NWCS Chorus – Year End Performance – June 18, 2022, 10:45am – 11:30am

Please come to the school cafeteria on Saturday,  June 18, 2022  at 10:45am for the NWCS Chorus Year End Performance!

NWCS Spring ’22 – Newsletter, Week 12 (06/04/22)

Dear NWCS Families, As we start the month of June, we are heading to the final stretch with only 3 sessions left – including the graduation and year end celebration.  This week, we will host a General Assembly in Briarcliff Middle school cafeteria – 9:20 ~ 9:50 AM.  We cordially invite you to join for

Category Archives: 校長的話 / Principal’s Notes

NWCS 2014-11-15-Week09

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 11/14/2014 5:10 PM



昨晚我追我的雙胞胎強迫他們做中文作業。可悲的是他們認為讓他們的媽媽上氣不接下氣的追是很有趣的。當我抓到了雙胞胎中一個,我抓住他的胳膊,拖他回來。他驕傲的對我說:“媽媽,你知道我是越來越大,很快你就不能拖我了”。看著他比我越來越高大強壯 … 我告訴他們一個中國人的故事。



我自己講故事講的都幾乎流淚,因為想到自己的父母也老了…..我的兒子看著我說:“媽媽,你為什麼總是有這麼多的中國故事…… 其實,我認為那個媽媽應該省她的精力,不要打兒子,然後她就不會那麼弱了“。我浪費時間講一個好故事給我的雙胞胎!嘆一聲做媽媽無助的嘆息!我只能盡我所能。正如我最常說的一句話,你可以把馬帶到水邊去,但你不能強迫他們喝水(或幫他們喝)。


Hi Everyone,

I hope that everyone enjoyed the extra time last Saturday and is all ready to return tomorrow to learn Chinese. We had our first snow of the year last night! It was beautiful to see the sun shining on the frozen tree branches. My husband and I took our dog for a walk and snapped many pictures.

Last night I was chasing my twins to study for their Chinese homework. Yeah, I had to chase them because they thought it was funny to make their mom run. When I got to one of the twins, I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back to the table where the homework was. He said to me “Mommy, you know I am getting bigger and soon you won’t be able to drag me anymore”. He was so proud of the fact that he is getting stronger than me … so I told them a Chinese story.

“There was this guy named Han Bo Yu from the Han Dynasty. One day, he did something wrong, his mom beat him (yes it was allowed and rightfully so) and he shed his tears in silence.

When his mother saw him crying, she was very surprised and asked him “Every time I hit you before, I have never seen your tears, why do you shed tears this time?”

Han Bo Yu replied: “Mom, when you hit me before, I understand it was because I made mistakes and although my body felt the pain, I know I was wrong so I endured the pain of the beating and I did not have any resentment towards you and therefore, I did not shed any tears. But just now, when you hit me, I could see that you are old and feeble and I can feel your hand no longer has the strength like you once had. Although I do not feel any physical pain, but I feel a deep sadness and pain in my heart that I have not been a good son to you and still make you angry. ” And he continues to sob because of the fact that his mom is getting weaker. The end! “

I was almost in tears when I told them the story as I think of my own parents who are also getting older (not that they still beat me) … my twins looked at me and said “Mommy, why do you always turn everything to a Chinese story … besides, I think the mom should save her energy and don’t always beat the son then she won’t be so weak”. Another good Chinese story wasted on my twins! I can only promise to do my part as their mom. As I have always said, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink (or drink for them). Sigh!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time!


