Week 14 – 01/04/20

Dear NWCS families,
Hope you have a great holiday break and enjoy the time spent with families.  Wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year!  When returning to school this weekend, we have a few items for this week:
(1).  Classes will have their final exam – Study time!
(2).  There will be NO 3rd hour electives this weekend.  Teachers may use this hour to help students practice their Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration programs if needed.
(3).  We will have one more round of CNY performance rehearsal at High School auditorium this weekend starting at 9:15 am.
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal

NWCS 2019 Fall – Newletter – Week 13

Dear NWCS families,
Welcome to Week 13 – the final week of 2019! As most classes are preparing for or having the final exam in coming New year, kindly remind the students to review and study. After this Saturday, we will have our holiday season break and classes will resume on Jan. 4th, which is scheduled for final exam for most classes but follow each teacher’s schedule accordingly.
NWCS New Year Celebration on January 11th from 10:00am-3pm - If snow day, then it will be on January 18th
  • School will be open at 9:00 am in the morning of 1/11 for final hour rehearsal or class exam if any and the performances will start at 10:00am.
  • Rehearsals will begin this Saturday. We need volunteers to help with stage setup, performance orchestration, and session control. Please come by the high school auditorium to lend us a hand if you have not signed up yet. 
  • This week we will be continuing to sell luncheon and raffle tickets.  Please feel free to stop by cafeteria to purchase or let me know if you want me reserve tickets for you.
  • Show off your culinary skill at our Chinese New Year celebration luncheon – you are invited to sign up and bring your traditional dishes to share with everyone.
Come out and support our craft program
Our Chinese knotting teacher, Ms. Wang, and her students would like to invite everyone to stop by cafeteria and showcase their beautiful art work and raise funding for Chinese school.  They have been busy at work to prepare this event since beginning of the semester.  Many pieces of art work come from our students directly with teacher’s supervision.  Many items would make a wonderful addition to your holiday decoration.
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal