NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS 2015-03-28 Week06

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 3/27/2015 8:36 PM
Hello Everyone,


Finally we saw some nicer weather in the 50s, even though it was raining most of the time, I will take it!  Outdoor sporting events are starting also. You see kids trying out for different spring sports (provided the snow has melted off the field and it is not too soggy).  It brings a sense of liveliness to the air!   I feel like everyone has been hibernating with all the snow that we had. (Don’t we wish!)


Tomorrow is our last day for the Raffle Ticket Sale!  When we return on the 2nd Saturday in April we will find out the lucky winners of the wonderful prizes.  If you have not yet purchased your tickets, please see Francine!


Important reminder, please help the school and discuss with the kids that we are not to touch the equipment in the classrooms.  Unfortunately there has been another incident reported in one of the classrooms.   Our counselor, Kenny and previous board chairperson, Benson, have been diligently double checking the rooms after classes each Saturday. I am asking everyone to lend a hand by reminding our children the importance of respecting the hosting school’s property.  Thank you all in advance, I know I can count on all of you for your help!


Another reminder: Next Saturday, school will not be in session.

Reminder #3: The annual speech contest and writing contest will take place in late April.  Check with your teachers for details.

Good luck to all the students.


See you all tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2015-03-14 Week04

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 3/13/2015 9:29 PM

Hello Everyone,

What a drastic change in weather!  We can actually see the ground again!  Even with losing the one hour of sleep from daylight savings, everyone seems to be in a much better mood.  I even felt like I lost some weight, oh wait, I was just wearing a lighter coat.  LOL

A couple of things to announce.  The Association of Chinese School is hosting a Karaoke competition.  Ask your teachers for additional information.  You can do this in the comfort of your own home. We just need to send in the recording.  It will be fun.  I hope all of you will participate.

Our registrar also sent out some information regarding a summer camp in Taiwan.  If you have children ages 14 to 18, you might be interested in checking it out.

Our raffle sale is still on going.  Please see Francine and purchase your raffle tickets.  We will announce the winners the first Saturday we are in school in April.

I was away on Bank business so I did not have a chance to go through many of my email messages.  I will try to get through them this weekend.

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

(Please excuse the Chinese version of the weekly message, my Chinese software is not cooperating, I should have it fixed by next week).

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2015-03-07 Week03

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 3/7/2015 5:28 PM

Brrrr the weather continues to be cold and hopefully we just had our last snow storm.
It doesn’t seem like the kids have a full week of school since before the Christmas.  I think everyone had enough of this cold weather.  The number of snow days has already cutting into their Spring break.  Next week should in the 50 degrees … I think it is time to take out the t shirt and shorts.  LOLWe have to sign the kids up for baseball tomorrow right after Chinese School.  They are asking “Are we going to tryout outside?”  I guess this crazy cold weather is getting to the kids as well.  It is hard to picture kids playing baseball when all we see is snow everywhere.

I had to work from home one day this week and the kids were home too because their school is closed.  I heard them talking about a kid at school being teased by a group of other kids.  One of my twins said “but I know he is a smart kid, I don’t know why he is just not speaking up ….”  I called them over and I said I have another story for them … of course they rolled their eyes but they know they still have to listen to the story.

“One day a businessman came to this new town to conduct some business and when he arrived at the town, he saw a line of people lined up outside of this temple … all laughing and shaking their heads”.  Out of cursioty he asked one of the guys who just came out of the line.  The guy said to the businessman, ” well, we have this idiot in town who no matter how many times you tell him the dime is worth than a nickle, he continues to pick the nickel.  What a dumb lad”.  The businessman looked over where the town idiot is and saw that he scratched his head and pick a coin from the person’s palm, and then he hears laughers burst out … and the town idiot smile while being laughed at.

