NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS Newsletter Week 14 – 20190103

Dear NWCS families,
Welcome to 2019!! 歡迎來到2019年!!
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday break.
We will have Chinese school this coming Saturday. Many classes are having finals and/or rehearsals for the Chinese New Year celebration on January 12th. Please remind the kids to study or practice!
Reminder to all the parents about getting the assigned paper goods, drinks, desserts and snacks for your kids’ class for the Chinese New Year celebration. The class parents should have reached out to you about the needed items. Please reach out to your class parent, or Mike Yin (our class liaison), if you have any questions.
Kindly bring the non-perishable items (drinks, paper goods) on Jan 5 and the desserts and snacks on Jan 12 
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 13

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,
Welcome to Week 13! As most classes are preparing for or having the final exam this week, kindly remind the students to review and study. After this Saturday, we will have our holiday season break and classes will resume on Jan. 7th. 
NWCS 50th Anniversary and New Year Celebration on January 12th from 2:30-9pm
  • There is no school in the morning of 1/12 and the performances will start at 2:30pm. Please see the attached program for details.
  • Rehearsals will begin this Saturday. We need volunteers to help with stage setup, performance orchestration, and session control. Please come by the high school auditorium to lend us a hand if you have not signed up yet. 
  • This week we will be continuing to sell dinner and raffle tickets, as well as selling kids and adult shirts, mugs and crafts! Cash or check welcomed.
  • A reminder that students can earn raffle tickets by filling out the conversation cards! If you need a new card, a pdf is attached for printing.
Support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
For your holiday shopping, please consider designating NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. Thank you in advance for your support!
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 12

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,  
General Assembly
We will be holding a General Assembly in the cafeteria at 9:30 am this Saturday. You will be hearing updates about the school operations, activities, finance and registration from chairpersons, principal and vice-principal. We will have time for Q&A so please attend and voice your thoughts with us! 

Chinese New Year performance rehearsal starting this week
Our vice principal, Mr. Rick Chan, has organized rehearsal schedules for each class at the high school auditorium starting this Saturday. Please let us know if you are willing to help with stage setup, performance orchestration, and session control. We are looking forwarding to hosting the celebration and dinner as scheduled on January 12 (from 2:30-9pm). Dinner tickets can be purchased starting this Saturday.
Please support NWCS by buying your raffle tickets. Please remember to bring cash! If you have anything you’d like to donate, please let Wei know at chairperson@nwcsny.org.
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 11

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday感恩節快樂!!
A big thank you to our teachers and staff. You make a positive difference at our school each week!!
In celebration of NWCS’ 50th anniversary, we have compiled an exciting list of raffle prizes! In fact, this year we have TWO separate raffles – one for the parents, and one for the kids. The grand prize for the parent’s raffle is two round trip tickets on JetBlue. Tickets prices are as follows: 1 for $20, 2 for $30, and 5 for $50. The grand prize for the student’s raffle is the Nintendo Switch. Ticket prices are as follows: 1 for $4, 3 for $10, and 10 for $20. See attached flyer for the rest of the great prizes, and please support NWCS by buying your tickets. Who knows, you might just win! We will also continue to add prizes as they become available. If you have anything you’d like to donate, please let Wei know at chairperson@nwcsny.org.
REMINDER TO STUDENTS: This is also a great time to revive those conversation cards. Remember, if you complete the cards with 20 signatures, you can earn 5 raffle tickets towards the students raffle! Lost your conversation card? We are happy to distribute more cards if needed – just let us know.
Rebecca Lim at the Calligraphy Awards Ceremony 
林詠雯 (Rebecca Lim) and family attended the ACS awards ceremony at the Culture Center of Taipei in Flushing on Nov 17th. The Culture Center’s directors personally gave out the first place calligraphy award to Rebecca. Thank you to the Lim family for representing NWCS!
Rebecca Lim calligraphy award 2018.JPG
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 10

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Class Picture Day
A big thank you to Ke-Wei Chang, Fu-Hsuan Chiu, Harry Villareal, Kenny Soohoo, and Rick Chan for being our class photographers last week! We really appreciate your involvement. We will share these great pictures with you all at the 50th anniversary slideshow, and at our next open house!

Help with 50th Anniversary Celebration supplies
Please save the date on January 12th from mid-afternoon to dinner for our Chinese New Year and 50th anniversary celebration! Each class will be asked to contribute either hot or cold cups, small or large plates, water bottles or juice boxes for the party. Mike Yin, our class liaison and board member, will be coordinating with the class parents on supply assignments. Class parents, please be prepared to reach out to other parents in the class to gather these needed supplies. We are counting on all of you to help!