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015



GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NO SCHOOL tomorrow 11/8/2014! Week09 POSTPONED to 11/15

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 11/7/2014 10:25 AM

We were informed that our host school will be closed for some emergency repairs this Saturday therefore we will postponed our week 09 to 11/15.
I would not tell the kids until they finish their homework and complete their study … just a thought for the parents. :-)
Hmmmmm, what to do with the extra time on Saturday morning …. no worries, it is close to the holidays so why not start your holiday shopping early … here is the link https://smile.amazon.com/ to Amazon where you can shop and help our school! Don’t forget to select NWCS!
Details: The Village will be shutting the water off to the Middle School for a couple of hours. The contractor that is working on the project needs to make an emergency repair. Given that there won’t be any water in the building, we need to cancel class for this Saturday.
See you next week!
李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-11-01-Week08

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/31/2014 6:11 PM


我的雙胞胎好高興,因為他們的老師說這個星期六不給小考,他們今晚能夠跟朋友出去討糖果!他們今年要打扮成……嗯,他們今年橄欖球隊的制服就是他們今年的打扮。制服都付那麼多錢, 多穿一次才值得。

哦,對了, 我們學校的巫婆會給穿萬聖節服飾到學校的小朋友糖果哦!

我相信很多人都會週末開萬聖節派對, 不要忘了安全第一!

昨晚與老公散步溜狗,我對我老公說:“哇,所有的葉子跑哪裡去了?它們似乎在一夜之間就消失!“他看著我, 笑也不是,哭也不是” 什麼在一夜之間就消失,有人不得不花費約5小時,辛苦得清理所有的葉子…你看看屋後的樹林裡,那些巨大袋裝滿了你的神秘消失的葉子“ 我的雙胞胎也跟著幫腔 ”是啊,媽媽…5小時的童工還沒有收到零使用錢”。 唉呀, 我想我應該趕緊找我的巫婆掃帚,迅速飛走。哈哈 !


Boo! Happy Halloween!

My twins were ecstatic because their teacher said no Chinese quiz this Saturday so they can go out trick or treating! They are going to dress up as … um, what football team were they on this year? That’s what they are going to be. Since we paid for the uniform already, why not put it to good use.

Oh yeah, for those who come to school dressed up in their costumes, they will get a candy from our school witch! Let’s just hope her broom is working. I know many people are having their Halloween party over the weekend (yup, us included) so be safe and have a blast!

Have you looked outside lately? I said to my husband “Wow, where did all the leaves go? They seemed to just disappear overnight!” He looked at me half laughing and half crying (I think) and said “NOOOOOO, they did not JUST disappear overnight, someone had to spend about 5 hours cleaning them up … If you bothered to look in the woods behind the house, you will see a giant pile of those leaves you have been so desperately looking for!“ The twins rolled their eyes too and chimed “Yeah, mommy … 5 hours of unpaid child labor. “ Where is my broom when I need it?! LOL

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time!

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-10-25-Week07

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/24/2014 12:40 PM



這個星期六是期中考,我認為父母比孩子更緊張。我的兒子問:“已經期中考試了?”放心,爸爸媽媽!考試只是讓教師評估進展情況來決定是需要教快點, 多點, 慢點,還是少點。

你有看到Zuckerman用中文回答 Q and A ? 我也是昨晚下班 在地鐵站台碰到我們的 董事會成員之一, Francine Fang. 從她那裡聽到的。然後在30分鐘後,我的朋友從加州也給我發電子郵件說:“你應該寫這個”。

Zuckerman用中文打招呼讓大家大吃一驚!然後他接著說他的中文是很糟糕的。他說“中文很難”。 他想學習中文是想與他的新娘 的奶奶交談。我跟我老公說 “多感人呀” 。我老公說:“哎,你不記得我為你爸爸學中文。我跟爸爸說“喝啤酒” 和 “乾杯”。” 他不知道他的兩句中文話差點讓他沒老婆。

Zuckerman說他聽中文的能力比較不好。 他的太太馬上繼續說,他聽英語的能力也不好。哈哈! 真可愛。

明天我們的學校有Briarcliff排球錦標賽, 所以體育館不可用。我們也將在餐廳 保留3桌給他們使用。


Hello Everyone,

I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally had to take out my winter coat this week! Yes, denial stage is over. So how was everyone’s week? Besides being cold and wet.