Two days later, the businessman completed his business in town and is about to leave town at the end of a busy day.  He passed the temple and there are still a handful of people there and the same thing happened.  The businessman waited and he too walked up to the line with a dime and a nickle.  He was the last in line.  When it was his turn, he went up to the town idiot, the town idiot scratched his head, look at the dime and look at the nickel while the people around kept yelling “pick the dime! pick the dime!” … the town idiot slowly pick up the nickel.  Everyone laughed, the town idiot smiled.  It was at the end of the day so there was no more people joining the line so the town idiot was getting ready to leave.  The businessman went up to him and asked him “do you mind if I ask you a question?” the town idiot said “of course I don’t mind …”  the businessman asked ” do you not know the difference between the dime and the nickel?”  The town idiot looked at the businessman thoughtfully as if he was thinking and he looked around to see they are pretty much alone … he said to the businessman ” Of course I know a dime is worth more than a nickel …. but if I pick the dime, then no one will ever bring me the money to pick anymore” The businessman looked at him with disbelief and said “but they are calling you the town idiot” … and the town idiot said ” but who is really the idiot?”

My twins paused and then “ohhhhhh wowwww” I said “yes, grasshoppers you got the idea! ”

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2015-02-28 Week02

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 2/27/2015 8:15 PM






經過幾年我們的爸媽和其他的大人決定取消了紅包。我媽媽最好的朋友也是有4個孩子。我聽見媽媽告訴她:“哎呀,怎麼樣,省麻煩,你不必,我也不必。“  兩個媽媽很開心,他們想出了這個好主意!可憐的是孩子們…尤其是我,我是老大,損失最多。

現在,我自己有孩子,巧合的是,我大部分的朋友也都有兩個孩子..所以我告訴他們,讓我們將其取消…. 當我的雙胞胎聽到我的計劃,我以為他們會昏倒了。我的朋友都是好媽媽,他們不想拿走孩子的樂趣。所以我想我還是得去購買一些紅包。

明天我打算給我班上的學生紅包。每個紅包將有 $1,其中的一個紅包將有$10。讓我們看看明天誰是幸運小朋友!




Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is surviving the below zero temperatures.  The good news is that it should be above freezing next week.  Spring is just around the corner!

It was great to see everyone last week.  Many students were wearing their Chinese outfits which made the school very festive.  I don’t know about you, but I have been explaining the Chinese New Year all week.  I actually explained to my class last week the reason one of the main dishes for Chinese New Year’s Eve is fish.  Fish is

ㄩˊ(yu2), and it is the same pronunciation as the word “left over”.  So eating fish on New Year’s Eve symbolizes that you have left over or a surplus (of money) for the year.  Since I do not cook, I bring oranges to friends’ houses.  Orange sounds similar to “wealth” and its bright color looks like gold so it is a popular item during the New Year Celebration.

All these customs I learned from my parents, aunts and uncles.  My fondest memories of Chinese New Year are wearing new outfits and all the adults giving you red envelopes. Since I am the oldest of four siblings, I usually received the most in the red envelops.  I remembered vividly that I always summoned my younger sisters and brother to my room to show me how much they were given in their red envelopes.  If they had the same or more than me, I would make them hand over the difference.  I would tell them, uncle so and so probably gave us the wrong envelopes. Since I am the oldest, I should get the most.  LOL

After several years our parents and other adults decided to just cancel the red envelopes.  I heard my mom saying to her best friend who also had 4 kids, “aiya… too much trouble getting envelopes and doing all these exchanges.  How about you don’t have to, and I won’t either.”  The two moms were so happy they came up with this genius idea!  I remembered having a fit because the ones who suffered were the kids … especially me, the oldest one.

Now that I have my own family, I no longer get red envelopes.  Instead, it is my turn to give back to my parents and others’ children.  Coincidentally, most of my close friends all have 2 kids … so I told them let’s cancel them … boy oh boy, I thought my twins saw a ghost when they heard my plan.  Of course, my friends are softy moms so they did not want to take away the fun from the kids.  I guess I still have to go get some red envelopes.