Designate NWCS at the AmazonSmile program
For your holiday shopping, please designate NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. This is an easy way to support our school (school gets a small donation for each purchase made via the link).

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 8

Dear NWCS Families,

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween! Thanks to all the kids and adults that wore their awesome costumes last Saturday. Here is a picture of some staff members who dressed up too.

Be a class parent (家長代表)
Please volunteer to be a class parent! We and the teachers would love to have your help with school events involving your children. Your participation would be greatly appreciated.

Halloween 2018

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 7

Dear NWCS families,

Dress up for Halloween this Saturday
We will be celebrating Halloween this Saturday. Everyone is welcome to wear a costume! I will be giving out treats to students, especially the ones who can say 萬聖節快樂 (Happy Halloween in Chinese) to me.

Go to Sleep, Little Creep Book Reading
A big thank you to our co-board chairperson, David Quinn, for his book reading event to raise funds for NWCS earlier this month. David’s clever new book for kids, Go to Sleep, Little Creep, is a warm, funny rhyming picture book that transports us to a make-believe Halloween Night World where Monster Parents struggle to cuddle and calm their little ghosts, zombies, creatures and creeps for a good night’s – well, actually, it’s a good day’s – sleep.

You can purchase David’s book on Amazon here. Please consider designating NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. Thank you in advance for your support!

David Quinn

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 6

Greetings NWCS families, 大家好,

A few quick reminders about Week 6.

Parent teacher conference

Most classes are having their parent teacher conferences this Saturday. Kindly reserve a time slot with your child’s teachers to exchange feedback. Please also feel free to reach out to any school officers if you have any suggestions for school operations and curriculum. We aim to continuously make improvements but need your inputs and involvement to make them happen!

Remind Notification and Email Distribution

NWCS will broadcast school closings or emergency notifications by text via Remind (thanks to Mr. Harry Villareal, our Webmaster and Board member)!
If you have not yet subscribed to Remind for NWCS, please follow the below instructions to join:

Sending a text to 81010 with message text @nwcsnotify
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If having trouble texting to 81010, then try texting to (478) 225-3884 with message text @nwcsnotify

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS 2018 Fall Newsletter – Week 5

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Parking This Saturday
Briarcliff school has informed us that parking will be very full this Saturday morning. They would very much appreciate it if we all can park in the back of the school building (turn left by the entrance guard post). The rear doors will be open so we can enter the school from the back (softball fields). We will also have volunteers to direct traffic that morning to make this process easier. Kindly also park in the designated area only to avoid any complaints from bus companies or school sports teams.

Conversation Cards
Please remind your child(ren) to bring their conversation cards on Saturday. Have them talk to parent and teacher volunteers with the “come speak to me” sign to gain points toward prizes!

Book donation
Some parents have children books in Chinese that their kids have outgrown. We thought it would be great to pass these books to younger NWCS students. If you have books in good condition, please feel free to bring them to the cafeteria on Saturdays to see if they can be free-cycled!

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏

NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 4

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Early Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun starts this Saturday as our own parent volunteer and co-chair David Quinn will set up in the cafeteria all morning to discuss, sell, sign — and at 11am, read — his clever new book for kids, Go to Sleep, Little Creep. This warm, funny rhyming picture book transports us to a make-believe Halloween Night World where Monster Parents struggle to cuddle and calm their little ghosts, zombies, creatures and creeps for a good night’s – well, actually, it’s a good day’s – sleep.

Aspiring writers and editors — get answers to your questions about writing and publishing. If you already bought the book — it’s discounted on Amazon Smile —bring your copy for David to personalize. Or you can buy one from him — proceeds will benefit our special fund to help pay for our NWCS 50th Anniversary Celebration January 12. (Cash and credit cards accepted for purchase.)

Read more about the book on David’s publisher’s site: goo.gl/V319Rj

Go to Sleep, Little Creep

Calligraphy Award

Our very own 6th grader, Charlotte Shih (時祥嵐), won 3rd place in the 2018 Chinese calligraphy contest in her age group. The contest is sponsored by the Association of Chinese Calligraphy in America(美洲中華書法學會). Congratulations to Charlotte and her teacher, Ms. Daisy Rose, on this honor! 恭喜沈老師及高徒時祥嵐!!

Calligraphy award Fall 2018

Conversation Card Game

Our students had a great time with the new conversation card game last week. I am particularly impressed by two students, one collected all 20 signatures and one collected almost 20, on the first day. Well done!! For anyone else who wants to follow their footsteps, if you collect all 20 signatures by this Saturday, you can get an extra treat from the Breakfast Club on me!

A big thank you to our co-chairperson Weifang Lin, our dean HC Wang, and Dr. Ifay Chang for putting this card game together!

Conversation card 2

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