This Saturday is the midterm and I think that the parents are more nervous than the kids. My sons asked “It’s Midterm already?!” Relax, Mom and Dad! Exams and quizzes are some of the ways for our teachers to assess the student’s progress and make adjustments either to accelerate, slow down or just modify the teaching technique. The teachers have been attending training from the Association of Chinese Schools, so they will use all that they learned (tricks or tips) to drill the Chinese language into our kids, one way or the other. J

Have you heard that Mark Zuckerman of Facebook fame did a Q&A in China…. entirely in mandarin? I first heard of it from Francine, one of our board members, when we ran into each other on the subway platform and learned that there was yet another delay. Thirty minutes later, when I was on the Metro North, my friend from California sent the link about it to me and said “You should write about this”. If you have not seen it, check it out. It is pretty good.

He surprised everyone by greeting them in Chinese! Then he went on to say that his Chinese was terrible. I love the way he was obviously memorizing the grammar and trying to put the sentences together in his head. When he tended to look up and think, he said “Chinese is so hard”. He wanted to learn Chinese to converse with his bride’s grandmother. How sweet is that! My husband of 16 or 17 years (lost count after the wedding day), said “Hey, how about me? I learned Chinese for your Dad. I know how to say “drink beer” and “cheers” in Chinese”. He had no clue he almost ended up with no wife because of that. Ugh. Zuckerman also said that his Chinese speaking skills are better than his Chinese listening skills. His bride, talking like a wife already said his English listening skills are not that good either! Ha Ha ! Loved it! She will do just fine!

Our hosting school is having its Briarcliff Volleyball Tournament this weekend so the gym will not be available. We will also be reserving 3 tables for the players for their use.

Okay, study hard for your midterm and show your teachers that you have been paying attention in class!!! Good luck everyone!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-10-18-Week06

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/17/2014 7:01 PM




我們走回家時,我問他們“你喜歡中文學校嗎?”……他們看著對方, 在想這是媽媽一個詭計?(我會做這樣的事嗎?)大兒子說:“我不會說我們喜歡,因為我們知道我們有沒有選擇的餘地……但我們習慣了”(10年了總算認命了),小兒子說“我們認識我們的中國朋友們很長一段時間了。”我想我應該感到高興的是,他們知道只要他們想住在我的房子,這是一個必須完成的任務。 


下下週六,11月1日,在9:15開始,蔣女士將來學校舉辦一個小時的教育津貼及退休規劃研討會。如果您有任何問題, 請聯繫我們的董事會成員, 安邁克先生。




Hi Everyone,

I hope that you had a great week and are ready to learn Chinese tomorrow! I have to say, as my twins get older, I don’t have to help them with their Chinese homework as much! The teacher also allows them to use their tablet to do their homework, teaching them to look up Chinese characters using the web. The homework email is also sent to them directly!

So I decided to work from home today and waited for the twins at the bus stop when they were due home. They were busy talking to their friends and making plans for the weekend. I heard they said to their friends that “No, we can never go out on Friday nights because we have to study for our Chinese weekly quizzes”. I thought to myself, I am going to hear more complaining from them about how other kids are lucky etc etc etc. But to my surprise, their friends said “Oh, that’s too bad” and to that, my twins answered “Actually we are fine with it. We are used to it now, and besides we look forward to seeing our friends at the Chinese School. We only see them once a week … “.

On our walk home, I asked them “So you like Chinese School now?”… They looked at each other thinking that it must be a trick question. (Would I do such thing?) One of them said “Well, I wouldn’t say we like it, but since we know we have no choice in the matter … we are used to the routine now” (It only took 10 years)… The other twin said “Yeah, and we know our Chinese friends for a long time now”. I guess I should be pleased with the fact that they know this is a required task as long as they want to live in my house. :-)

Have you been purchasing lunch at our breakfast club? Our Vice Principal would like me to remind everyone that we are now selling lunch boxes ($6 only). Also, if you have any special requests that you would like our cook to try, please let us know! Talk about customer service, only in NWCS!