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to give my class red envelopes.  Each envelope will have $1 in it except one, it will have $10.  Let’s see who the lucky winner is tomorrow!

Speaking of winners, you still have a chance to buy raffle tickets.  For those who don’t remember what the prizes are, they are a surface pro, miscellaneous gift cards, and three $1,000 gift cards to Saks!  It is your last chance to purchase your raffle tickets.  Please come see Francine and buy your tickets!  Hey, you never know!

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2015-02-21 Week01

From: NWCS Principal
Date: 2/19/2015 10:59 PM



到目前為止根據氣象報告,學校的第一天應該不會下雪, 但仍然會很冷,所以大家要記得穿著暖和。



Happy New Year of the Goat (or Ram or Sheep)!!  Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year!! I hope that everyone enjoyed their winter break and had a wonderful time with their loved ones.

Last Saturday on Valentine’s day, the teachers met and discussed the upcoming semester.  I hope you too are ready to continue your Chinese learning!  Remember to dress warm.  So far the forecast seems to be cooperating so we will see you bright and early on our first day of school!

See you all on Saturday!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2015-01-03 – Week14

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 1/2/2015 3:18 PM


我希望大家有一個美好的節日。一個媽媽告訴我,她家每年都是回去公婆家過聖誕節。 她說,她婆婆總是給她的孫子們一袋煤。看著我目瞪口呆的表情,她笑了,並解釋說,這是她婆婆幽默的傳統…一袋煤是用巧克力做的,孫子們都喜歡!



新年慶祝活動的日程安排將於近期公佈。根據去年的經驗,首先是第12屆與九年級和六年級的畢業典禮其次是表演,隨後午餐和孩子們的歡樂活動。如果您有任何問題,請聯繫我們的副校長,Shuna Awong女士。

不要忘了買你的午餐券和抽獎券。我們今年有非常好的獎品: Microsoft Surface2平板電腦(特等獎),這是由北威捐贈; iTunes卡; 星巴克禮品卡…等。而這還不是全部,我們今年有一個神秘的聖誕老人慷慨捐贈一些Saks Fifth Ave 禮品卡,總額為三千美元。趕快購買您的抽獎券,也許我們可以有一個北威中文學校 Saks Fifth Ave購物旅行。謝謝神秘聖誕老人!你是最棒的!




Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends and family over the holidays and received everything they wished for. A mom told me that her family is visiting the in-laws up north. She said her mother-in-law always gives her grandchildren a bag of coal for Christmas. Looking at my flabbergasted expression, she laughed and explained that it is all part of her humorous tradition … the coals are made of chocolate and the grand children love it!

This week is our final week of the semester followed by our annual big event, the graduation ceremony and New Year celebration on January 10th.

We know many families are away (mine included) for the holidays and might not be in school so the finals can be taken on 1/3 or 1/10 (between 9am to 10am). Please coordinate with your teacher.

The schedule for the New Year celebration will be published soon. Based upon last year’s experience, the graduation ceremony for the 12th, 9th and 6th grades start in the later morning, followed by the performances, lunch and then the carnival. If you have any questions about details, please contact our Vice Principal, Ms. Shuna Awong.

Don’t forget to buy your lunch tickets and raffle tickets. We have some fabulous gifts this year … and they are: Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet (GRAND PRIZE) which is donated by NWCS; Apple ITunes Card; Starbuck Gift Cards …etc. And that’s not all, this year we have a SECRET SANTA who graciously and generously donated several gift cards from Saks Fifth Avenue, totaling $3,000. Hurry and purchase your raffle tickets and maybe we can have a NWCS Saks Fifth Ave shopping fieldtrip! Thank you secret Santa! You are the best!

And of course if you are interested in donating any prizes (e.g. gift cards from the stores, etc), please see our chair, Mr. Calvin Chin.

Our previous board chair, Mr. Benson Louie, applied and was approved for New York Life Foundation’s Volunteers for Good – Individual Grant application for a thousand dollar. The fund is being wired to our school account. Thank you Mr. Louie! You are the best too!