Looking forward, on Saturday, November 1, beginning at 9:15, Vickie Chiang (fromTransamerica Financial Advisors, Inc,) will host an hour long Education Funding and Retirement Planning seminar in one of the classrooms. Michael Andrews, one of our board members, will keep everyone posted as we finalize the location.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015

​Don’t forget to shop here ! ​


GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-10-11-Week05

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/10/2014 1:32 PM









Hi Everyone,

I know some of you were asking if our school is in session tomorrow. Yes, we most certainly are! I understand this is a long weekend and some of you are taking advantage of the extra day and will be away. Have a safe trip, but please kindly notify your teacher so that he/she knows to plan accordingly.

Speaking about notifying teachers, please make sure you have your teacher and other parents’ contact information. Bookmark our school website (and the Amazon shopping link) so you can get to school information quickly. With the weather getting colder, we will be providing you with updates via the web mainly and we will also rely on our teachers to notify their respective students.

This link takes you to the school calendar letting you know what events we have planned for each week … the other link takes you to a google calendar which I maintain and you can add it to your calendar as well.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015

GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-10-04-Week04

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 10/3/2014 4:34 PM

一轉眼已經是十月了!我的孩子們都在問什麼時候可以去採摘蘋果和南瓜!他們不知道,自己採摘的比店裡買的更貴 … 但是我和老公還是每年帶他們去, 為什麼呢? 大人忙, 孩子們比大人更忙。百忙之中很難有家人在一起的時間。不是運動就是音樂。天天跑這裡跑那裡。明天一早準備跑到中文學校裡!哈哈!


上午9:15在中學戲院,我們將展示最近獲獎的功夫電影- 一代宗師(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grandmaster_(film))。影片的時長為108分鐘。10分鐘中場休息,我們預計放映由11:15結束。這部電影是國語對白,英文字幕,PG-13。功夫迷們,不要錯過這部電影。

如果您願意與我們分享想您最喜歡的中國電影或有其他的想法,請告訴陳健林或任何董事會成員我在看電影之前,請大家不要忘了我們的早餐俱樂部。(我需要看到您的購買憑證,然後才能進入影院, 哈哈!)。希望大家告訴大家!


您有沒有注意到商店都開始展示節日產品。萬聖節之後,這是感恩節和聖誕節。我們學校一位家長幫忙使我們的購物更輕鬆。請到這個網址https://smile.amazon.com/,然後選擇您的慈善機構 – 北威中文學校 – 這樣您就可以在Amazon網店購物同時幫助北威中文學校募款。去年,因為您們的購買到達1,100美元, 學校也分享了一部分。謝謝大家!請大家繼續使用這個網址購買,支持您喜愛的學校- 北威中文學校。謝謝!




Happy October Everyone!

It is already the 4th quarter of the year! My kids are asking for apple and pumpkin picking already! They have no idea that those trips actually cost more than if we were to just buy them in the store … but my husband and I are really paying for the family time. With everyone’s busy schedules, we hardly have any quality time together. It is always running here and there for this sport and for that lesson. That said, get ready to run to the Chinese School tomorrow!

So what do we have planned for you?

Chinese Cinema @ NWCS

At 9:15 am in the middle school theater, we will be showing a recent award winning kung fu movie titled the Grandmaster 一代宗師 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grandmaster_(film)). The movie’s duration is 108 minutes. With 10 min intermission, we expect the showing to end by 11:15. The film is in Mandarin with English subtitles and rated PG-13. For kung fu fans, you don’t want to miss this movie!

We have had this idea of showing movies or karaoke, singing Chinese songs, for a while but it took us a little time to put it into action. During one of the recent board meetings, it was one of the ideas – showing Mandarin speaking movies to promote exposure and understanding of Chinese cinema culture. Good job board members!

If you would like share with us your favorite Chinese movies or other ideas, please talk to Calvin or any board member. Before joining us in the theater, please be sure to support our Breakfast Club (actually I need to see the proof of purchase before you can go into the theatre! LOL) . However, you do need to chow down your food outside of the theatre or save it for later. Maybe we can see if we can have the movie in the cafeteria in the future. My family went to a movie theatre in Cape Cod where you can eat and watch the movie. Lots of fun! Hope you can join us tomorrow! Just like the regular theatre, please turn off your cell phone … and all that good stuff.