I hope your 2014 was great like mine :) and that we will all have an even better 2015!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-12-20 – Week13

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 12/19/2014 8:18 PM

HO! HO! HO! Tis the season to be jolly. Yes, it is already Christmas next Thursday! Are you done with your shopping yet? I have barely started. Our chairperson Calvin is reminding everyone to use the Amazon link which will allow you to do all of your shopping while helping our school.

If you still have a cassette player, you may be interested in the following. An anonymous NWCS parent has donated dozens of copies of a beautiful cassette of nuns from a Buddhist monastery in Taiwan singing beautiful spiritual prayers to the accompaniment of bells. The parent was given these as a thank-you present from Chuan Yen Monastery in Carmel for editing a text pro bono for the Monastery, written by an author whose native language was not English. The donor needs only one copy herself for her family! Please help yourself to a copy…for friends, family, and teachers. They will be available near the breakfast table. The singing is beautiful and uplifting. If you would like to learn more about the monastery, please visit bays.org.

So, tomorrow is our last day of school of this year … and I heard that Santa is coming to visit our school! For those who have been good, come by the cafeteria to have your photo taken with Santa … If you have a Santa hat, please wear it and we can welcome Christmas together! I believe Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting around 11:00 am to 12:15pm.

After tomorrow, we will resume school on Saturday, 1/3. We will have rehearsals scheduled in the big auditorium and the teachers are working out the schedule. Some classes will have their finals on that day as well. Some teachers might plan to have the finals on 1/10 since this will give the students more time to study. The exam time is scheduled for 1/10 from 9:00 am to 10:00am.

January 10th is also our Graduation Day, followed by our Chinese New Year performances where all the students will receive a lucky money red envelope from the Principal. We will then have lunch and a fun carnival full of fun events for the children. If you have any questions, please discuss with your teacher.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-12-13 – Week12

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 12/12/2014 9:33 PM



2014年12月13日 第十二週
2014年12月20日 第十三週

HO HO HO,你聽到了嗎? 不知道是誰來到小鎮?

2014年12月27日 不上課
2015年1月3日 第十四週 期末考試
2015年1月10日 畢業典禮,新年表演和慶祝午宴!
2015年2月21日 第一週


‘Tis the season to be jolly … what a cold week it was. I already had two holiday parties … Just still not ready for the holidays …

So last Saturday after school, I attended the Calligraphy Contest Award Ceremony being held at the Chinese Cultural Center in Flushing. I was also there to present awards for the Chinese Painting Contest Winners. Many different schools participated and all the principals were present BUT our school was the only one without any students to show up … I hope next year everyone will show up! Anyway, it was a great to see so many talented students presenting their work. Coincidentally, in the next room, there was an exhibit of the accomplished Calligraphy and Chinese Painting artists. What a nice way to motivate our young artists to continue their work, and one day, they too, will be able to display their work in the next room. I will send out a separate email to announce the winners.

So here we are at the 12th week of our Chinese program. There are 14 weeks in each semester. The 15th week is our Graduation for our 12th grade students and for the students who have completed the 9th and 6th grades as of June of 2014.

If mother nature cooperates, the following is our schedule for the remainder of the semester:

12/13/2014 Week 12
12/20/2014 Week 13 (HO HO HO!!! Did you hear that? I wonder who is coming to town? )
12/27/2014 No School
01/03/2015 Week 14 (Final Exam)
01/10/2015 Graduation, New Year Performances and Celebration Luncheon followed by fun filled festivities!
Winter Recess
02/21/2015 Week 01

See you all tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.