Shopping at NWCS :-)

Have you noticed that the stores are all starting to display their holiday products. After Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just right around the corner.

One parent helped put this link together to make our shopping easier. Please click this link https://smile.amazon.com/and choose your charity of choice – Northern Westchester Chinese School – so you can SHOP on AMAZON to help NWCS raise $$$$ and keep tuition low. Once you sign in and register us as your charity, you can bookmark this and use this link going forward. Last year we raised over $1,100 through your purchases on Amazon which credited some portion of sales to our school. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please continue to support your favorite school (Northern Westchester Chinese School) by using this link for your everyday needs. Thank you!

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-09-27-Week03

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 9/26/2014 7:36 PM

葉子已經改變他們的顏色。無論你走到哪裡,都可以看到這些美麗鮮豔的色彩。我把自己包裹在緊一件大被窩裡; 喝著熱巧克力, 眼睛緊張的跟著雙胞胎踢橄欖球(實際上我是閉著雙眼) 。你可能會問為什麼呢?唉呀因為那些對方球隊又高又胖的球員(每個至少兩百磅……)緊緊追在我骨瘦如柴的雙胞胎兒子身後……我尖叫“唉呀, 把球丟給別人呀… 胖子要的就是球呀 …”。而我老公趕快遮住我的嘴, 他繼續大聲喊,“凱恩,用力把那個肥*&^&#$ 推倒到地上,凱佑,記得我們練習時學的!低下身用你的肩膀推, 然後掃他的腳,你只需要掃一隻腳,他就會失去平衡。” 唉呀,這種運動太劇烈!…這就是我的孩子需要學習中文的原因。我希望學習中國文化會帶給湯家”動物”一些文明的平衡。唉!




我不知道你是或否也一樣,我已經錯過了早餐俱樂部的飯糰。不過不用擔心,我們的副校長剛通知我,學校有家長會準備的一盤炒麵條又一盤炒飯。 我希望明天能成為第一顧客!希望大家都來捧場!


Happy autumn everyone!


The weather is definitely Fall-like now. The leaves are already starting to change their colors. Everywhere you turn, all you can see are these beautiful vibrant bright colors. Wrapping myself in a big warm blanket; drinking hot cider; and watching my twins play football or should I say covering my eyes while they play football … Why, you might ask? Because those giant players (200 lbs at least …. each) from the other team are chasing closely after my skinny tiny twins who are running for their lives … I am screaming “get rid of the ball … that’s all they want”, while my husband covers my mouth and screams at the top of his lungs, “Ryan, throw the ball! Run faster! Kyle, come up and hit him! Take out the legs! Even the biggest guys will go down when their feet are taken out…just like we practiced!” What a violent sport! …. And that is why my kids need to learn Chinese to strike a balance. I hope that by learning Chinese, it will bring some civilization to the Thomas household … once in a while. Ugh!


We had a productive Parent Meeting. Met many new parents and shared fun stories with one another and also talked about important school information.


For this week, week 03, we are having our monthly Board meeting. All are welcome to attend.


A Registration Reminder from our registrar: Tomorrow is the last chance to make any changes to the classes. No more refunds after tomorrow. Please make sure you see the registrar. Also, those with outstanding balances please use the school online system to pay electronically or bring a check to our registrar. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


Breakfast Club – news on Lunch (from our Vice Principal): I don’t know about you but I have been missing the breakfast club rice roll … even though I am there right at the beginning of the break! Hmmmmm. But no worries, our Vice Principal just notified me that one of our parents will be preparing a tray of noodles and a tray of fried rice for lunch boxes! I hope to be the first one there! Hope to see you all there as well!


See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-09-20-Week02

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 9/19/2014 10:57 AM




第三班是我們的主席,陳健林先生,今年正在推進一個新班級 “父母和我”給我們的小寶寶享受中國歌曲和遊戲。




Hello Everybody!

How is everyone this week?

Thanks to all of you, our first week went very smoothly.