李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-12-06-Week11

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 12/5/2014 5:53 PM

我希望大家有了一個快樂的感恩節!感恩節我們有約40個親戚家人和朋友,然後感恩節週末又有20朋友個朋友的來吃火雞驚喜晚宴 — 吃感恩節剩下來的東西。



當我爸媽把我們帶到美國,感恩節那天商店或餐廳都休息沒有做生意!我爸媽想讓我們體驗文化,所以我們可以學習和適應,他們跟他人一樣買了很大的火雞煮了好幾個小時。吃晚飯時,我們有一隻巨大的火雞在我們我們餐桌上。我們不知道要配什麼菜,所以沒有土豆泥,沒有玉米,沒有蔓越莓,什麼配菜都沒有…..只有這個巨大的火雞在我們我們餐桌上。我們非常困難的用筷子試著夾火雞肉,真是沒有樂趣可言。掙扎了約兩個小時後,我突然發現了火雞的 …嗯,火雞裡面有個塑料袋,我像發現新大陸:“嘿,這是什麼?”我想我們應該在煮之前把它拿出來,但我們根本不知道塑料袋在那裡!唉,我的第一個感恩節!我相信大家會了解我們之後也不敢吃火雞,我們轉向中國版的火雞, 在感恩節吃醬油雞, 蔥油雞, 甚至肯德基 !我們感恩節很感謝我們不必吃火雞。

每年我分享這個故事之後,都有搗蛋的朋友起身檢查火雞,看是否有一個塑料袋;或問今年誰煮的火雞;或者想知道他們吃得是火雞嗎 … 當然大部分的搗蛋鬼沒有被邀請回來。 哈哈!


I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and a restful week! We had about 40 family and friends over and then another 20 friends on the weekend after to have a Turkey Surprise Dinner which pretty much was intended to take care of the left overs. Good planning, huh?!

Since our family and friends mostly come from all over the world, the most fun part of the night is when we share funny stories from over the years.

I always share my first Thanksgiving experience with them (since it is my house, they just have to listen to it over and over again) … and you are all my NWCS family, so here it goes … When my parents brought us to the United States, there were no stores or restaurants opened on Thanksgiving day! My parents wanted us to experience the culture so we can learn and fit in. My parents brought a big bird home like everyone else and cook it for a few hours. By dinner time, we too had a giant turkey on our dinner table. We did not know of any side dishes to make, so no mash potatoes, no corn, no cranberry, nothing… just this big giant turkey on the table. We used our chopsticks to try and get pieces of the meat off but it was so dry that it was just not fun at all. Since that was the only thing we had, we had to fill our stomachs. About 2 hours later, after suffering through the dry and tough turkey, I noticed something sticking out of the turkey’s … hmmm, anyway, I pulled this plastic bag out of the turkey and said, “Hey what is this?” I guess we were supposed to take it out, but we did not even know that it was there! Ugh, what a Thanksgiving we had! Needless to say, we did not venture to cook any more turkeys in the subsequent years. We turned to the Chinese version of turkey, the good old reliable chicken, soy sauce chicken, scallion and ginger chicken or even KFC fried chicken on Thanksgiving Day! We were really thankful that we did not have to eat any more turkeys.

Every year I share the story and every year a wise guest would get up and check the turkey to see if there is a plastic bag; or ask who cooked the turkey this year; or wanted to know if it was the Chinese version of turkey that I served … of course most of them were not invited back the following year. LOL

See you all tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.




李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-11-22-Week10

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 11/21/2014 5:08 PM




Brrrrrr! I hope that it is cold enough for you! I, on the other hand, got sick, and was totally out of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t take any time off since I am already scheduled to take off Thanksgiving week. Ugh, next week is already Thanksgiving week! Holy Cow! Time does not even fly anymore, it just goes swoosh, as it goes by. In Chinese we say, Time passed by an arrow! It must be some super duper arrow.

Tomorrow we will have our General Meeting right after the break, so we will start at 10:15. Grab a cup of coffee and purchase a couple of rice rolls or bread and let’s chat about our school!

Ok, I am not feeling well, so I am going to stop right here! (Stop smiling!)

Don’t forget to complete your homework and study too!

See you all tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015


GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org