Our calligraphy teacher, Ms. Daisy Rose, wanted me to share with everyone that one of her students, Rebecca Lim, won 4th place in the Association of Chinese School’s calligraphy contest. Please join me in congratulating Rebecca Lim and Ms. Daisy Rose on this wonderful accomplishment. The next contest is coming soon in October. I hope all the students in the Calligraphy class will participate. Good luck!

New Parents, we are having a Parent Meeting this Saturday at 10:30 am in the school theatre. We will review school operations with you and answer any questions you might have. The school theatre is right next to the cafeteria. Please come join us after you finish your delicious breakfast provided by our Breakfast Club. Last week, by the time I arrived at the breakfast table, everything was sold out. I guess I wasn’t the only one who missed the breakfast club over the summer. :-)

A new location for our Kung Fu class: It will be at the end of the hall way near the back entrance. This change is needed to allow ample room for our students. I am not certain if the Line Dance club is returning this year, but if they are, we will reserve the 2nd floor hall way for the club.

We also have an “Introduction to Chinese Language” class from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. This class is for those who are ages 13 and up, with no prior or minimum Chinese experience.

From 11:00am to 12:00 noon, we have an Adult Chinese Conversation class.

Our chairperson, Calvin, is promoting a new class this year, “Parent and Me”. If you have a little one and would like to enjoy Chinese songs and games for an hour, come speak to Calvin to get more information.

See you tomorrow! Classes start at 9am sharp. Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!! Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org

NWCS 2014-09-13-Week01

From: NWCS Principal <principal@nwcsny.org>
Date: 9/11/2014 3:28 PM

大家好, 歡迎回來北威中文學校!


首先,請大家準備好你的中文學校書包,筆記本,以及暑假作業(什麼?暑假作業……不必驚慌,你還有48小時去趕功課 )。別忘了早點睡覺,我們會在星期六一大早八點四十五分在學校體育館集會。

有幾個新的家庭將在星期六參觀學校,他們可能會到你的教室。所以請大家要打招呼,說 ’嗨,你好嗎?’來 歡迎他們。


這學年,我們經歷了較低的入學率,但要直到第4週時才會知道學生總數。因為入學率較低,所以我們必須合併一些班級。我們已經與老師們討論,老師們了解同時也做好準備。  老師們, 辛苦了。



好了,我們的主席認為我的每週電子郵件中說得太多…他不明白我有這麼多的故事…哎! 我想我就講到這裡吧!


Welcome back! My NWCS family,

How was everyone’s summer?  I can’t wait to see everyone and hear all about it!   I missed the breakfast club all summer too. :-)

But first please look for your Chinese School backpacks, notebooks, and the summer homework (What?  Summer home work?  Okay …. you still have like another 48 hours, so don’t panic …) and get a good night sleep and we will see you bright and early at 8:45 am on Saturday in the Gym for a quick assembly.

Several new families will be visiting the school so they can decide upon which class to enroll.  They might visit your classes so please say hi, how are you? (in Chinese please) and welcome them.  I am counting on you to make us proud.

We had quite a successful year last year although we did have two incidents with the classrooms.  We are asking everyone to continue to your due diligence and take good care of the class rooms and school property.   Thank you!

This year we experienced lower enrollment but the final numbers won’t be available until the 4th week when we cut off the late registrations.  However, we needed to arrange for teachers and classrooms over the summer, so therefore we had to combine some of the classes.  The teachers were informed and are all prepared for the new structure.

So what did we do over the summer?  Several teachers went for training and brought back valuable teaching ideas which they shared during the teacher meeting.

We are also going to pilot a new Conversation Book (still work in progress) named “LET’S CHAT”  (in Chinese of course).  I am personally very excited to share it with the teachers, and their enthusiasm is contagious.  I have a real good feeling about this initiative!  So NWCS, Let’s Chat!

Ok, our chairperson thinks I talk too much during my weekly email … but he doesn’t understand I just have so much to share … I guess I am going to save my stories for later, we do have 28 weeks together so I should pace them.

See you on Saturday!  Classes start at 9am (well, for the first class, be at school at 8:45am)  sharp.  Please be on time!


李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2015
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org